Changes for version 0.800_7
- t/*_io.t test more ways how external alarm may interfere with internal alarm used by Kafka::IO.
- Added to META.yml the list of the modules provided by this distribution.
Changes for version 0.8007
- Kafka::Cluster adapted for kafka 0.8.1 .
Changes for version 0.800_6
- You can disable ALARMS usage by Kafka by passing timeout => undef to Kafka::Connection->new or Kafka::IO->new. In this case '$REQUEST_TIMEOUT' is used for the rest of IO operations. BUGFIXES:
- Kafka::IO->new preserves external alarms but this may delay alarm signal delivery (thanks to Stephen Sprague).
Apache Kafka interface for Perl.
Object interface to connect to a kafka cluster.
Perl interface for Kafka consumer client.
Perl Kafka API exception definitions.
Interface to network communication with the Apache Kafka server.
Functions to work with 64 bit elements of the protocol on 32 bit systems.
Constants and functions used internally.
Interface to the Kafka message properties.
Perl interface for Kafka producer client.
Functions to process messages in the Apache Kafka protocol.