### Shatterproof.pm ###############################################################################
# ShatterProof is a tool that can be used to analyze next generation sequencing data for signs
# of chromothripsis.
# See POD at end of file for more description
### INCLUDES ######################################################################################
use strict;
use Carp;
use vars qw($VERSIONS);
use Switch;
use List::Util qw[min max];
use POSIX;
### HISTORY #######################################################################################
# Version Date Coder Comments
# 0.001 2012/03/19 sgovind Versioning start point
# 0.002 2012/04/03 sgovind moved input validation methods and run methods
# from shatterproof.pl to here
# 0.003 2012/10/08 sgovind Updated POD
# 0.04 2012/11/25 sgovind Stable build before changing translocation scoring equation
# 0.05 2012/12/26 sgovind See change log for details
# 0.06 2012/12/27 sgovind Added additional documentation for new config variable
# 0.07 2012/12/27 sgovind Added example guide for provided sample data
our $VERSION = '0.07';
package Shatterproof;
### Global Variables ##############################################################################
my $pos = 0; #used to parse command line variables
my $ARGC; #stores the number of command line arguments provided
my %chromosome_length = ( #stores the sequence length of each chromosome
X => 154913754,
Y => 57741652,
1 => 247199719,
2 => 242751149,
3 => 199446827,
4 => 191263063,
5 => 180837866,
6 => 170896993,
7 => 158821424,
8 => 146274826,
9 => 140442298,
10 => 135374737,
11 => 134452384,
12 => 132289534,
13 => 114127980,
14 => 106360585,
15 => 100338915,
16 => 88822254,
17 => 78654742,
18 => 76117153,
19 => 63806651,
20 => 62435965,
21 => 46944323,
22 => 49528953
my $TP53_start = 1000000*7.57; #start base pair of the TP53 gene
my $TP53_end = 1000000*7.59; #end base pair of the TP53 gene
my $insertion_data_present = 0;
my $LOH_data_present = 0;
#The values for the following 13 variables are defined in the config.pl file
our $bin_size; #number of bases pairs that will be compressed into 1 region when analyzing the genome
#this value defines how many base pairs are included in one array element in the data_hash_ref varaibles
our $localization_window_size; #number of regions to sum together when performing sliding window analysis of the genome
our $expected_mutation_density; #the expected mutation density of translocations in a highly mutated region
#used to calculate spread factor of translocations
our $low_mutation_density_threshold; #the mutation density that will be used to call likely regions
our $collapse_regions; #flag variable
#value 1: merge overlapping CNV regions that have the same copy number
#value 0: do not merge overlapping CNV regions that have the same copy number. If such
# regions are found an error is thrown
our $outlier_deviation; #the number of standard deviations away from the mean a value has to be in order to be considered non-significant
our $translocation_cut_off_count; #the max number of translocation chromosomes that will be tolerated before translocation score is set to 0
our $chromosome_localization_weight; #the scoring formula weight given to the localization of mutations to a specific region on the chromosome
our $genome_localization_weight; #the scoring formula weight given to the localization of mutations to a specific chromosome
our $cnv_weight; #the scoring formula weight given to the aberrant CNV hallmark
our $translocation_weight; #the scoring formula weight given to the localization of translocations
our $insertion_breakpoint_weight; #the scoring formula weight given to the number of insertions found at translocation breakpoints
our $loh_weight; #the scoring formula weight given to the amount of heterozygosity that is retained in a mutated region
our $tp53_mutated_weight; #the scoring formula weight given to the presents or absence of a TP53 mutation
### SUB METHODS ###################################################################################
#=head2 Sub-Method: run
### run ###########################################################################################
# Description:
# Main method called by shatterproof.pl
# Calls primary sub methods
# Input variables:
# $argv_ref: reference to @ARGV
sub run {
my $argv_ref = shift; #parse parameters
my @argv = @{$argv_ref}; #dereference array reference
my $cnv_directory; #stores the path to the directory where the CNV input files are found
my $trans_directory; #stores the path to the directory where the translocation input files are found
my $insertion_directory; #stores the path to the directory where the insertion input files are found
my $loh_directory; #stores the path to the directory where the loss of hetrozygosity input files are found
my $output_directory; #stores the path to the directory where output files will be placed
my $config_file_path; #stores the path to the configuration file
my $tp53_mutated = 0; #flag variable to indicate if the TP53 gene should be considered to be mutated
my $tp53_mutation_found = 0; #flag variable to indicate if a mutation was found in the TP53 region. This does not affect scoring
my @cnv_files; #list of CNV input files
my @trans_files; #list of translocation input files
my @insertion_files; #list of insertion input files
my @loh_files; #list of LOH input files
my $chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref; #hash
#key1: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#key2: copy-number state eg. 0,1,3,20
#value: number of regions with copy number key2
my $chromosome_cnv_breakpoints_hash_ref; #hash
#key: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value: an array storing the start and end points of all cnv regions on key
my $chromosome_translocation_count_hash_ref; #hash
#key1: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#key2: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value: number of translocations between key1 and key2
my $chromosome_insertion_count_hash_ref; #hash
#key: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value: number of insertions on key
my $chromosome_loh_breakpoints_hash_ref; #hash
#key: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value: an array storing the start and end points of all loh regions on key
my $genome_trans_breakpoints_hash_ref; #hash
#key: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value: an array storing all the translocation breakpoints on key
my $genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints_hash_ref; #hash
#key: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value: an array storing only the translocation breakpoints on key that have a insertion with 10 base pairs
my $genome_mutation_density_hash_ref; #hash
#key: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value: the total number of mutation on key divided by the sequence length of key
my $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref = initialize_genome_hash(); #hash {key1}[index]{key2}
#key1: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value: an array storing references to hashes which contain information about the
# CNVs in each region of key1. The index of the array indicated the region
#key2: 'BPcount' -> gives the number of CNV breakpoints in the region.
# a number, eg. '1' -> gives the number of subregions within the region that
# have a copy number of 1
my $genome_trans_data_hash_ref = initialize_genome_hash(); #hash {key1}[index]{key2}{key3}
#key1: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value1:an array storing references to hashes which contain information about the
# translocations in each region of key1. The index of the array indicated the region.
#key2: 'BPcount' -> gives the number of translocation breakpoints in the region
# 'in' -> gives a reference to a hash that contains information about translocations
# into the region
# 'out' -> gives a reference to a hash that contains information about translocations
# out of the region
#key3: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value2:the number of subregions in the region that were translocated to key1 from key3 if key2 = 'in'
# or
# the number of subregions in the region that were translocated from key1 to key3 if key2 = 'out'
my $genome_insertion_data_hash_ref = initialize_genome_hash(); #hash {key1}[index]
#key1: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value: an array storing the number of insertions in each region of key1
# The index of the array indicated the region
my $genome_cnv_data_windows_hash_ref; #hash {key1}[index]
#key1: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value: an array storing the number of CNV breakpoints in each window of the genome.
# Each window begins at the region indicated by the array index
my $genome_trans_data_windows_hash_ref; #hash {key1}[index]
#key1: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value: an array storing the number of translocation breakpoints in each window of the genome.
# Each window begins at the region indicated by the array index
my $genome_mutation_data_windows_hash_ref; #hash {key1}[index]
#key1: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value: an array storing the total number of mutation breakpoints in each window of the genome.
# Each window begins at the region indicated by the array index
my $suspect_regions_array_ref; #reference to array that stores regions where chromothripsis most likely occured. Format: chr start end
my $likely_regions_array_ref; #reference to array that stores regions where chromothripsis may have occured. Format: chr start end
#Validate input arguements and parse them to the correct variables
validate_input(\@argv, \$cnv_directory, \$trans_directory, \$insertion_directory, \$loh_directory, \$tp53_mutated, \$output_directory, \$config_file_path);
#Load the values from the config file
print "CNV dir:\t$cnv_directory\n";
print "Trans dir:\t$trans_directory\n";
print "insertion dir:\t$insertion_directory\n";
print "LOH dir:\t$loh_directory\n";
print "Output dir:\t$output_directory\n";
print "Force TP53 Mutation:\t$tp53_mutated\n\n";
#Get a list of files for each of the provided input directories
@cnv_files = glob ("$cnv_directory"."*.spc");
@trans_files = glob ("$trans_directory"."*.spt");
if(scalar(@cnv_files)==0 || scalar(@trans_files)==0){
die "ERROR: no CNV or translocation input files found\n";
@insertion_files = glob ("$insertion_directory"."*.vcf");
@loh_files = glob ("$loh_directory"."*.spl");
#Echo a list of all the input files
$" = "\n\t\t";
print "CNV files:\t@cnv_files\n\n";
print "Trans files:\t@trans_files\n\n";
$" = "\n\t\t";
print "Indel files:\t-none\n\n";
print "Indel files:\t@insertion_files\n\n";
$" = "\n\t";
print "LOH files:\t-none\n\n";
print "LOH files:\t@loh_files\n\n";
$" = " ";
#Create the output directory if it does not exist
mkdir ("$output_directory",0770) unless (-d "$output_directory");
#Check that the output directory exists
if(!(-e $output_directory)){
die "ERROR: could not create directory: $output_directory\n";
print "\n--analyzing CNV data\n";
($genome_cnv_data_hash_ref, $chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref, $chromosome_cnv_breakpoints_hash_ref) = analyze_cnv_data($output_directory, \@cnv_files, $bin_size, \$tp53_mutation_found);
print "---done analyzing CNV data\n\n";
print "--analyzing translocation data\n";
($genome_trans_data_hash_ref, $chromosome_translocation_count_hash_ref, $genome_trans_breakpoints_hash_ref) = analyze_trans_data($output_directory, \@trans_files, $bin_size, \$tp53_mutation_found);
print "---done analyzing translocation data\n\n";
#If insertion data was provided then analyze it
print "--analyzing insertion data\n";
($genome_insertion_data_hash_ref, $chromosome_insertion_count_hash_ref, $genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints_hash_ref) = analyze_insertion_data($output_directory, \@insertion_files, $bin_size, $genome_trans_breakpoints_hash_ref, \$tp53_mutation_found);
print "---done analyzing insertion data\n\n";
#Delete intermediate storage
%$genome_trans_breakpoints_hash_ref = ();
undef $genome_trans_breakpoints_hash_ref;
#If LOH data was provided then analyze it
print "--analyzing LOH data\n";
($chromosome_loh_breakpoints_hash_ref) = analyze_loh_data($output_directory, \@loh_files, \$tp53_mutation_found);
print "---done analyzing LOH data\n\n";
#Check that the correct format of the LOH hash has been preserved
my %loh_hash = %{$chromosome_loh_breakpoints_hash_ref};
for my $key1 (keys %loh_hash){
my @a = @{$loh_hash{$key1}};
my $size = @a;
if($size % 2 != 0){
die "ERROR: odd number of loh breakpoints recorded for chromosome $key1\n";
print "--calculating chromosome mutation densities\n";
$genome_mutation_density_hash_ref = calculate_genome_localization($output_directory, $chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref, $chromosome_translocation_count_hash_ref);
print "---done calculating chromosome mutation densities\n\n";
print "--calculating chromosome region mutation densities\n";
($suspect_regions_array_ref, $likely_regions_array_ref, $genome_cnv_data_windows_hash_ref, $genome_trans_data_windows_hash_ref, $genome_mutation_data_windows_hash_ref) = calculate_chromosome_localization($output_directory, $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref, $genome_trans_data_hash_ref, $bin_size, $localization_window_size);
print "---done calculating chromosome region mutation densities\n\n";
print "--analyzing suspect regions\n";
analyze_suspect_regions($output_directory, $suspect_regions_array_ref, $genome_mutation_density_hash_ref, $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref, $genome_trans_data_hash_ref, $genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints_hash_ref, $bin_size, $localization_window_size, $tp53_mutated, $tp53_mutation_found, $chromosome_cnv_breakpoints_hash_ref, $chromosome_loh_breakpoints_hash_ref);
print "---done analyzing suspect regions\n\n";
print "--analyzing likely regions\n";
analyze_likely_regions($output_directory, $likely_regions_array_ref, $genome_mutation_density_hash_ref, $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref, $genome_trans_data_hash_ref, $bin_size, $localization_window_size);
print "---done analyzing likely regions\n\n";
print "--calculating copy number count\n";
check_copy_number_count($output_directory, $chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref);
print "---done calculating copy number count\n\n";
print "--calculating switch count\n";
check_copy_number_switches($output_directory, $chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref);
print "---done calculating switch count\n\n";
print "--calculating interchromosomal translocation rate\n";
calculate_interchromosomal_translocation_rate($output_directory, $chromosome_translocation_count_hash_ref);
print "---done calculating interchromosomal translocation rate\n";
}#sub run
#=head2 Sub-Method: validate_input
### validate_input ################################################################################
# Description:
# Validates command line arguments. Prints error messages if some input if invalid.
# Input variables:
# $argv_ref: reference to @ARGV
# $cnv_directory_ref: reference to variable storing the CNV input directory
# $trans_directory_ref: reference to variable storing the translocation input directory
# $insertion_directory_ref: reference to variable storing the insertion input directory
# $loh_directory_ref: reference to variable storing the LOH input directory
# $tp53_mutated_ref: reference to variable storing the tp53 mutated flag
# $output_directory_ref: reference to variable storing the output directory
# $config_file_path_ref: reference to variable storing the path to the config file
sub validate_input {
#Parse parameters
my $argv_ref = shift;
my @argv = @{$argv_ref};
my $cnv_directory_ref = shift;
my $trans_directory_ref = shift;
my $insertion_directory_ref = shift;
my $loh_directory_ref = shift;
my $tp53_mutated_ref = shift;
my $output_directory_ref = shift;
my $config_file_path_ref = shift;
#Determine number of command line arguements
$ARGC = @argv;
#Parse the command line arguements
case 0 { usage(0); } #Print error message if no arguements were entered
case 1 { #Check for help option
if($argv[0] eq "--help"){
}#case 1
else {
if($argv[$pos] eq "--cnv"){ #Check for the cnv input directory option, this field is mandatory
$$cnv_directory_ref = $argv[$pos];
if(!(substr($$cnv_directory_ref,-1,1) eq '/')){
$$cnv_directory_ref = $$cnv_directory_ref.'/';
else {
if($argv[$pos] eq "--trans"){ #Check for the translocation input directory option, this field is mandatory
$$trans_directory_ref = $argv[$pos];
if(!(substr($$trans_directory_ref,-1,1) eq '/')){
$$trans_directory_ref = $$trans_directory_ref.'/';
else {
if($argv[$pos] eq "--insrt"){ #Check for the insertion input directory option
$$insertion_directory_ref = $argv[$pos];
if(!(substr($$insertion_directory_ref,-1,1) eq '/')){
$$insertion_directory_ref = $$insertion_directory_ref.'/';
$insertion_data_present = 1;
if($argv[$pos] eq "--loh"){ #Check for the LOH input directory option
$$loh_directory_ref = $argv[$pos];
if(!(substr($$loh_directory_ref,-1,1) eq '/')){
$$loh_directory_ref = $$loh_directory_ref.'/';
$LOH_data_present = 1;
if($argv[$pos] eq "--tp53"){ #Check for the TP53 gene mutation check option
$$tp53_mutated_ref = 1;
if($argv[$pos] eq "--config"){ #Check for the config file option, this field is mandatory
$$config_file_path_ref = $argv[$pos];
if($argv[$pos] eq "--output"){ #Check for the output directory option, this field is mandatory
$$output_directory_ref = $argv[$pos];
if(!(substr($$output_directory_ref,-1,1) eq '/')){
$$output_directory_ref = $$output_directory_ref.'/';
else {
#Check that there are no other command line arguments
if($pos == $ARGC-1){
}#else case
}#sub validate_input
#=head2 Sub-Method: analyze_cnv_data
### analyze_cnv_data ##############################################################################
# Description:
# Reads data from files located in the CNV input directory and populates:
# $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref
# $chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref
# $chromosome_cnv_breakpoints_hash_ref
# Input variables:
# $output_directory: stores the path to the output directory
# $cnv_files_array_ref: reference to array containing all the CNV input files
# $bin_size: stores the size of the bins which the chromosome will be divided into
# $tp53_mutation_found_ref: reference to the tp53 mutation found flag
sub analyze_cnv_data {
#Parse the parameters
my $output_directory = shift;
my $cnv_files_array_ref = shift;
my @cnv_files = @$cnv_files_array_ref;
my $bin_size = shift;
my $tp53_mutation_found_ref = shift;
my %genome_cnv_data = (); #hash
#key: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value: a reference to an array where each element corresponds to a bin along the
# chromosome
my @file_data; #an array storing all the entries from every input file
my $CURRENT_FILE; #file handle to the current file that is open
my $TP53_FILE; #file handle to the TP53 CNV mutation output file
my $line; #stores raw line read in from file
my @line_data; #stores tokenized line read in from file
my %chromosome_copy_number_count = (); #hash {chr}{copy number}{count}
#key1: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#key2: a copy-number state eg 0,1,3,15
#value: the number of region on key1 that have a copy number of key2
my %chromsome_cnv_breakpoints = ( #hash {chr}[start and end pairs]
X => [], #key: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
Y => [], #value: an array that stored an ordered list of CNV breakpoints on key
1 => [],
2 => [],
3 => [],
4 => [],
5 => [],
6 => [],
7 => [],
8 => [],
9 => [],
10 => [],
11 => [],
12 => [],
13 => [],
14 => [],
15 => [],
16 => [],
17 => [],
18 => [],
19 => [],
20 => [],
21 => [],
22 => []
#Read the contents of the cnv files into memory
foreach my $file (@cnv_files){
#Open the file
open ($CURRENT_FILE, "<", $file) or die "ERROR: could not open file at path $file\n";
#Check that the file is not empty
close ($CURRENT_FILE);
die "ERROR: $file is empty\n";
#Read header line and validate
$line = <$CURRENT_FILE>;
#Check that the format of the header line is correct
if(!($line =~ m/^#chr\tstart\tend\tnumber\tquality$/)){
close ($CURRENT_FILE);
die "ERROR: header of cnv file $file is invalid\n";
#Read all the data lines in the file
while( !(eof($CURRENT_FILE)) ){
#read data line
$line = <$CURRENT_FILE>;
#Validate the data line
if(!($line =~ m/^(chr)?(1[0-9]|2[0-2]|X|Y|[1-9])\t[0-9]+\t[0-9]+\t[0-9]+\t([0-9]+|\.)$/)){
die "ERROR: invalid line found ($line) in file $file\n";
#Split the data line and add it to the file_data array
@line_data = (split (/\t/,$line));
close ($CURRENT_FILE);
}#foreach my $file (@cnv_files)
#Check that there are no overlapping CNV regions with different copy-numbers
@file_data = check_for_overlaps("cnv", \@file_data);
#Create TP53 directory and output folder
mkdir ("$output_directory"."TP53",0770) unless (-d "$output_directory"."TP53");
if(!(-e "$output_directory"."TP53")){
die "ERROR: could not create folder $output_directory"."TP53\n";
#Create the TP53 CNV mutation file
open ($TP53_FILE, ">", "$output_directory"."TP53/TP53.spc") or die "ERROR: could not create file: $output_directory"."TP53/TP53.spc";
#Print the header of the file (same format as a .spc file)
print $TP53_FILE "#chr\tstart\tend\tnumber\tquality";
#For every data line that was read in from an input file,
#record the CNV mutation in the genome_cnv_data_hash,
#record the exact breakpoints of the CNV,
#update the chromosome_copy_number_count hash and
#check if the CNV is in the TP53 region
for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar(@file_data); $n++){
my $hash = {};
#Ensure that the chromosome value is valid
if(!($file_data[$n][0] =~ m/^(chr)?(1[0-9]|2[0-2]|X|Y|[1-9])$/)){
die "WARNING: invalid chromosome field detected, line skipped: @{$file_data[$n]}\n";
#Parse the chromosome
my $chr = $2;
#Increment the copy-number count hash based on the line data
$chromosome_copy_number_count {$chr}{$file_data[$n][3]}++;
#Record the exact breakpoints of the CNV
push (@{$chromsome_cnv_breakpoints{$chr}}, ($file_data[$n][1],$file_data[$n][2]));
#Calculate the bin for the start and end breakpoint
my $start_index = int($file_data[$n][1]/$bin_size);
my $end_index = int($file_data[$n][2]/$bin_size);
my $update_bin = sub {
my $source_chr = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $copy_num = shift;
my $genome_hash_ref = shift;
my %genome_hash = %{$genome_hash_ref};
my $hash = ();
$hash->{'BPcount'} = 1;
$hash->{$copy_num} = 0.5;
@{$genome_hash{$source_chr}}[$index] = $hash;
else{ #if a bin does exist then increment the counts
#Check if a bin exists at the start index
#if not, create one
$hash->{'BPcount'} = 1;
$hash->{$file_data[$n][3]} = 0.5;
@{$genome_cnv_data{$chr}}[$start_index] = $hash;
else{ #If one does exist increment the counts
$hash = {};
#Check if a bin exists at the end index
#if not, create one
$hash->{'BPcount'} = 1;
$hash->{$file_data[$n][3]} = 0.5;
@{$genome_cnv_data{$chr}}[$end_index] = $hash;
else{ #If one does exist increment the counts
#Check if the variation was in the TP53 gene
( $chr ne 'X' && $chr ne 'Y' ) &&
( $chr==17 )
( $file_data[$n][3] != 2 ) &&
( ( $file_data[$n][1] >= $TP53_start && $file_data[$n][1] <= $TP53_end ) || ( $file_data[$n][2] >= $TP53_start && $file_data[$n][2] <= $TP53_end ) )
#If a CNV was found in the TP53 region
$$tp53_mutation_found_ref = 1;
#Record the mutation in the TP53 CNV file
print $TP53_FILE "\n";
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$file_data[$n]}); $i++){
print $TP53_FILE "$file_data[$n][$i]";
if($i != scalar(@{$file_data[$n]})-1){
print $TP53_FILE "\t";
}#for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$file_data[$n]}); $i++)
}#for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar(@file_data); $n++)
#return hash
return(\%genome_cnv_data, \%chromosome_copy_number_count, \%chromsome_cnv_breakpoints);
}#sub analyze_cnv_data
#=head2 Sub-Method: check_for_overlaps
### check_for_overlaps ############################################################################
# Description:
# Checks if there were overlapping CNV regions with different copy-numbers in the input files.
# Also checks if there are any overlapping translocation destinations or overlapping LOH
# regions.
# Input variables:
# $type: flag variable indicating which type of overlap to check for "cnv", "trans",
# or "loh"
# $file_data_ref: reference to an array storing all the data lines read in from the specific
# type of input file
sub check_for_overlaps {
my $type = shift;
my $file_data_ref = shift;
my @file_data = @$file_data_ref;
my $start_overlap = 0; #Flag variable indicating if the start position of one region is overlapping with
#another region
my $end_overlap = 0; #Flag variable indicating if the end position of one region is overlapping with
#another region
#Check for overlapping regions
#Compares each entry in the array to every following entry
for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar(@file_data); $n++){
for (my $k = $n+1; $k < scalar(@file_data); $k++){
#Check if the 2 regions in question are on the same chromosome
if($file_data[$n][0] eq $file_data[$k][0]) {
#Check if the end point of region 1 is within region 2
if($file_data[$n][2]>=$file_data[$k][1] && $file_data[$n][2]<=$file_data[$k][2]){
$end_overlap = 1;
#Check if the start point of region 1 is within region 2
if($file_data[$n][1]>=$file_data[$k][1] && $file_data[$n][1]<=$file_data[$k][2]){
$start_overlap = 1;
#If an overlap was detected
if($start_overlap==1 || $end_overlap==1) {
#if it was a translocation overlap then throw an error
if($type eq "trans"){
die "ERROR: found overlapping translocation source regions:\n\t@{$file_data[$n]}\n\t@{$file_data[$k]}\n";
#if it was a LOH overlap then throw an error
if($type eq "loh"){
die "ERROR: found overlapping LOH regions:\n\t@{$file_data[$n]}\n\t@{$file_data[$k]}\n";
#if it was a CNV overlap check if the copy numbers are the same
#If they are different throw an error
( $type eq "cnv") &&
( $file_data[$n][3] != $file_data[$k][3] )
die "ERROR: found overlapping regions with different copy number values:\n\t@{$file_data[$n]}\n\t@{$file_data[$k]}\n";
#if they are the same
#and the user does not wish to collapse overlapping regions with the same copy number then throw an error
elsif ($collapse_regions==0) {
die "ERROR: found overlapping copy number regions:\n\t@{$file_data[$n]}\n\t@{$file_data[$k]}\n";
#if the user wishes to collapses overlapping regions with the same copy number then do so
elsif ($collapse_regions==1) {
#Region 2 completely encompasses region 1
#So replace region 1 with region 2
if($start_overlap==1 && $end_overlap==1){
$file_data[$n][1] = $file_data[$k][1];
$file_data[$n][2] = $file_data[$k][2];
#The start point of region 1 is within region 2
#So replace the start point of region 1 with the start point of region 2
$file_data[$n][1] = $file_data[$k][1];
#The end point of region 1 is within region 2
#So replace the end point of region 1 with the end point of region 2
$file_data[$n][2] = $file_data[$k][2];
#If region 1 was modified then remove region 2 and re-check for overlaps
if($start_overlap==1 || $end_overlap==1){
@file_data = (@file_data[0..($k-1),($k+1)..(scalar(@file_data)-1)]);
$start_overlap = 0;
$end_overlap = 0;
$k = $n+1;
}#elsif ($collapse_regions==1)
}#if($start_overlap==1 || $end_overlap==1)
#Check if region 1 completely encompasses region 2
elsif($file_data[$n][1]<=$file_data[$k][1] && $file_data[$n][2]>=$file_data[$k][2]){
if($type eq "trans"){
die "ERROR: found overlapping translocation source regions:\n\t@{$file_data[$n]}\n\t@{$file_data[$k]}\n";
if($type eq "loh"){
die "ERROR: found overlapping LOH regions:\n\t@{$file_data[$n]}\n\t@{$file_data[$k]}\n";
#If the copy numbers are different throw an error
( $type eq "cnv") &&
( $file_data[$n][3] != $file_data[$k][3] )
die "ERROR: found overlapping regions with different copy number values:\n\t@{$file_data[$n]}\n\t@{$file_data[$k]}\n";
#If the copy numbers are the same but the user does not want to collapse then throw an error
elsif ($collapse_regions==0) {
die "ERROR: found overlapping copy number regions:\n\t@{$file_data[$n]}\n\t@{$file_data[$k]}\n";
#If the user does wish to collapse then remove the second region
elsif ($collapse_regions==1) {
@file_data = (@file_data[0..($k-1),($k+1)..(scalar(@file_data)-1)]);
}#elsif($file_data[$n][1]<=$file_data[$k][1] && $file_data[$n][2]>=$file_data[$k][2])
}#if($file_data[$n][0] eq $file_data[$k][0])
}#for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar(@file_data); $n++)
}#for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar(@file_data); $n++)
#Return the updated entries
return (@file_data);
}#sub check_for_overlaps
#=head2 Sub-Method: analyze_trans_data
### analyze_trans_data ############################################################################
# Description:
# Reads data from files located in the trans input directory and popultates:
# $genome_trans_data_hash_ref
# $chromosome_translocation_count_hash_ref
# $genome_trans_breakpoints_hash_ref
# Input variables:
# $output_directory: stores the path to the output directory
# $trans_files_array_ref: reference to array containing all the translocation
# input files
# $bin_size: stores the size of the bins which the chromosome will be divided into
# $tp53_mutation_found_ref: reference to the tp53 mutation found flag
sub analyze_trans_data {
#Parse the parameters
my $output_directory = shift;
my $trans_files_array_ref = shift;
my @trans_files = @$trans_files_array_ref;
my $bin_size = shift;
my $tp53_mutation_found_ref = shift;
my %genome_trans_data = (); #hash
#key: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value: a reference to an array where each element corresponds to a bin along the
# chromosome
my @file_data; #an array storing all the entries from every input file
my $CURRENT_FILE; #file handle to the current file that is open
my $TP53_FILE; #file handle to the TP53 translocation mutation output file
my $line; #stores raw line read in from file
my @line_data; #stores tokenized line read in from file
my $chr1;
my $chr2;
my %chromosome_trans_count = (); #hash {chr}{chr}{count}
#key1: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#key2: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value: the number of translocations between key1 and key2
my %genome_trans_breakpoints = ( #hash {chr}[array]
X => [], #key: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
Y => [], #value: an array storing all the translocation breakpoints
1 => [], # on key
2 => [],
3 => [],
4 => [],
5 => [],
6 => [],
7 => [],
8 => [],
9 => [],
10 => [],
11 => [],
12 => [],
13 => [],
14 => [],
15 => [],
16 => [],
17 => [],
18 => [],
19 => [],
20 => [],
21 => [],
22 => []
#Read the contents of the cnv files into memory
foreach my $file (@trans_files){
#open the file
open ($CURRENT_FILE, "<", $file) or die "ERROR: could not open file at path $file\n";
#check that the file is not empty
close ($CURRENT_FILE);
die "ERROR: $file is empty\n";
#read header line and validate
$line = <$CURRENT_FILE>;
#validate the header line
if(!($line =~ m/^#chr1\tstart\tend\tchr2\tstart\tend\tquality$/)){
close ($CURRENT_FILE);
die "ERROR: header of translocation file $file is invalid\n";
#read in every data line
while( !(eof($CURRENT_FILE)) ){
#read data line
$line = <$CURRENT_FILE>;
#validate the format of the data line
if(!($line =~ m/^(chr)?(1[0-9]|2[0-2]|X|Y|[1-9])\t[0-9]+\t[0-9]+\t(chr)?(1[0-9]|2[0-2]|X|Y|[1-9])\t[0-9]+\t[0-9]+\t([0-9]+|\.)$/)){
#warn "WARNING: invalid line found and skipped: ($line) in file $file\n";
#Split the data line and add it to the array
@line_data = (split (/\t/,$line));
#if the start position is greater than the end position for either the source or destination throw an error
( $line_data[1] >= $line_data[2] ) ||
( $line_data[4] >= $line_data[5] )
#warn "ERROR: invalid line found ($line) in file $file. Start or end values invalid\n";
#Add the data line to the file_data array
close ($CURRENT_FILE);
}#foreach my $file (@trans_files)
#ignoring overlapping translocations for now
#@file_data = check_for_overlaps("trans", \@file_data);
#Create TP53 directory and output folder
mkdir ("$output_directory"."TP53",0770) unless (-d "$output_directory"."TP53");
if(!(-e "$output_directory"."TP53")){
die "ERROR: could not create folder $output_directory"."TP53\n";
#create TP53 translocation mutation file
open ($TP53_FILE, ">", "$output_directory"."TP53/TP53.spt") or die "ERROR: could not create file: $output_directory"."TP53/TP53.spt";
#Print the header of the file (same format as a .spt file)
print $TP53_FILE "#chr1\tstart\tend\tchr2\tstart\tend\tquality";
#For every data line that was read in from an input file,
#record the translocation mutation in the genome_trans_data_hash,
#record the exact breakpoints of the translocation,
#update the chromosome_trans_count hash and
#check if the translocation is in the TP53 region
for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar(@file_data); $n++){
my $hash = {};
#verify that the chromosome 1 is valid
if(!($file_data[$n][0] =~ m/^(chr)?(1[0-9]|2[0-2]|X|Y|[1-9])$/)){
die "ERROR: invalid chromosome field detected in translocation file\n";
#parse out chromosome 1
my $chr1 = $2;
#verify that the chromosome 2 is valid
if(!($file_data[$n][3] =~ m/^(chr)?(1[0-9]|2[0-2]|X|Y|[1-9])$/)){
die "ERROR: invalid chromosome field detected in translocation file\n";
#parse out chromosome 2
my $chr2 = $2;
#calculate the bin where each breakpoint will be placed
my $start_index1 = int($file_data[$n][1]/$bin_size);
my $end_index1 = int($file_data[$n][2]/$bin_size);
my $start_index2 = int($file_data[$n][4]/$bin_size);
my $end_index2 = int($file_data[$n][5]/$bin_size);
my $update_bin = sub {
my $source_chr = shift;
my $dest_chr = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $genome_hash_ref = shift;
my %genome_hash = %{$genome_hash_ref};
my $hash = ();
$hash->{'BPcount'} = 1;
push (@{$hash->{$type}{$dest_chr}}, $data);
@{$genome_hash{$source_chr}}[$index] = $hash;
else{ #if a bin does exist then increment the counts
push (@{${@{$genome_hash{$source_chr}}[$index]}{$type}{$dest_chr}}, $data);
#check if a bin exists at $start_index1
#if not, create one
$hash->{'BPcount'} = 1;
push (@{$hash->{'out'}{$chr2}}, $file_data[$n][4]);
@{$genome_trans_data{$chr1}}[$start_index1] = $hash;
else{ #if a bin does exist then increment the counts
push (@{${@{$genome_trans_data{$chr1}}[$start_index1]}{'out'}{$chr2}}, $file_data[$n][4]);
$hash = {};
$hash->{'BPcount'} = 1;
push (@{$hash->{'out'}{$chr2}}, $file_data[$n][5]);
@{$genome_trans_data{$chr1}}[$end_index1] = $hash;
push (@{${@{$genome_trans_data{$chr1}}[$end_index1]}{'out'}{$chr2}}, $file_data[$n][5]);
$hash = {};
$hash->{'BPcount'} = 1;
push (@{$hash->{'in'}{$chr1}}, $file_data[$n][1]);
@{$genome_trans_data{$chr2}}[$start_index2] = $hash;
push (@{${@{$genome_trans_data{$chr2}}[$start_index2]}{'in'}{$chr1}}, $file_data[$n][1]);
$hash = {};
$hash->{'BPcount'} = 1;
push (@{$hash->{'in'}{$chr1}}, $file_data[$n][2]);
@{$genome_trans_data{$chr2}}[$end_index2] = $hash;
push (@{${@{$genome_trans_data{$chr2}}[$end_index2]}{'in'}{$chr1}}, $file_data[$n][2]);
#Increment hash translocation counts
#if the translocation is intra-chromosomal then don't count it twice
if($chr1 ne $chr2){
#store the breakpoints in their bins
push (@{$genome_trans_breakpoints{$chr1}}, $file_data[$n][1]);
push (@{$genome_trans_breakpoints{$chr1}}, $file_data[$n][2]);
push (@{$genome_trans_breakpoints{$chr2}}, $file_data[$n][4]);
push (@{$genome_trans_breakpoints{$chr2}}, $file_data[$n][5]);
#Check if the translocation origin was in the TP53 gene
( $chr1 ne 'X' && $chr1 ne 'Y' ) &&
( $chr1==17 )
( ( $file_data[$n][1] >= $TP53_start && $file_data[$n][1] <= $TP53_end ) || ( $file_data[$n][2] >= $TP53_start && $file_data[$n][2] <= $TP53_end ) )
#if a mutation was found, set the TP53 mutated flag
$$tp53_mutation_found_ref = 1;
print $TP53_FILE "\n";
#print the translocation data line to the TP53 translocation mutation output file
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$file_data[$n]}); $i++){
print $TP53_FILE "$file_data[$n][$i]";
if($i != scalar(@{$file_data[$n]})-1){
print $TP53_FILE "\t";
}#for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$file_data[$n]}); $i++)
#Check if the translocation destination was in the TP53 gene
( $chr2 ne 'X' && $chr2 ne 'Y' ) &&
( $chr2==17 )
( ( $file_data[$n][4] >= $TP53_start && $file_data[$n][4] <= $TP53_end ) || ( $file_data[$n][5] >= $TP53_start && $file_data[$n][5] <= $TP53_end ) )
$$tp53_mutation_found_ref = 1;
print $TP53_FILE "\n";
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$file_data[$n]}); $i++){
print $TP53_FILE "$file_data[$n][$i]";
if($i != scalar(@{$file_data[$n]})-1){
print $TP53_FILE "\t";
}#for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$file_data[$n]}); $i++)
}#for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar(@file_data); $n++)
#return hash
return(\%genome_trans_data, \%chromosome_trans_count, \%genome_trans_breakpoints);
}#sub analyze_trans_data
#=head2 Sub-Method: analyze_insertion_data
### analyze_insertion_data ##############################################################################
# Description:
# Reads data from files located in the insertion input directory and populates:
# $genome_insertion_data_hash_ref
# $chromosome_insertion_count_hash_ref
# $genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints_hash_ref
# Input variables:
# $output_directory: stores the path to the output directory
# $insertion_files_array_ref: reference to array containing all the insertion input files
# $bin_size: stores the size of the bins which the chromosome will be divided into
# $genome_trans_breakpoints_hash_ref: store reference to hash that contains the translocation breakpoints on
# each chromosome
# $tp53_mutation_found_ref: reference to the tp53 mutation found flag
sub analyze_insertion_data {
#Parse Parameters
my $output_directory = shift;
my $insertion_files_array_ref = shift;
my @insertion_files = @$insertion_files_array_ref;
my $bin_size = shift;
my $genome_trans_breakpoints_hash_ref = shift;
my %genome_trans_breakpoints = %$genome_trans_breakpoints_hash_ref;
my $tp53_mutation_found_ref = shift;
my %genome_insertion_data = (); #hash
#key: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value: a reference to an array where each element corresponds to a bin along the
# chromosome
my $CURRENT_FILE; #file handle to the current file that is open
my $TP53_FILE; #file handle to the TP53 insertion mutation output file
my $line; #stores raw line read in from file
my @line_data; #stores tokenized line read in from file
my $chr;
my $file_name;
my $path;
my $suffix;
my $rm_insertion_file_result;
my $insertion_found = 0;
my %chromosome_insertion_count = (); #hash {chr}{count}
#key: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value: the number of insertions found on key
my %genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints = ( #hash
X => [], #key: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
Y => [], #value: an array storing all the insertion start positions on key
1 => [],
2 => [],
3 => [],
4 => [],
5 => [],
6 => [],
7 => [],
8 => [],
9 => [],
10 => [],
11 => [],
12 => [],
13 => [],
14 => [],
15 => [],
16 => [],
17 => [],
18 => [],
19 => [],
20 => [],
21 => [],
22 => []
#Create TP53 directory and output folder
mkdir ("$output_directory"."TP53",0770) unless (-d "$output_directory"."TP53");
if(!(-e "$output_directory"."TP53")){
die "ERROR: could not create folder $output_directory"."TP53\n";
#for each file in the insertion input file array
foreach my $file (@insertion_files){
#Parse the file name, path and file type
( $file_name, $path, $suffix ) = File::Basename::fileparse( $file, "\.[^.]*");
#open the file
open ($CURRENT_FILE, "<", $file) or die "ERROR: could not open file at path $file\n";
#ensure that the file is not empty
die "ERROR: $file is empty\n";
#create the TP53 insertion mutation output file
open ($TP53_FILE, ">", "$output_directory"."TP53/$file_name"."$suffix") or die "ERROR: could not create file: $output_directory"."TP53/$file_name"."$suffix";
#read header lines
$line = <$CURRENT_FILE>;
#print the VCF header lines to the TP53 insertion mutation output file
while ($line =~ m/^#(.*?)/){
print $TP53_FILE "$line\n";
$line = <$CURRENT_FILE>;
#read all the data lines in the file
@line_data = (split (/\t/,$line));
#verify that the chromosome is valid and that the mutation is an insertion type
( !($line_data[1] =~ m/^[0-9]+$/) ) ||
( !($line_data[0] =~ m/^(chr)?(1[0-9]|2[0-2]|X|Y|x|y|[1-9])/) ) ||
( length($line_data[4]) <= length($line_data[3]) )
warn "ERROR: invalid chromosome or non-insertion VCF data line found and skipped:\t$line\n";
$line = <$CURRENT_FILE>;
#parse the chromosome
$chr = $2;
#change to uppercase if 'x' or 'y' is found
if($chr eq 'x'){
$chr = 'X';
if($chr eq 'y'){
$chr = 'Y';
#increment the insertion count of the chromosome
#check if a bin exists at the insertion start position
#if one does not, then create one
${$genome_insertion_data{$chr}}[int($line_data[1]/$bin_size)] = 1;
else{ #if one does, then increment the count
#Search through the list of translocation breakpoints on the same chromosome
foreach my $bp (@{$genome_trans_breakpoints{$chr}}){
#if the insertion is within 10bps of the breakpoints and the insertion to the list stored in
#the genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints hash
if( $line_data[1] < $bp+10 && $line_data[1] > $bp-10){
push (@{$genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints{$chr}}, $bp);
#Check if the insertion was in the TP53 gene
( $chr ne 'X' && $chr ne 'Y' ) &&
( $chr==17 )
if($line_data[1] >= $TP53_start && $line_data[1] <= $TP53_end){
$$tp53_mutation_found_ref = 1; #if a mutation was found in the region set the TP53 mutated flag
$insertion_found = 1;
print $TP53_FILE "$line\n"; #print the culprit data line to the TP53 insertion
#mutation output file
#read the next line
$line = <$CURRENT_FILE>;
#check that the end of file has not been reached
#close file
close ($TP53_FILE);
#if an insertion was not found in the current file then delete the created TP53 insertion mutation output file
my $dir = "$output_directory"."TP53/$file_name"."$suffix";
$rm_insertion_file_result = `rm $dir`;
$insertion_found = 0;
}#foreach my $file (@insertion_files)
#return hash
return(\%genome_insertion_data, \%chromosome_insertion_count, \%genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints);
}#sub analyze_insertion_data
#=head2 Sub-Method: analyze_loh_data
### analyze_loh_data ##############################################################################
# Description:
# Reads data from files located in the LOH input directory and populates:
# $chromosome_loh_breakpoints_hash_ref
# Input variables:
# $output_directory: stores the path to the output directory
# $loh_files_array_ref: reference to array containing all the LOH input files
# $tp53_mutation_found_ref: reference to tp53 mutation found flag
sub analyze_loh_data {
#parse the parameters
my $output_directory = shift;
my $loh_files_array_ref = shift;
my @loh_files = @$loh_files_array_ref;
my $tp53_mutation_found_ref = shift;
my @file_data; #an array storing all the entries from every input file
my $CURRENT_FILE; #file handle to the current file that is open
my $TP53_FILE; #file handle to the TP53 translocation mutation output file
my $line; #stores raw line read in from file
my @line_data; #stores tokenized line read in from files
my %chromsome_loh_breakpoints = ( #hash {chr}[start and end pairs]
X => [], #key: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
Y => [], #value: an array that stores all the LOH breakpoints on key
1 => [],
2 => [],
3 => [],
4 => [],
5 => [],
6 => [],
7 => [],
8 => [],
9 => [],
10 => [],
11 => [],
12 => [],
13 => [],
14 => [],
15 => [],
16 => [],
17 => [],
18 => [],
19 => [],
20 => [],
21 => [],
22 => []
#Read the contents of the cnv files into memory
foreach my $file (@loh_files){
#open the file
open ($CURRENT_FILE, "<", $file) or die "ERROR: could not open file at path $file\n";
#Ensure that the file is not empty
close ($CURRENT_FILE);
die "ERROR: $file is empty\n";
#read header line and validate
$line = <$CURRENT_FILE>;
#Validate the header line
if(!($line =~ m/^#chr\tstart\tend\tquality$/)){
close ($CURRENT_FILE);
die "ERROR: header of loh file $file is invalid\n";
#Read all the data lines
while( !(eof($CURRENT_FILE)) ){
#read data line
$line = <$CURRENT_FILE>;
#validate the data line
if(!($line =~ m/^(chr)?(1[0-9]|2[0-2]|X|Y|[1-9])\t[0-9]+\t[0-9]+\t([0-9]+|\.)$/)){
die "ERROR: invalid line found ($line) in file $file\n";
#Split the data line and add it to the array
@line_data = (split (/\t/,$line));
close ($CURRENT_FILE);
}#foreach my $file (@cnv_files)
#Ensure that there are no overlapping LOH regions, or join them if the user indicated
@file_data = check_for_overlaps("loh", \@file_data);
#Create TP53 directory and output folder
mkdir ("$output_directory"."TP53",0770) unless (-d "$output_directory"."TP53");
if(!(-e "$output_directory"."TP53")){
die "ERROR: could not create folder $output_directory"."TP53\n";
#Create the TP53 LOH mutation output data file
open ($TP53_FILE, ">", "$output_directory"."TP53/TP53.spl") or die "ERROR: could not create file: $output_directory"."TP53/TP53.spl";
#Print the header for the output file (same format as a .spl file)
print $TP53_FILE "#chr\tstart\tend\tquality";
#For every data line that was read in
for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar(@file_data); $n++){
#Validate the chromosome field
if(!($file_data[$n][0] =~ m/^(chr)?(1[0-9]|2[0-2]|X|Y|[1-9])$/)){
die "ERROR: invalid chromosome field detected\n";
#Parse the chromosome
my $chr = $2;
#Add the breakpoints to the array for the chromosome
push (@{$chromsome_loh_breakpoints{$chr}}, ($file_data[$n][1],$file_data[$n][2]));
#Check if the variation was in the TP53 gene
( $chr ne 'X' && $chr ne 'Y' ) &&
( $chr==17 )
( ( $file_data[$n][1] >= $TP53_start && $file_data[$n][1] <= $TP53_end ) || ( $file_data[$n][2] >= $TP53_start && $file_data[$n][2] <= $TP53_end ) )
#If a mutation was found in the TP53 region then set the TP53 mutated flag
$$tp53_mutation_found_ref = 1;
#Print the LOH data line to the TP53 LOH mutation output file
print $TP53_FILE "\n";
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$file_data[$n]}); $i++){
print $TP53_FILE "$file_data[$n][$i]";
if($i != scalar(@{$file_data[$n]})-1){
print $TP53_FILE "\t";
}#for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$file_data[$n]}); $i++)
}#for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar(@file_data); $n++)
#return hash
}#sub analyze_loh_data
#=head2 Sub-Method: calculate_genome_localization
### calculate_genome_localization #################################################################
# Description:
# Caculates the mutation density for each chromosome
# Input variables:
# $output_directory: stores the path to the output directory
# $chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref: stores a reference to the hash storing the number
# of CNV events on each chromosome
# #chromosome_translocation_count_hash_ref: stores a reference to the hash storing the number
# of translocation events on each chromosome
sub calculate_genome_localization {
#parse the parameters
my $output_directory = shift;
my $chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref = shift;
my $chromosome_translocation_count_hash_ref = shift;
my %chromosome_mutation_count; #hash
#key: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
#value: the density of translocation and CNV events on key
my $density; #store the mutation density for a chromosome
my $OUTPUT_FILE; #file handle to the output file
#initialize all the counts to 0
for (my $i=1; $i<23; $i++){
$chromosome_mutation_count{$i} = 0;
$chromosome_mutation_count{'X'} = 0;
$chromosome_mutation_count{'Y'} = 0;
#add the number of CNV events on each chromosome
for my $cnv_key1 ( keys %$chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref){
for my $cnv_key2 (keys %{$chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref->{$cnv_key1}}){
$chromosome_mutation_count{$cnv_key1} += $chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref->{$cnv_key1}->{$cnv_key2};
#add the number of translocation events on each chromosome
for my $trans_key1 ( keys %$chromosome_translocation_count_hash_ref){
for my $trans_key2 (keys %{$chromosome_translocation_count_hash_ref->{$trans_key1}}){
$chromosome_mutation_count{$trans_key1} += $chromosome_translocation_count_hash_ref->{$trans_key1}->{$trans_key2};
#Create the output file
open ($OUTPUT_FILE, ">", "$output_directory/genome_localization.log") or die "ERROR: could not create file $output_directory/genome_localization.log\n";
#Print the header
print $OUTPUT_FILE "#chr\tcount\tdensity\n";
#for each chromosome print the count and overall density
for my $chr ( sort keys %chromosome_mutation_count){
$density = $chromosome_mutation_count{$chr}/$chromosome_length{$chr};
print $OUTPUT_FILE "$chr";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE $chromosome_mutation_count{$chr};
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "$density";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\n";
#Replace the count with the density
$chromosome_mutation_count{$chr} = $density;
close ($OUTPUT_FILE);
#return the hash containing the densities
}#sub calculate_genome_localization
#=head2 Sub-Method: calculate_chromosome_localization
### calculate_chromosome_localization #############################################################
# Description:
# Performs a sliding window analysis on the CNV and translocation data. Identifies regions
# that have a density of mutation much greater than the average rate of mutation of the
# genome.
# Input variables:
# $output_directory: stores the directory where output files are created
# $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref: reference to hash that stores position of all CNV breakpoints in
# the genome
# $genome_trans_data_hash_ref: reference to hash that stores position of all the
# translocation breakpoints in the genome
# $bin_size: size of the bins that divide up the genome
# $window_size: number of bins to evaluate in each window
sub calculate_chromosome_localization {
#parse parameters
my $output_directory = shift;
my $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref = shift;
my $genome_trans_data_hash_ref = shift;
my $bin_size = shift;
my $window_size = shift;
my @suspect_regions; #array storing the start position, end position and chromosome
#of very highly mutated regions
my @likely_regions; #array storing the start position, end position and chromosome
#of somewhat highly mutated regions
my $in_suspect_region = 0; #flag variables used in identifying highly mutated regions
my $in_likely_region = 0;
my $suspect_chr = -1;
my $suspect_start = -1;
my $suspect_end = -1;
my $likely_chr = -1;
my $likely_start = -1;
my $likely_end = -1;
my %genome_cnv_data_windows = ( #hash
X => [], #key: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
Y => [], #value: an array storing the count of CNVs
1 => [], # in each window along the chromosome
2 => [],
3 => [],
4 => [],
5 => [],
6 => [],
7 => [],
8 => [],
9 => [],
10 => [],
11 => [],
12 => [],
13 => [],
14 => [],
15 => [],
16 => [],
17 => [],
18 => [],
19 => [],
20 => [],
21 => [],
22 => []
my %genome_trans_data_windows = ( #hash
X => [], #key: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
Y => [], #value: an array storing a count of translocation
1 => [], # in each window along the chromosome
2 => [],
3 => [],
4 => [],
5 => [],
6 => [],
7 => [],
8 => [],
9 => [],
10 => [],
11 => [],
12 => [],
13 => [],
14 => [],
15 => [],
16 => [],
17 => [],
18 => [],
19 => [],
20 => [],
21 => [],
22 => []
my %genome_mutation_data_windows = ( #hash
X => [], #key: chromosome eg. 1,2,X,Y
Y => [], #value: an array storing a count of all mutations
1 => [], # in each window along the chromosome
2 => [],
3 => [],
4 => [],
5 => [],
6 => [],
7 => [],
8 => [],
9 => [],
10 => [],
11 => [],
12 => [],
13 => [],
14 => [],
15 => [],
16 => [],
17 => [],
18 => [],
19 => [],
20 => [],
21 => [],
22 => []
my $current_chr; #current chromosome being analyzed
my @current_chr_data = (); #array storing the bins for the current chromosome
my $genome_mean_mutation_density = 0; #average density of all the windows across the genome
my $total_genome_windows = 0; #total number of windows across the genome
my $genome_mutation_density_standard_deviation = 0; #standard deviation of the mutation densities for
#all the windows
my $OUTPUT_FILE; #file handle to output file
$output_directory = $output_directory."mutation_clustering";
#create output directories
mkdir ("$output_directory",0770) unless (-d "$output_directory");
if(!(-e "$output_directory")){
die "ERROR: could not create folder $output_directory\n";
mkdir ("$output_directory/cnv",0770) unless (-d "$output_directory/cnv");
if(!(-e "$output_directory")){
die "ERROR: could not create folder $output_directory/cnv\n";
mkdir ("$output_directory/translocations",0770) unless (-d "$output_directory/translocations");
if(!(-e "$output_directory")){
die "ERROR: could not create folder $output_directory/translocations\n";
mkdir ("$output_directory/all_types",0770) unless (-d "$output_directory/all_types");
if(!(-e "$output_directory")){
die "ERROR: could not create folder $output_directory/all_types\n";
#compute the density of CNV mutations in each window
for my $cnv_key ( keys %$genome_cnv_data_hash_ref){
#get the array storing the CNV bins for the current chromosome
@current_chr_data = @{$genome_cnv_data_hash_ref->{$cnv_key}};
#check that the array is not empty
if(scalar(@current_chr_data) > 0){
#create an output file for this chromosome
open ($OUTPUT_FILE, ">", "$output_directory/cnv/chr$cnv_key"."_cnv_localization.log") or die "ERROR: could not create file $output_directory/cnv/chr$cnv_key"."_cnv_localization.log";
#print the header for the output file
print $OUTPUT_FILE "#chr\tstart\tend\tdensity";
@{$genome_cnv_data_windows{$cnv_key}}[0] = 0; #initialize the count in the first window
#Calculate the mutation count in the first window
for(my $chr_pos = 0; $chr_pos < $window_size; $chr_pos++){
my %region_hash;
%region_hash = %{$current_chr_data[$chr_pos]};
@{$genome_cnv_data_windows{$cnv_key}}[0] += $region_hash{'BPcount'};
#print the values from the first window to the output file
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\n";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "$cnv_key";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "0";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE ($window_size)*$bin_size;
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "0";
print $OUTPUT_FILE (POSIX::ceil((@{$genome_cnv_data_windows{$cnv_key}}[0])/2))/($window_size*$bin_size);
#add the cnv count to the total mutation count for the region
@{$genome_mutation_data_windows{$cnv_key}}[0] += POSIX::ceil(@{$genome_cnv_data_windows{$cnv_key}}[0]/2);
#perform the sliding window analysis for the rest of the chromosome
for(my $chr_pos = 1; $chr_pos < scalar(@current_chr_data); $chr_pos++){
#check that the window will not overshoot the length of the chromosome
if( (($chr_pos+($window_size-1))*$bin_size) > $chromosome_length{$cnv_key} ){
@{$genome_cnv_data_windows{$cnv_key}}[$chr_pos] = 0; #initialize the count for the current window
my %past_region_hash;
my %next_region_hash;
my $prev_value = 0;
my $next_value = 0;
#get the count of the from the first bin from the previous window
%past_region_hash = %{$current_chr_data[$chr_pos-1]};
$prev_value = $past_region_hash{'BPcount'};
#get the count from the bin follow the last bin in the previous window
%next_region_hash = %{$current_chr_data[$chr_pos+($window_size-1)]};
$next_value = $next_region_hash{'BPcount'};
#the count for the current window = the count from the previous window - the first bin of the previous window + the next bin along the chromosome
@{$genome_cnv_data_windows{$cnv_key}}[$chr_pos] += (@{$genome_cnv_data_windows{$cnv_key}}[$chr_pos-1]) - ($prev_value) + ($next_value);
#print the values for this window
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\n";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "$cnv_key";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE $chr_pos*$bin_size;
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE ($chr_pos+$window_size)*$bin_size;
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "0";
print $OUTPUT_FILE (POSIX::ceil((@{$genome_cnv_data_windows{$cnv_key}}[$chr_pos])/2))/($window_size*$bin_size);
#add the cnv count to the total mutation count for the region
@{$genome_mutation_data_windows{$cnv_key}}[$chr_pos] += POSIX::ceil(@{$genome_cnv_data_windows{$cnv_key}}[$chr_pos]/2);
}#for(my $chr_pos = 1; $chr_pos < scalar(@current_chr_data); $chr_pos++)
close ($OUTPUT_FILE);
}#if(scalar(@current_chr_data) > 0)
@current_chr_data = ();
}#for my $cnv_key ( keys %$genome_cnv_data_hash_ref)
#perform the sliding window analysis on the translocation mutation data
for my $trans_key ( keys %$genome_trans_data_hash_ref){
#get the array storing the translocation bins for the current chromosome
@current_chr_data = @{$genome_trans_data_hash_ref->{$trans_key}};
#check that the array is not empty
if(scalar(@current_chr_data) > 0){
#create the output file
open ($OUTPUT_FILE, ">", "$output_directory/translocations/chr$trans_key"."_translocation_localization.log") or die "ERROR: could not create file $output_directory/translocations/chr$trans_key"."_translocation_localization.log";
#print the header for the output file
print $OUTPUT_FILE "#chr\tstart\tend\tdensity";
#initialize the translocation count for the first window
@{$genome_trans_data_windows{$trans_key}}[0] = 0;
#calculate the translocation mutation count in the first window
for(my $chr_pos = 0; $chr_pos < $window_size; $chr_pos++){
my %region_hash;
%region_hash = %{$current_chr_data[$chr_pos]};
my %trans_hash_in;
my %trans_hash_out;
my $size = 0;
#calculate the number of inbound translocation breakpoints
%trans_hash_in = %{$region_hash{'in'}};
for my $key (keys %trans_hash_in){
$size = @{$trans_hash_in{$key}};
$size = $size/2;
@{$genome_trans_data_windows{$trans_key}}[0] += $size;
#calculate the number of outbound translocation breakpoints
%trans_hash_out = %{$region_hash{'out'}};
for my $key (keys %trans_hash_out){
if($key eq $trans_key){
$size = @{$trans_hash_out{$key}};
$size = $size/2;
@{$genome_trans_data_windows{$trans_key}}[0] += $size;
}#for(my $chr_pos = 0; $chr_pos < $window_size; $chr_pos++)
#print the values from the first window to the output file
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\n";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "$trans_key";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "0";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE ($window_size)*$bin_size;
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "0";
print $OUTPUT_FILE (POSIX::ceil(@{$genome_trans_data_windows{$trans_key}}[0]))/($window_size*$bin_size);
#add the translocation mutation count to the total mutation count for the region
@{$genome_mutation_data_windows{$trans_key}}[0] += POSIX::ceil(@{$genome_trans_data_windows{$trans_key}}[0]);
#perform the sliding window analysis for the rest of the chromosome
for(my $chr_pos = 1; $chr_pos < scalar(@current_chr_data); $chr_pos++){
if( (($chr_pos+($window_size-1))*$bin_size) > $chromosome_length{$trans_key} ){
@{$genome_trans_data_windows{$trans_key}}[$chr_pos] = 0;
my %prev_region_hash;
my %next_region_hash;
my $prev_value = 0;
my $next_value = 0;
#Caculate the number of mutations in the first bin of the previous window
%prev_region_hash = %{$current_chr_data[$chr_pos-1]};
my $size = 0;
my %prev_trans_hash_in;
my %prev_trans_hash_out;
%prev_trans_hash_in = %{$prev_region_hash{'in'}};
for my $key (keys %prev_trans_hash_in){
$size = @{$prev_trans_hash_in{$key}};
$size = $size/2;
$prev_value += $size;
%prev_trans_hash_out = %{$prev_region_hash{'out'}};
for my $key (keys %prev_trans_hash_out){
if($key eq $trans_key){
$size = @{$prev_trans_hash_out{$key}};
$size = $size/2;
$prev_value += $size;
#Caculate the number of mutations in the last bin of the current window
%next_region_hash = %{$current_chr_data[$chr_pos+($window_size-1)]};
my $size = 0;
my %next_trans_hash_in;
my %next_trans_hash_out;
%next_trans_hash_in = %{$next_region_hash{'in'}};
for my $key (keys %next_trans_hash_in){
$size = @{$next_trans_hash_in{$key}};
$size = $size/2;
$next_value += $size;
%next_trans_hash_out = %{$next_region_hash{'out'}};
for my $key (keys %next_trans_hash_out){
if($key eq $trans_key){
$size = @{$next_trans_hash_out{$key}};
$size = $size/2;
$next_value += $size;
#total number of translocation mutations in the current window = number of mutations in previous window - the first bin of the previous window + next bin along the chromosome
@{$genome_trans_data_windows{$trans_key}}[$chr_pos] += (@{$genome_trans_data_windows{$trans_key}}[$chr_pos-1]) - ($prev_value) + ($next_value);
#print values from this window
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\n";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "$trans_key";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE $chr_pos*$bin_size;
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE ($chr_pos+$window_size)*$bin_size;
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "0";
print $OUTPUT_FILE (POSIX::ceil(@{$genome_trans_data_windows{$trans_key}}[$chr_pos]))/($window_size*$bin_size);
@{$genome_mutation_data_windows{$trans_key}}[$chr_pos] += POSIX::ceil(@{$genome_trans_data_windows{$trans_key}}[$chr_pos]);
}#for(my $chr_pos = 1; $chr_pos < scalar(@current_chr_data); $chr_pos++)
close ($OUTPUT_FILE);
@current_chr_data = ();
#calculate the density of both types of mutations in each window in the genome
for my $mutation_key ( keys %genome_mutation_data_windows){
#check that some data exisits for the current chromosome
if(scalar(@{$genome_mutation_data_windows{$mutation_key}}) > 0){
#create the output file
open ($OUTPUT_FILE, ">", "$output_directory/all_types/chr$mutation_key"."_mutation_localization.log") or die "ERROR: could not create file $output_directory/all_types/chr$current_chr"."_mutation_localization.log";
#print the header for the output file
print $OUTPUT_FILE "#chr\tstart\tend\tdensity";
my $density;
#for every bin along the chromosome
for(my $chr_pos = 0; $chr_pos < scalar(@{$genome_mutation_data_windows{$mutation_key}}); $chr_pos++){
$total_genome_windows++; #increment the total number of windows in the genome
#calculate the density of mutations in the window
$density = 0;
$density = (@{$genome_mutation_data_windows{$mutation_key}}[$chr_pos])/($window_size*$bin_size);
#sum the density values to calculate the mean
$genome_mean_mutation_density += $density;
#print the values for the window
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\n";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "$mutation_key";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE $chr_pos*$bin_size;
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE ($chr_pos+$window_size)*$bin_size;
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE $density;
}#for(my $chr_pos = 0; $chr_pos < scalar(@{$genome_mutation_data_windows{$mutation_key}}); $chr_pos++)
close ($OUTPUT_FILE);
}#for my $mutation_key ( keys %genome_mutation_data_windows)
#calculate the mean mutation density for the windows in the genome
$genome_mean_mutation_density = $genome_mean_mutation_density/$total_genome_windows;
#find the sum of squared difference between the density of mutation of each window and the mean density of mutation
for my $mutation_key ( keys %genome_mutation_data_windows){
if(scalar(@{$genome_mutation_data_windows{$mutation_key}}) > 0){
my $density;
for(my $chr_pos = 0; $chr_pos < scalar(@{$genome_mutation_data_windows{$mutation_key}}); $chr_pos++){
$density = 0;
$density = (@{$genome_mutation_data_windows{$mutation_key}}[$chr_pos])/($window_size*$bin_size);
#sum the squared differences
$genome_mutation_density_standard_deviation += ($density-$genome_mean_mutation_density)**2;
}#for my $mutation_key ( keys %genome_mutation_data_windows)
#divided the sum of the squared differnces by the total number of windows and take the square root
$genome_mutation_density_standard_deviation = ($genome_mutation_density_standard_deviation/$total_genome_windows)**0.5;
#calculate z scores for each window and check if the window is greater than 2 SDs away from genome mean
#use this value to identify highly mutated regions
for my $mutation_key ( keys %genome_mutation_data_windows){
if(scalar(@{$genome_mutation_data_windows{$mutation_key}}) > 0){
my $density;
my $region_z_score = 0;
for(my $chr_pos = 0; $chr_pos < scalar(@{$genome_mutation_data_windows{$mutation_key}}); $chr_pos++){
$density = 0;
$density = (@{$genome_mutation_data_windows{$mutation_key}}[$chr_pos])/($window_size*$bin_size);
#calculate z score for the window
$region_z_score = ($density-$genome_mean_mutation_density)/$genome_mutation_density_standard_deviation;
#check if the z score is above the threshold
if( $region_z_score >= $outlier_deviation ) {
$suspect_start = $chr_pos*$bin_size;
$in_suspect_region = 1;
$suspect_chr = $mutation_key;
$suspect_end = ($chr_pos+$window_size)*$bin_size;
elsif ($in_suspect_region==1){
#once a region has been called push the chromosome, start and end positions into the suspect region array
push (@suspect_regions, ($suspect_chr,$suspect_start,$suspect_end));
$suspect_chr = -1;
$suspect_start = -1;
$suspect_end = -1;
$in_suspect_region = 0;
#check if the z score is below the threshold but still suspicously high
( $region_z_score < $outlier_deviation ) &&
( $region_z_score >= ($outlier_deviation-1) )
$likely_start = $chr_pos*$bin_size;
$in_likely_region = 1;
$likely_chr = $mutation_key;
$likely_end = ($chr_pos+$window_size)*$bin_size;
elsif ($in_likely_region==1){
push (@likely_regions, ($likely_chr,$likely_start,$likely_end));
$likely_chr = -1;
$likely_start = -1;
$likely_end = -1;
$in_likely_region = 0;
}#for(my $chr_pos = 0; $chr_pos < scalar(@{$genome_mutation_data_windows{$mutation_key}}); $chr_pos++)
#check if the last region analyzed was suspicious and push its data into the appropriate array
if ($in_suspect_region==1){
push (@suspect_regions, ($suspect_chr,$suspect_start,$suspect_end));
$suspect_chr = -1;
$suspect_start = -1;
$suspect_end = -1;
$in_suspect_region = 0;
if ($in_likely_region==1){
push (@likely_regions, ($likely_chr,$likely_start,$likely_end));
$likely_chr = -1;
$likely_start = -1;
$likely_end = -1;
$in_likely_region = 0;
}#for my $mutation_key ( keys %genome_mutation_data_windows)
return (\@suspect_regions, \@likely_regions, \%genome_cnv_data_windows, \%genome_trans_data_windows, \%genome_mutation_data_windows);
}#sub calculate_chromosome_localization
#=head2 Sub-Method: check_copy_number_count
### check_copy_number_count #######################################################################
# Description:
# Produces an output file that records the number of regions of copy-number variation that
# are present in each chromosome.
# Input variables:
# $output_directory: stores the path to the output directory
# $chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref: reference to hash that stores the count of regions
# of copy-number variation on each chromosome
sub check_copy_number_count {
#parse parameters
my $output_directory = shift;
my $chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref = shift;
my $OUTPUT_FILE; #file handle to output file
#open the output file
open ($OUTPUT_FILE, ">", "$output_directory/copy_number_count.log") or die "ERROR: could not create file $output_directory/copy_number_count.log\n";
#print the header
print $OUTPUT_FILE "#chr\tcopy_number\tnumber_of_regions";
#for each chromosome
#print out the number of regions with the given copy-number
for my $chr (sort keys %$chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref){
my %intermediate_hash = %{$chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref->{$chr}};
for my $CN (sort {$intermediate_hash{$b} <=> $intermediate_hash{$a} } keys %intermediate_hash){
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\n";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "$chr"; #chromosome
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "$CN"; #copy-number
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE $chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref->{$chr}->{$CN}; #number of regions with copy-number $CN
close ($OUTPUT_FILE);
}#sub check_copy_number_count
#=head2 Sub-Method: check_copy_number_switches
### check_copy_number_switches ####################################################################
# Description:
# Creates an output file that records the number of breakpoints between CNV regions on each
# chromosome
# Input variables:
# $output_directory: stores path to output directory
# $chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref: reference to hash that stores the count of regions
# of copy-number variation on each chromosome
sub check_copy_number_switches {
#parse parameters
my $output_directory = shift;
my $chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref = shift;
my $switch_count = 0;
my $OUTPUT_FILE; #file handle to output file
#open output file
open ($OUTPUT_FILE, ">", "$output_directory/copy_number_switches.log") or die "ERROR: could not create file $output_directory/copy_number_switches.log\n";
#print header
print $OUTPUT_FILE "#chr\tswitch_count";
#for each chromosome
#sum the total number of CNV events
#multiply the sum by 2 to get the number of CNV breakpoints
for my $chr (sort keys %$chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref){
my %intermediate_hash = %{$chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref->{$chr}};
for my $CN (sort {$intermediate_hash{$b} <=> $intermediate_hash{$a} } keys %intermediate_hash){
#only count regions that have abberant copy numbers
if($CN != 2){
$switch_count += ($chromosome_copy_number_count_hash_ref->{$chr}->{$CN} * 2);
#print values to output file
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\n";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "$chr";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE $switch_count;
$switch_count = 0;
close ($OUTPUT_FILE);
}#sub check_copy_number_switches
#=head2 Sub-Method: calculate_interchromosomal_translocation_rate
### calculate_interchromosomal_translocation_rate #################################################
# Description:
# Create an output file that records the number of translocations between each and every
# chromosome
# Input variables:
# $output_directory: stores path to output directory
# $chromosome_translocation_count_hash_ref: reference to hash that stores the count of
# translocations between each chromosome
sub calculate_interchromosomal_translocation_rate {
#parse parameters
my $output_directory = shift;
my $chromosome_translocation_count_hash_ref = shift;
my $OUTPUT_FILE; #file handle to output file
#open output file
open ($OUTPUT_FILE, ">", "$output_directory/interchromosomal_translocation_rate.log") or die "ERROR: could not create file $output_directory/interchromosomal_translocation_rate.log\n";
#print header
print $OUTPUT_FILE "#chr1\tchr2\tcount";
#for each chromosome
#print the number of translocations between every other chromosome
for my $chr1 (sort keys %$chromosome_translocation_count_hash_ref){
my %intermediate_hash = %{$chromosome_translocation_count_hash_ref->{$chr1}};
for my $chr2 (sort {$intermediate_hash{$b} <=> $intermediate_hash{$a} } keys %intermediate_hash){
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\n";
print $OUTPUT_FILE $chr1;
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE $chr2;
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\t";
print $OUTPUT_FILE $chromosome_translocation_count_hash_ref->{$chr1}->{$chr2};
close ($OUTPUT_FILE);
}#sub calculate_interchromosomal_translocation_rate
#=head2 Sub-Method: analyze_suspect_regions
### analyze_suspect_regions #######################################################################
# Description:
# Produces the final report output file, that includes the chromothriptic scores for each of
# the highly mutated regions
# Input variables:
# $output_directory: stores path to the output directory
# $suspect_regions_array_ref: reference to array storing the chromosome,
# start, and end position of highly mutated
# regions
# $genome_mutation_density_hash_ref: stores the average mutation density of each
# chromosome
# $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref: stores the position of CNV mutations on
# each chromosome
# $genome_trans_data_hash_ref: stores the position of translocation events
# on each chromosome
# $genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints_hash_ref: stores the position of insertions on each
# chromosome
# $bin_size: stores the size of a single bin
# $localization_window_size: stores the number of bins to include in a
# window
# $tp53_mutated: stores whether the TP53 gene is mutatated
# or not
# $tp53_mutation_found: stores whether or not a mutation was found
# in the TP53 loci
# $chromosome_cnv_breakpoints_hash_ref: stores the breakpoints of CNV mutations on
# each chromosome
# $chromosome_loh_breakpoints_hash_ref: stores the breakpoints of LOH regions on
# each chromosome
sub analyze_suspect_regions {
#parse parameters
my $output_directory = shift;
my $suspect_regions_array_ref = shift;
my @suspect_regions = @$suspect_regions_array_ref;
my $genome_mutation_density_hash_ref = shift;
my %genome_mutation_density_hash = %{$genome_mutation_density_hash_ref};
my $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref = shift;
my $genome_trans_data_hash_ref = shift;
my $genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints_hash_ref = shift;
my $bin_size = shift;
my $localization_window_size = shift;
my $tp53_mutated = shift;
my $tp53_mutation_found = shift;
my $chromosome_cnv_breakpoints_hash_ref = shift;
my $chromosome_loh_breakpoints_hash_ref = shift;
my $suspect_regions_size = @suspect_regions;
my @suspect_region_data = ();
my $header_string;
#check that the suspect region data array is not malformed, should contain sets of 3 elements
if($suspect_regions_size % 3 != 0){
die "ERROR: suspect_regions_array has $suspect_regions_size entries. Value must be divisible by 3.\n";
#create output directory for report files
mkdir ("$output_directory"."suspect_regions",0770) unless (-d "$output_directory"."suspect_regions");
if(!(-e "$output_directory"."suspect_regions")){
die "ERROR: could not create folder $output_directory"."suspect_regions";
#open final report output file
open ($OUTPUT_FILE, ">", "$output_directory"."suspect_regions/suspect_regions.yml") or die "ERROR: could not create file: $output_directory"."suspect_regions/suspect_regions.yml\n";
#construct and print header
$header_string = "file: Suspect Chromothriptic Regions\n";
$header_string .= "bin_size:\t\t\t$bin_size\n";
$header_string .= "localization_window_size:\t$localization_window_size\n";
$header_string .= "\n";
$header_string .= "genome_localization_score_weight:\t$genome_localization_weight\n";
$header_string .= "chromosome_localization_score_weight:\t$chromosome_localization_weight\n";
$header_string .= "cnv_score_weight:\t\t\t$cnv_weight\n";
$header_string .= "translocation_score_weight:\t\t$translocation_weight\n";
$header_string .= "insertion_breakpoint_score_weight:\t$insertion_breakpoint_weight\n";
$header_string .= "loh_score_weight:\t\t\t$loh_weight\n";
$header_string .= "tp53_mutation_score_weight:\t\t$tp53_mutated_weight\n";
$header_string .= "\n";
$header_string .= "min_mutation_density_z_score:\t$outlier_deviation\n";
$header_string .= "---\n";
$header_string .= "\n";
print $OUTPUT_FILE $header_string;
#calculate a chromothripsis score for each region that was present in the suspect region array
#store the results of the score calculation in a 2d array where elements in the first dimension correspond to each suspect region
#and the elements in the second dimension are the results of the score calculation
for (my $i = 0; $i < $suspect_regions_size; $i+=3){
my @region_data = ();
$region_data[0] = $suspect_regions[$i]; #chr
$region_data[1] = $suspect_regions[$i+1]; #start
$region_data[2] = $suspect_regions[$i+2]; #end
($region_data[3], $region_data[4], $region_data[5], $region_data[6], $region_data[7], $region_data[8], $region_data[9], $region_data[10], $region_data[11], $region_data[12], $region_data[13]) = calculate_score($region_data[0], $region_data[1], $region_data[2], $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref, $genome_trans_data_hash_ref, $genome_mutation_density_hash_ref, $genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints_hash_ref, $tp53_mutated, $chromosome_cnv_breakpoints_hash_ref, $chromosome_loh_breakpoints_hash_ref, $bin_size);
#add the results of the score calculation for this region to the array storing all the results
push @suspect_region_data, [@region_data];
#sort the results so that the region with the highest chromothriptic score will be printed
#to the final report output file first
@suspect_region_data = sort {$b->[3] <=> $a->[3] } @suspect_region_data;
#for each score that is generated print the score and the related statistics for that region
foreach my $score_data (@suspect_region_data){
my $chr = $score_data->[0]; #chr
my $start = $score_data->[1]; #start
my $end = $score_data->[2]; #end
my $score = sprintf("%.5f",$score_data->[3]);
my $chr_z_score = $score_data->[4];
my $region_density = sprintf("%e",$score_data->[5]);
my $cnv_number_hash_ref = $score_data->[6];
my %cnv_number_hash;
my $num_copy_num;
%cnv_number_hash = %{$cnv_number_hash_ref};
$num_copy_num = keys %cnv_number_hash;
$num_copy_num = 0;
my $cnv_density = sprintf("%e",$score_data->[7]);
my $intertranslocation_hash_ref = $score_data->[8];
my $translocation_density = $score_data->[9];
my %intertranslocation_hash;
my $num_trans_chr;
%intertranslocation_hash = %{$intertranslocation_hash_ref};
$num_trans_chr = keys %intertranslocation_hash;
$num_trans_chr = 0;
my $breakpoint_insertions_array_ref = $score_data->[10];
my @breakpoint_insertions_array;
my $breakpoint_percentage;
@breakpoint_insertions_array = @$breakpoint_insertions_array_ref;
$breakpoint_percentage = sprintf("%.2f",($breakpoint_insertions_array[0]/$breakpoint_insertions_array[1])*100);
my $loh_size = $score_data->[11];
my $hz_size = $score_data->[12];
my $percent_hz_lost;
if(defined($loh_size) && defined($hz_size)){
$percent_hz_lost = sprintf("%.2f",($loh_size/$hz_size)*100);
my @score_array = @{$score_data->[13]};
my $chr_density = $genome_mutation_density_hash{$chr};
my $print_string;
$print_string = "chromosome:\t$chr\n";
$print_string .= "start:\t\t$start\n";
$print_string .= "end:\t\t$end\n";
$print_string .= "\n";
$print_string .= "final_score:\t\t\t$score\n";
$print_string .= "genome_localization_score:\t".$score_array[2]*$genome_localization_weight."\t(".$score_array[2].")"."\n";
$print_string .= "chromosome_localization_score:\t".$score_array[1]*$chromosome_localization_weight."\t(".$score_array[1].")"."\n";
$print_string .= "cnv_score:\t\t\t".$score_array[0]*$cnv_weight."\t(".$score_array[0].")"."\n";
$print_string .= "translocation_score:\t\t".$score_array[3]*$translocation_weight."\t(".$score_array[3].")"."\n";
$print_string .= "insertion_breakpoint_score:\t".$score_array[4]*$insertion_breakpoint_weight."\t(".$score_array[4].")"."\n";
$print_string .= "loh_score:\t\t\t".$score_array[5]*$loh_weight."\t(".$score_array[5].")"."\n";
$print_string .= "tp53_score:\t\t\t".$score_array[6]*$tp53_mutated_weight."\t(".$score_array[6].")\n";
$print_string .= "\n";
$print_string .= "mutation_density_of_region:\t$region_density\n";
$print_string .= "mutation_density_of_chromosome:\t$chr_density\n";
$print_string .= "standard_deviations_from_mean_of_chromosome_mutation_density:\t$chr_z_score\n";
$print_string .= "\n";
$print_string .= "density_of_copy_number_switches: $cnv_density\n";
$print_string .= "number_of_aberrant_copy_number_states:\t$num_copy_num\n";
$print_string .= "aberrant_copy_number_states:\n";
foreach my $key (sort {$cnv_number_hash{$b} <=> $cnv_number_hash{$a} } keys %cnv_number_hash){
$print_string .= "\t$key:\t$cnv_number_hash{$key}\n";
$print_string .= "\n";
$print_string .= "density_of_translocation_breakpoints: $translocation_density\n";
$print_string .= "number_of_translocation_chromosomes:\t$num_trans_chr\n";
$print_string .= "translocation_chromosomes:\n";
foreach my $key (sort {$intertranslocation_hash{$b} <=> $intertranslocation_hash{$a} } keys %intertranslocation_hash){
$print_string .= "\t$key:\t$intertranslocation_hash{$key}\n";
$print_string .= "\n";
$print_string .= "insertion_data:\n";
$print_string .= "\tinsertions_found_at_translocation_breakpoints:\t$breakpoint_insertions_array[0]\n";
$print_string .= "\ttotal_translocation_breakpoints:\t$breakpoint_insertions_array[1]\n";
$print_string .= "\tpercentage:\t$breakpoint_percentage"."%\n";
$print_string .= "\n";
$print_string .= "loh_data:\n";
$print_string .= "\ttotal_size_of_loh:\t$loh_size\n";
$print_string .= "\ttotal_size_of_original_heterozygosity:\t$hz_size\n";
$print_string .= "\tpercent_heterozygosity_lost:\t$percent_hz_lost"."%\n";
$print_string .= "\n";
if($tp53_mutated && $tp53_mutation_found){
$print_string .= "tp53_mutation_present:\t1 (forced and mutations found)\n";
$print_string .= "tp53_mutation_present:\t1 (forced)\n";
$print_string .= "tp53_mutation_present:\t1 (mutations found)\n";
$print_string .= "tp53_mutation_present:\t0\n";
$print_string .= "---\n";
$print_string .= "\n";
print $OUTPUT_FILE $print_string;
$print_string = "";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "...";
}#sub analyze_suspect_regions
#=head2 Sub-Method: analyze_likely_regions
### analyze_likely_regions ########################################################################
# Description:
# Generates an output file that lists the regions that have a mutation density that is less
# than the outlier cut off but greater than 1 - the outlier cut off
# Input variables:
# $output_directory: stores path to the output directory
# $likely_regions_array_ref: reference to array storing the chromosome, start,
# and end position of highly mutated regions
# $genome_mutation_density_hash_ref: stores the average mutation density of each
# chromosome
# $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref: stores the position of CNV mutations on each
# chromosome
# $genome_trans_data_hash_ref: stores the position of translocation events on each
# chromosome
# $bin_size: stores the size of a single bin
sub analyze_likely_regions {
#parse parameters
my $output_directory = shift;
my $likely_regions_array_ref = shift;
my @likely_regions = @$likely_regions_array_ref;
my $genome_mutation_density_hash_ref = shift;
my $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref = shift;
my $genome_trans_data_hash_ref = shift;
my $bin_size = shift;
my $likely_regions_size = @likely_regions;
my @likely_region_data = (); #stores start, end, chromsome and mutation density for each region
#check that the likely region array is not malformed, should contain sets of 3 elements
if($likely_regions_size % 3 != 0){
die "ERROR: suspect_regions_array has $likely_regions_size entries. Value must be divisible by 3.\n";
#create output directory
mkdir ("$output_directory"."suspect_regions",0770) unless (-d "$output_directory"."suspect_regions");
if(!(-e "$output_directory"."suspect_regions")){
die "ERROR: could not create folder $output_directory"."suspect_regions";
#create output file
open ($OUTPUT_FILE, ">", "$output_directory"."suspect_regions/likely_regions.log") or die "ERROR: could not create file: $output_directory"."suspect_regions/likely_regions.log\n";
#print file header
print $OUTPUT_FILE "Likely Chromothriptic Regions\n";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "High Mutation Density Z-Score:\t$outlier_deviation\n";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "Min Mutation Density Z-Score:\t$outlier_deviation-1\n";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "---------------------------------------\n";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "#chr\tstart\tend\tmutation_density";
#for each likely region calculate the mutation density for the region and store it in the likely_region_data array
for (my $i = 0; $i < $likely_regions_size; $i+=3){
my @region_data = ();
$region_data[0] = $likely_regions[$i]; #chr
$region_data[1] = $likely_regions[$i+1]; #start
$region_data[2] = $likely_regions[$i+2]; #end
($region_data[3],$region_data[4]) = calculate_region_mutation_density_score($region_data[0], $region_data[1], $region_data[2], $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref, $genome_trans_data_hash_ref, $genome_mutation_density_hash_ref, $bin_size);
push @likely_region_data, [@region_data];
#sort the regions by density, largest to smallest
@likely_region_data = sort {$b->[3] <=> $a->[3] } @likely_region_data;
#print the density for each region to the output file
foreach my $i (@likely_region_data){
my $chr = $i->[0]; #chr
my $start = $i->[1]; #start
my $end = $i->[2]; #end
my $region_density = $i->[3]; #mutation density
print $OUTPUT_FILE "\n";
print $OUTPUT_FILE "$chr\t$start\t$end\t$region_density";
}#sub analyze_likely_regions
#=head2 Sub-Method: calculate_score
### calculate_score ###############################################################################
# Description:
# Calculates the chromothripic score for the given region. Calls sub methods to generate the
# score for each hallmark
# Input variables:
# $chr: stores the chromosome on which the region
# is found
# $start: stores the start base pair of the region
# $end: stores the end base pair of the region
# $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref: stores the position of CNV mutations on
# each chromosome
# $genome_trans_data_hash_ref: stores the position of translocation events
# on each chromosome
# $genome_mutation_density_hash_ref: stores the average mutation density of each
# chromosome
# $genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints_hash_ref: stores the position of insertions on each
# chromosome
# $tp53_mutated: stores whether the TP53 gene is mutatated
# or not
# $chromosome_cnv_breakpoints_hash_ref: stores the breakpoints of CNV mutations on
# each chromosome
# $chromosome_loh_breakpoints_hash_ref: stores the breakpoints of LOH regions on
# each chromosome
# $bin_size: stores the size of a single bin
sub calculate_score{
#parse parameters
my $chr = shift;
my $start = shift;
my $end = shift;
my $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref = shift;
my $genome_trans_data_hash_ref = shift;
my $genome_mutation_density_hash_ref = shift;
my $genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints_hash_ref = shift;
my $tp53_mutated = shift;
my $chromosome_cnv_breakpoints_hash_ref = shift;
my $chromosome_loh_breakpoints_hash_ref = shift;
my $bin_size = shift;
#initialize variable to store scores for each hallmark
my $cnv_score = 0;
my $mutation_density_score = 0;
my $genome_localization_score = 0;
my $translocation_score = 0;
my $insertion_breakpoint_score = 0;
my $loh_score = 0;
my $final_score = 0;
my @score_array; #array in which hallmark scores will be returned
my $chr_mutation_density; #stores the average mutation density of the chromosome where the region is found
my $chr_z_score; #stores the z_score of the mutation density of the chromosome where the region is found vs
#all the other chromosomes
my $cnv_number_hash_ref; #stores a hash that contains the number of regions of each abberant copy-number
my $cnv_density; #stores the density of cnv mutations in the region
my $translocation_density; #stores the density of translocation mutations in the region
my $mutation_density; #stores the density of all mutations in the region
my $intertranslocation_hash_ref; #stores the number of translocations between all other chromosomes and the region
my $breakpoint_insertions_array_ref; #stores the total number of translocation breakpoints, and the number that have insertions nearby
my $loh_size = -1; #stores the amount of heterozygosity that was lost in the region
my $heterozygous_size; #stores the original amount of heterozygosity in the region
($cnv_score, $cnv_number_hash_ref, $cnv_density) = calculate_copy_number_scores($chr, $start, $end, $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref, $bin_size);
($genome_localization_score, $chr_z_score, $chr_mutation_density) = calculate_genome_localization_score($chr, $genome_mutation_density_hash_ref);
($translocation_score, $intertranslocation_hash_ref, $translocation_density) = calculate_translocation_score($chr, $start, $end, $genome_trans_data_hash_ref, $bin_size);
($insertion_breakpoint_score, $breakpoint_insertions_array_ref) = calculate_insertion_breakpoint_score($chr, $start, $end, $genome_trans_data_hash_ref, $genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints_hash_ref, $bin_size);
($mutation_density, $mutation_density_score) = calculate_region_mutation_density_score($chr, $start, $end, $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref, $genome_trans_data_hash_ref, $genome_mutation_density_hash_ref, $bin_size);
($loh_score, $loh_size, $heterozygous_size) = calculate_loh_score($chr, $start, $end, $chromosome_cnv_breakpoints_hash_ref, $chromosome_loh_breakpoints_hash_ref);
#calculate overall score for region based on hallmark weights and scores
$final_score = ($cnv_score*$cnv_weight) + ($mutation_density_score*$chromosome_localization_weight) + ($genome_localization_score*$genome_localization_weight) + ($translocation_score*$translocation_weight) + ($insertion_breakpoint_score*$insertion_breakpoint_weight) + ($tp53_mutated*$tp53_mutated_weight) + ($loh_score*$loh_weight);
#push the hallmark scores into the score array
push (@score_array, ($cnv_score, $mutation_density_score, $genome_localization_score, $translocation_score, $insertion_breakpoint_score, $loh_score, $tp53_mutated));
#return the scores and other region statistics
return ($final_score, $chr_z_score, $mutation_density, $cnv_number_hash_ref, $cnv_density, $intertranslocation_hash_ref , $translocation_density, $breakpoint_insertions_array_ref, $loh_size, $heterozygous_size, \@score_array);
}#sub calculate_score
#=head2 Sub-Method: calculate_copy_number_score
### calculate_copy_number_score ##################################################################
# Description:
# Calculates the score for the copy-number variation hallmark
# Input variables:
# $chr: stores the chromsome where the region is located
# $start: stores the starting location of the region
# $end: stores the end location of the region
# $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref: stores the position of CNV mutations on each chromosome
# $bin_size: stores the size of single bin
sub calculate_copy_number_scores {
#parse parameters
my $chr = shift;
my $start = shift;
my $end = shift;
my $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref = shift;
my %genome_cnv_data_hash = %$genome_cnv_data_hash_ref;
my $bin_size = shift;
#calculate array index where the data for the first and last bins of the region are located
my $start_index = $start / ($bin_size);
my $end_index = $end / ($bin_size);
my $cnv_score = 0; #stores final score to return
my %cnv_number_hash; #hash
#key: copy number eg 0,1,3,4
#value: the number of regions with the given copy number
my $cnv_switch_count = 0; #number of switches between different copy numbers
my $cnv_switch_density = 0; #density of cnv events in the region
my @chr_data; #stores all the bins for the chromosome where the region is located
my %cnv_hash; #stores the cnv hash from each bin
my $mean = 0; #stores the average number of regions of aberrant copy-number
my $SD = 0; #stores the standard deviation of the number of regions of aberrant copy-number
my %cnv_significant; #hash
#key: copy number (but only significant ones are stored)
#value: the number of regions with the given copy number
my $significant_count = 0; #stores the number of unique significant copy-numbers
#check if there is cnv data for the chromosome
#extract the bin data for the chromosome
@chr_data = @{$genome_cnv_data_hash{$chr}};
#collect the data from the bins that contain the region
for (my $i = $start_index; $i < $end_index+1; $i++){
%cnv_hash = %{$chr_data[$i]};
for my $key (keys %cnv_hash){
if($key eq 'BPcount'){
$cnv_switch_count += $cnv_hash{$key};
$cnv_number_hash{$key}+= $cnv_hash{$key};
#calculate the breakpoint density of cnv mutations for the region
$cnv_switch_density = $cnv_switch_count/ ($end-$start);
#calculate the number of cnv events in the region (half the number of breakpoints)
for my $key (keys %cnv_number_hash){
$cnv_number_hash{$key} = POSIX::ceil($cnv_number_hash{$key});
$mean += $cnv_number_hash{$key};
#if no cnv mutations were found return a score of 0
if(scalar(keys %cnv_number_hash)==0){
$cnv_score = 0;
return ($cnv_score, \%cnv_number_hash, $cnv_switch_density);
#calculate the mean of the number regions of each copy-number
$mean = $mean/(scalar(keys %cnv_number_hash));
#calculate the standard deviation of the number of regions of each copy-number
for my $key (keys %cnv_number_hash){
$SD += ($cnv_number_hash{$key}-$mean)**2;
$SD = $SD/(scalar(keys %cnv_number_hash));
$SD = $SD**0.5;
#determine which copy-numbers are significant (ie are not low out liers)
for my $key (keys %cnv_number_hash){
( $SD==0 )||
( (($cnv_number_hash{$key}-$mean)/$SD) >= -1*$outlier_deviation )
$cnv_significant{$key} = $cnv_number_hash{$key};
$cnv_score = $cnv_score + $cnv_significant{$key}**2;
#score calculation
$cnv_score = $cnv_score / (scalar(keys %cnv_significant));
$cnv_score = log($cnv_score)/log(2);
$cnv_score += 1;
$cnv_score = 1 - (1/$cnv_score);
$cnv_score = $cnv_score/(scalar(keys %cnv_significant));
#$cnv_score = (1/(scalar(keys %cnv_significant)))*(0.25) + (1-(1/(1+log($cnv_score/(scalar(keys %cnv_significant)))/log(2))))*(0.75);
return ($cnv_score, \%cnv_number_hash, $cnv_switch_density);
}#sub calculate_copy_number_scores
#=head2 Sub-Method: calculate_genome_localization_score
### calculate_genome_localization_score ##########################################################
# Description:
# Calculates the genome localization hallmark score
# Input variables:
# $chr: store the chromosome where the region is located
# $genome_mutation_density_hash_ref: stores the average mutation density of each
# chromosome
sub calculate_genome_localization_score {
#parse parameters
my $chr = shift;
my $genome_mutation_density_hash_ref = shift;
my %genome_mutation_density_hash = %{$genome_mutation_density_hash_ref};
#read mutation density for the chromosome
my $chr_mutation_density = $genome_mutation_density_hash{$chr};
my $mean_density = 0; #stores the average density of mutations for the chromosomes
my $standard_deviation = 0; #stores the standard deviation of the mutation densities of the chromosomes
my $z_score = 0; #stores the z-score for the suspect chromosome
my $p_val = 0; #stores the p-value calculated from the z-score for the suspect chromosome
#sum mutation densities of all the chromosomes
for my $key (keys %genome_mutation_density_hash){
$mean_density += $genome_mutation_density_hash{$key}/$chromosome_length{$chr};
#calculate the mean
$mean_density = $mean_density / 24;
#calculate the standard deviation
for my $key (keys %genome_mutation_density_hash){
$standard_deviation += ((($genome_mutation_density_hash{$key}) - ($mean_density) )**2);
$standard_deviation = $standard_deviation / 24;
$standard_deviation = ($standard_deviation)**0.5;
#check for case where the standard deviation or mean comes back as 0
if($mean_density == 0 || $standard_deviation == 0){
return (0, 0, $chr_mutation_density);
#calculate the z-score for suspect chromosome
$z_score = ($chr_mutation_density - $mean_density) / $standard_deviation;
#calculate the p-value from the z-score
$p_val = Statistics::Distributions::uprob($z_score);
#only consider top tail
$p_val = 0.5-$p_val;
$p_val = $p_val/0.5;
#check for case where z-score comes back as 0
if($z_score < 0){
$p_val = 0;
#p_val is the score for this hallmark
return ($p_val, $z_score, $chr_mutation_density);
}#sub calculate_genome_localization_score
#=head2 Sub-Method: calculate_region_mutation_density_score
### calculate_region_mutation_density_score ######################################################
# Description:
# Calculates the chromosome localization hallmark score
# Input variables:
# $chr: chromosome where the region is located
# $start: starting location of the region
# $end: end location of the region
# $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref: stores the position of CNV mutations on each
# chromosome
# $genome_trans_data_hash_ref: stores the position of translocation events
# on each chromosome
# $genome_mutation_density_hash_ref: stores the average mutation density of each
# chromosome
# $bin_size: stores the size of single bin
sub calculate_region_mutation_density_score {
#parse parameters
my $chr = shift;
my $start = shift;
my $end = shift;
my $genome_cnv_data_hash_ref = shift;
my %genome_cnv_data_hash = %{$genome_cnv_data_hash_ref};
my $genome_trans_data_hash_ref = shift;
my %genome_trans_data_hash = %{$genome_trans_data_hash_ref};
my $genome_mutation_density_hash_ref = shift;
my %genome_mutation_density_hash = %{$genome_mutation_density_hash_ref};
my $bin_size = shift;
#calculate array index where the data for the first and last bins of the region are located
my $start_index = $start / $bin_size;
my $end_index = $end / $bin_size;
#get the mean mutation density for the suspect chromosome
my $mean_chr_mutation_density = $genome_mutation_density_hash{$chr};
my $chis_stat; #stores the chi squared statistic value
my $mutation_count = 0; #stores the total mutation count in the region
my $cnv_count = 0; #stores the number of cnv breakpoints in the region
my $trans_count = 0; #stores the number of translocation breakpoints in the region
my $mutation_density = 0; #store the mutation density of the region
my $mutation_density_score; #stores the final score for the hallmark
my @chr_data; #stores the bin data for the chromosome
my %cnv_hash; #stores the cnv hash for each bin
my %trans_hash; #stores the translocation hash for each bin
#check that there is cnv data for the chromosome
#get the cnv data for the chromosome
@chr_data = @{$genome_cnv_data_hash{$chr}};
#sum the number of cnv breakpoints in the suspect region
for (my $i = $start_index; $i < $end_index+1; $i++){
%cnv_hash = %{$chr_data[$i]};
$cnv_count += $cnv_hash{'BPcount'};
@chr_data = ();
#check that there is translocation data for the chromosome
#get the translocation data for the chromosome
@chr_data = @{$genome_trans_data_hash{$chr}};
#sum the number of translocation breakpoints in the suspect region
for (my $i = $start_index; $i < $end_index+1; $i++){
%trans_hash = %{$chr_data[$i]};
$trans_count += $trans_hash{'BPcount'};
#divide the count by 2 to get the number of translocation events
$trans_count = POSIX::ceil($trans_count/2);
#calculate the total number events in the region
$mutation_count = $cnv_count + $trans_count;
#calculate the mutation density for the region
$mutation_density = $mutation_count / ($end-$start);
#calculate the chi squared statistic
$chis_stat = abs(((log($mutation_density)-log($mean_chr_mutation_density))**2)/(log($mean_chr_mutation_density)));
#generate a p-value using the chi squared test
$mutation_density_score = 1-(Statistics::Distributions::chisqrprob(1,$chis_stat));
return ($mutation_density, $mutation_density_score);
#=head2 Sub-Method: calculate_translocation_score
### calculate_translocation_score #################################################################
# Description:
# Calculates the translocation hallmark score
# Input variables:
# $chr: chromosome where the region is located
# $start: starting location of the region
# $end: end location of the region
# $genome_trans_data_hash_ref: stores the position of translocation events on each
# chromosome
# $bin_size: stores the size of single bin
sub calculate_translocation_score {
#parse parameters
my $chr = shift;
my $start = shift;
my $end = shift;
my $genome_trans_data_hash_ref = shift;
my %genome_trans_data_hash = %{$genome_trans_data_hash_ref};
my $bin_size = shift;
#calculate array index where the data for the first and last bins of the region are located
my $start_index = $start / ($bin_size);
my $end_index = $end / ($bin_size);
my $translocation_density = 0; #stores the density of translocation events in the region
my @chr_data; #stores the bin data for the chromosome
my %trans_breakpoints; #hash
#key: chromosome eg 1,2,X,Y
#value: an array storing the position of the translocation breakpoints
my %trans_breakpoint_spreads; #stores the average distance between translocation breakpoints
my @significant_chrs; #stores a list of chromosomes that have a significant number of
#translocation to or from the region
my @diffs; #stores the distance between adjacent translocation breakpoints on
#one chromosome
my $diff_sum; #stores the sum of the distances
my $diff_count; #store the number regions between translocation breakpoints
my %trans_number_hash; #hash
#key: chromosome eg 1,2,X,Y
#value: the number of events between the chromosome and the region
my $mean = 0; #stores the average number of translocations between each chromosome
#and the region
my $SD = 0; #stores the standard deviation of the above value
my $weighted_sum = 0.00; #component of the score calculation
my $size = 0.00; #intermediate variable used to collect sums
my $count = 0; #intermeidate variable
my $translocation_score = 0; #final hallmark score
my $spread_factor = 0;
my $translocation_count = 0; #stores the total number of translocations from significant chromosomes
#check that there is translocation data for the chromosome
#get the translocation data for the chromosome
@chr_data = @{$genome_trans_data_hash{$chr}};
#for each bin sum the number of translocation events
#and record the position of breakpoints in the trans_breakpoints hash
for (my $i = $start_index; $i < $end_index+1; $i++){
my %trans_hash = %{$chr_data[$i]};
my %trans_hash_in;
my %trans_hash_out;
#analyze the breakpoints from translocation into the region
%trans_hash_in = %{$trans_hash{'in'}};
for my $key (keys %trans_hash_in){
$size = @{$trans_hash_in{$key}};
#calculate the number of translocation events
$size = $size/2;
#add the count to the appropriate hash
$trans_number_hash{$key} += $size;
#add the breakpoints to the trans_breakpoints hash
#analyze the breakpoints from translocation out of the region
%trans_hash_out = %{$trans_hash{'out'}};
for my $key (keys %trans_hash_out){
$size = @{$trans_hash_out{$key}};
$count = $size;
if($key eq $chr){
foreach my $val (@{$trans_hash_out{$key}}){
if($val > $start && $val < $end){
#calculate the number of translocation events
$count = $count/2;
#add the count to the appropriate hash
$trans_number_hash{$key} += $count;
#add the breakpoints to the trans_breakpoints hash
$count = 0;
#check that some translocation events were found else return a score of 0
if (keys(%trans_number_hash) == 0){
$translocation_score = 0;
$translocation_density = 0;
return ($translocation_score, \%trans_number_hash, $translocation_density);
for my $key (keys %trans_number_hash){
#round the event count up since if only one breakpoint was present at the end
#of the region we still count that as a whole translocation event
$trans_number_hash{$key} = POSIX::ceil($trans_number_hash{$key});
#sum the number of translocation events in the region
$count += $trans_number_hash{$key};
#calculate the translocation density for the region
$translocation_density = $count / ($end-$start);
#calculate the mean and standard deviation of the number of translocation between the region
#and each chromosome
($SD, $mean) = standard_deviation_and_mean(\%trans_number_hash,0);
#identify chromosomes that have a high number of translocations to or from the region and
#add them to the significant chromosome list
for my $key (keys %trans_number_hash){
( $SD==0 )||
#( (($trans_number_hash{$key}-$mean)/$SD)>-2*$outlier_deviation)
( (($trans_number_hash{$key}-$mean)/$SD)>-1*$outlier_deviation)
push (@significant_chrs, $key);
#calculate the total number of translocations from significant chromosomes
foreach my $key (@significant_chrs){
$translocation_count += $trans_number_hash{$key};
#for each significant chromosome calculate the spread between translocation events
foreach my $key (@significant_chrs){
#sort the breakpoints
@{$trans_breakpoints{$key}} = sort {$a <=> $b} @{$trans_breakpoints{$key}};
$size = @{$trans_breakpoints{$key}};
@diffs = ();
$diff_sum = 0;
$diff_count = 0;
#calculate and store the distance between adjacent breakpoints
for (my $i = 1; $i<$size; $i++){
push (@diffs, @{$trans_breakpoints{$key}}[$i]-@{$trans_breakpoints{$key}}[$i-1]);
#check that more that one distance was calculated
$trans_breakpoint_spreads{$key} = 0;
$diff_count = 1;
else{ #calculate the standard deviation and mean for the distance between breakpoints
($SD,$mean) = standard_deviation_and_mean(\@diffs,1);
#sum the distances that are not high outliers, indicating distance between 2 translocation
#events and not distance between breakpoints of the same event
foreach my $val (@diffs){
( $SD==0 )||
( (($val-$mean)/$SD)<$outlier_deviation )
$diff_sum += $val;
#calculate the average spread of translocation breakpoints
$trans_breakpoint_spreads{$key} = $diff_sum / $diff_count;
#calculate the spread factor for the chromosome
#my $spread_factor = (log($trans_breakpoint_spreads{$key}+1)/log(10))/((log($expected_mutation_density)/log(10))*-1);
$spread_factor = (log($trans_breakpoint_spreads{$key}+1)/log(10))/((log($expected_mutation_density)/log(10))*-1);
$spread_factor = 1;
#increase the weighted sum based on the number of translocation events and their spread multiplied by the proportion of translocations
#from this specific chromosome relative to the total number of translocation events
$weighted_sum += ($trans_number_hash{$key}/$spread_factor)*($trans_number_hash{$key}/$translocation_count);
}#foreach my $key (@significant_chrs)
my $t2 = (1-(1/(log(1+$weighted_sum)/log(2))));
#final hallmark score calculation
$size = @significant_chrs;
#calculate second term of score
$translocation_score = (1-(1/(log(1+$weighted_sum)/log(2))));
#calculate first term of score
if($size<$translocation_cut_off_count && $size>2){
$translocation_score = (1-(0.10*($size-2)))*$translocation_score;
$translocation_score = 0;
print "score: ".$translocation_score."\n";
print "ws: ".$weighted_sum."\n";
print "sf: ".$spread_factor."\n";
print "term 1: ";
print (1/(1+(log($size)/log(4))));
print "\n";
print "term 2: ";
print (1-(1/(log($weighted_sum)/log(2))));
print "\n";
return ($translocation_score, \%trans_number_hash, $translocation_density);
}#sub calculate_translocation_score
#=head2 Sub-Method: calculate_insertion_breakpoint_score
### calculate_insertion_breakpoint_score ##########################################################
# Description:
# Calculates the insertions at translocation breakpoints hallmark score
# Input variables:
# $chr: chromosome where the region is located
# $start: starting location of the region
# $end: end location of the region
# $genome_trans_data_hash_ref: stores the position of translocation events
# on each chromosome
# $genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints_hash_ref: stores the position of breakpoints with
# insertions nearby
# $bin_size: stores the size of single bin
sub calculate_insertion_breakpoint_score {
#parse parameters
my $chr = shift;
my $start = shift;
my $end = shift;
my $genome_trans_data_hash_ref = shift;
my %genome_trans_data_hash = %{$genome_trans_data_hash_ref};
my $genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints_hash_ref = shift;
my %genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints_hash = %{$genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints_hash_ref};
my $bin_size = shift;
#calculate array index where the data for the first and last bins of the region are located
my $start_index = $start / ($bin_size);
my $end_index = $end / ($bin_size);
my $total_breakpoints = 0; #total number of breakpoints in the region
my $inserted_breakpoints = 0; #total number of breakpoints with nearby insertions in the region
my $insertion_breakpoint_score = 0;
my @chr_data; #stores the bin data for the chromosome
my %trans_hash; #stores translocation hash for each bin
my @inserted_breakpoint_list; #stores the breakpoints that have insertions nearby
my @breakpoint_data; #stores $total_breakpoints and $inserted_breakpoints for return
#check if there is translocation data for the region
#get the translocation data
@chr_data = @{$genome_trans_data_hash{$chr}};
#for each bin in the region sum the number of breakpoints
for (my $i = $start_index; $i < $end_index+1; $i++){
%trans_hash = %{$chr_data[$i]};
$total_breakpoints += $trans_hash{'BPcount'};
#get the list of breakpoints with insertions nearby on the chromosome
@inserted_breakpoint_list = @{$genome_trans_insertion_breakpoints_hash{$chr}};
#sort the above list
@inserted_breakpoint_list = sort {$a <=> $b} @inserted_breakpoint_list;
#calculate how many of the breakpoints with insertions are in the region
foreach my $breakpoint (@inserted_breakpoint_list){
if($breakpoint > $end){
if($breakpoint > $start){
#calculate the hallmark score
$insertion_breakpoint_score = $inserted_breakpoints/$total_breakpoints;
if($insertion_breakpoint_score > 1){
die "ERROR: found a insertion_breakpoint_score greater than 1\n";
push (@breakpoint_data, $inserted_breakpoints);
push (@breakpoint_data, $total_breakpoints);
return ($insertion_breakpoint_score, \@breakpoint_data);
#=head2 Sub-Method: calculate_loh_score
### calculate_loh_score ###########################################################################
# Description:
# Calculates the loss of heterozgozity hallmark score
# Input variables:
# $chr: chromosome where the region is located
# $start: starting location of the region
# $end: end location of the region
# $chromosome_cnv_breakpoints_hash_ref: stores the breakpoints of CNV mutations on each
# chromosome
# $chromosome_loh_breakpoints_hash_ref: stores the breakpoints of LOH regions on each
# chromosome
sub calculate_loh_score {
#parse parameters
my $chr = shift;
my $start = shift;
my $end = shift;
my $chromosome_cnv_breakpoints_hash_ref = shift;
my %chromosome_cnv_breakpoints_hash = %{$chromosome_cnv_breakpoints_hash_ref};
my $chromosome_loh_breakpoints_hash_ref = shift;
my %chromosome_loh_breakpoints_hash = %{$chromosome_loh_breakpoints_hash_ref};
my @cnv_breakpoints; #stores cnv breakpoints in the region
my $cnv_breakpoints_size; #stores the number of cnv breakpoints in the region
my @loh_breakpoints; #stores the LOH breakpoints in the region
my $loh_breakpoints_size; #stores the number of LOH breakpoints in the region
#calculate maximum potential amount of heterozygosity
my $original_heterozygous_size = $end - $start;
#calculate maximum pontentail amount of heterozygosity that can remain
my $remaining_heterozygous_size = $end - $start;
my $loh_size = 0; #stores the size of all LOH regions in the region
my $loh_score = 0; #final hallmark score
#check if there is any cnv data for the chromosome
( !defined($chromosome_cnv_breakpoints_hash{$chr}) ) ||
( !defined($chromosome_loh_breakpoints_hash{$chr}) )
$loh_score = 0;
$loh_size = -1;
$remaining_heterozygous_size = -1;
return($loh_score, $loh_size, $remaining_heterozygous_size);
#get the cnv breakpoints for the chromosome
@cnv_breakpoints = @{$chromosome_cnv_breakpoints_hash{$chr}};
#sort the list
@cnv_breakpoints = sort {$a <=> $b} @cnv_breakpoints;
#get the number of breakpoints
$cnv_breakpoints_size = @cnv_breakpoints;
#find all the cnv events that occur in the region and subtract the size of these regions
#from the $original_heterozygous_size value
for (my $i = 0; $i< $cnv_breakpoints_size; $i+=2){
my $cnv_start = $i;
my $cnv_end = $i+1;
my $end_overlap = 0;
my $start_overlap = 0;
if($cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_start] > $end){
#Check if the end point of the cnv region is within the suspect region
if($cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_end] >= $start && $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_end] <= $end){
$end_overlap = 1;
#Check if the start point of the region cnv is within the suspect region
if($cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_start] >= $start && $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_start] <= $end){
$start_overlap = 1;
#If an overlap was detected
if($start_overlap==1 && $end_overlap==1) {
$remaining_heterozygous_size -= ($cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_end] - $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_start]);
$remaining_heterozygous_size -= ($end-$cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_start]);
$remaining_heterozygous_size -= ($cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_end]-$start);
elsif($cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_start] < $start && $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_end] > $end){
$remaining_heterozygous_size = 0;
#check if there is no potential heterozygous regions in the suspect region or if there are no cnv events
#in the suspect region, if either is the case return a score of 0
if($remaining_heterozygous_size == 0 || $remaining_heterozygous_size == $original_heterozygous_size){
$loh_score = 0;
$loh_size = -1;
$remaining_heterozygous_size = -1;
return($loh_score, $loh_size, $remaining_heterozygous_size);
#get a list of the LOH breakpoints on the chromosome
@loh_breakpoints = @{$chromosome_loh_breakpoints_hash{$chr}};
#sort the list
@loh_breakpoints = sort {$a <=> $b} @loh_breakpoints;
#get the number of breakpoints
$loh_breakpoints_size = @loh_breakpoints;
#determine which LOH regions are in the suspect region
for (my $i = 0; $i< $loh_breakpoints_size; $i+=2){
my $start_overlap_region_loh = 0;
my $end_overlap_region_loh = 0;
my $loh_start = $i;
my $loh_end = $i+1;
my $loh_start_breakpoint = $loh_breakpoints[$loh_start];
my $loh_end_breakpoint = $loh_breakpoints[$loh_end];
my $loh_region_size;
if($loh_breakpoints[$loh_start] > $end){
#Check if the end point of the cnv region is within the loh region
if($loh_breakpoints[$loh_end] >= $start && $loh_breakpoints[$loh_end] <= $end){
$end_overlap_region_loh = 1;
#Check if the start point of region 1 is within region 2
if($loh_breakpoints[$loh_start] >= $start && $loh_breakpoints[$loh_start] <= $end){
$start_overlap_region_loh = 1;
#If an overlap was detected
if($start_overlap_region_loh==1 && $end_overlap_region_loh!=1){
$loh_end_breakpoint = $end;
elsif($end_overlap_region_loh==1 && $start_overlap_region_loh!=1){
$loh_start_breakpoint = $start;
elsif($loh_breakpoints[$loh_start] < $start && $loh_breakpoints[$loh_end] > $end){
$loh_start_breakpoint = $start;
$loh_end_breakpoint = $end;
if($start_overlap_region_loh != 1 && $end_overlap_region_loh != 1){ #if the loh region is not in the suspect region go to the next loh region
#if the loh region is in the suspect region then reduce the size of the loh by subtracting the size of cnv regions that over lap with it
#this will tell us how much original heterozygosity remains
$loh_region_size = $loh_end_breakpoint - $loh_start_breakpoint;
#check for overlaps between the LOH region and cnv regions
for (my $k = 0; $k< $cnv_breakpoints_size; $k+=2){
my $start_overlap_loh_cnv = 0;
my $end_overlap_loh_cnv = 0;
my $cnv_start = $k;
my $cnv_end = $k+1;
if($cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_start] > $loh_end_breakpoint){
#Check if the end point of the cnv region is within the loh region
if($cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_end] >= $loh_start_breakpoint && $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_end] <= $loh_end_breakpoint){
$end_overlap_loh_cnv = 1;
#Check if the start point of region 1 is within region 2
if($cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_start] >= $loh_start_breakpoint && $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_start] <= $loh_end_breakpoint){
$start_overlap_loh_cnv = 1;
#If an overlap was detected
if($start_overlap_loh_cnv==1 || $end_overlap_loh_cnv==1) {
$loh_region_size -= ($cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_end] - $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_start]);
$loh_region_size -= ($loh_end_breakpoint-$cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_start]);
$loh_region_size -= ($cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_end]-$loh_start_breakpoint);
elsif($cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_start] < $loh_start_breakpoint && $cnv_breakpoints[$cnv_end] > $loh_end_breakpoint){
$loh_region_size = 0;
$loh_size += $loh_region_size;
#calculate the LOH score
$loh_score = 1 - ($loh_size/$remaining_heterozygous_size);
if($loh_size> $remaining_heterozygous_size){
die "ERROR: invalid LOH size value found\n";
return($loh_score, $loh_size, $remaining_heterozygous_size);
}#sub calculate_loh_score
#=head2 Sub-Method: standard_deviation_and_mean
### standard_deviation_and_mean ###################################################################
# Description:
# Calculates the standard deviation and mean for a given set of values
# Input variables:
# $data_ref: reference to either a hash or an array
# $type: 0 indicates a hash, 1 indicates an array
sub standard_deviation_and_mean{
#parse parameters
my $data_ref = shift;
my $type = shift;
my %hash;
my @array;
my $size;
my $mean = 0;
my $SD = 0;
%hash = %{$data_ref};
if((scalar(keys %hash))==0){
die"Found sample size of 0 when calculating SD-hash\n";
#calculate mean
for my $key (keys %hash){
$mean += $hash{$key};
$mean = $mean/(scalar(keys %hash));
#calculate sum of squared differences
for my $key (keys %hash){
$SD += ($hash{$key}-$mean)**2;
#calculate final standard deviation value
$SD = $SD/(scalar(keys %hash));
$SD = $SD**0.5;
@array = @{$data_ref};
$size = @array;
die"Found sample size of 0 when calculating SD-array\n";
#calculate mean
foreach my $val (@array){
$mean += $val;
$mean = $mean/$size;
#calculate sum of squared differences
foreach my $val (@array){
$SD += ($val-$mean)**2;
#calculate final standard deviation value
$SD = $SD/$size;
$SD = $SD**0.5;
die"ERROR: invalid SD/mean type found\n";
return ($SD, $mean);
}#sub standard_deviation_and_mean
### next_arg ######################################################################################
# Parse the next arguement from the command line
sub next_arg {
my $code = shift;
if($pos == $ARGC){
}#sub next_arg
### man_text ######################################################################################
# Print the manual help text
sub man_text {
print "Main Usage:\n";
print "\tperl -w shatterproof.pl --cnv <dir> --trans <dir> [--insrt <dir>] [--loh <dir>] [--tp53] --config <path> --output <dir>\n";
print "\n";
print "\tArguments:\n";
print "\t\t--cnv\t\tDefine the path to the directory containing the CNV input files\n";
print "\t\t--trans\t\tDefine the path to the directory containing the Translocation input files\n";
print "\t\t--insrt\t\tDefine the path to the directory containing the insertion VCF input files\n";
print "\t\t--loh\t\tDefine the path to the directory containing the LOH input files\n";
print "\t\t--tp53\t\tIndicate that TP53 should be considered mutated, regardless of data\n";
print "\t\t--config\tDefine the path to the ShatterProof config file\n";
print "\t\t--output\tDefine the path to the directory where output should be placed\n";
print "\t\tdir\t\tPath to a directory\n";
print "\t\tpath\t\tPath to a file\n";
print "\n";
print "Help Usage:\n";
print "\tperl -w shatterproof.pl --help\t\tThis help message.\n";
print "\n";
exit 0;
}#sub man_text
### usage #########################################################################################
# Prints an error message when invalid command line arguements are found
sub usage {
my $usage_msg = shift;
print "u $usage_msg \n";
case 0 { print "ERROR: missing arguments\n"; }
case 1 { print "ERROR: 2nd argument missing\n"; }
case 2 { print "ERROR: CNV directory missing\n"; }
case 3 { print "ERROR: --trans option missing\n" }
case 4 { print "ERROR: --cnv option missing\n" }
case 5 { print "ERROR: Translocation directory missing\n" }
case 6 { print "ERROR: --config option missing\n" }
case 7 { print "ERROR: --trans option missing\n" }
case 8 { print "ERROR: insertion directory missing\n" }
case 9 { print "ERROR: --config option missing\n" }
case 10 { print "ERROR: LOH directory missing \n" }
case 11 { print "ERROR: --config option missing\n" }
case 12 { print "ERROR: --config option missing\n" }
case 13 { print "ERROR: Path to config file missing\n" }
case 14 { print "ERROR: --output option missing\n" }
case 15 { print "ERROR: --config option missing\n" }
case 16 { print "ERROR: Output directory missing\n" }
case 17 { print "ERROR: --output option missing\n" }
case 18 { print "ERROR: too many arguments\n" }
print "Try perl -w shatteproof.pl --help\n";
exit 0;
}#sub usage
### initialize_genome_hash ########################################################################
# Description:
# Initializes a hash to store an array for each chromosome
sub initialize_genome_hash {
my %genome_region_data = ( #{chr}[region_num]->%region_data
X => [],
Y => [],
1 => [],
2 => [],
3 => [],
4 => [],
5 => [],
6 => [],
7 => [],
8 => [],
9 => [],
10 => [],
11 => [],
12 => [],
13 => [],
14 => [],
15 => [],
16 => [],
17 => [],
18 => [],
19 => [],
20 => [],
21 => [],
22 => []
return (\%genome_region_data);
}#sub initialize_genome_hash
### load_config_file #########################################################################################
# Description:
# Opens the config file and reads the parameter values from it
# Input variables:
# $path: path to config file
sub load_config_file {
my $path = shift;
print "\nLoading configuration file";
#Load the configuration file config.pl
open($CONFIG, "<","$path") or die "COULD NOT OPEN CONFIG FILE at path: $path \n";
eval (<$CONFIG>) while (!eof($CONFIG));
print " - Done\n";
}#sub load_config_file
=head1 NAME
ShatterProof - a script for analyzing next-generation sequencing data
use Shatterproof
See "shatterproof.pl" in the scripts directory for a simple perl script which calls the ShatterProof module
Call ShatterProof via:
ShatterProof is a tool that can be used to analyze next generation sequencing data for signs of chromothripsis. ShatterProof is implemented as a Perl module that processes input files and produces output files in both tab-delimited and YAML format. Perl version 5.0 or greater is required to run ShatterProof. Link to publication will be posted soon.
=head1 README
=head2 Installing ShatterProof
To install this module type the following:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
Make sure that you have admin permission rights when running the previous commands.
=head2 Input File Types
ShatterProof bases its analysis of genomic data on calls of translocations, copy number variations (CNV), loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and insertions.
ShatterProof can takes as input 4 different types of input files. See the scripts/conversion_scripts directory for some Perl scripts which will convert some common tools' output to the required input formats.
=head3 Translocation Input Files (.spt)
Tab delimited columns
First line is header line:
#chr1 start end chr2 start end quality
Example data entry line:
1 1000 2000 4 4000 5000 78
If no value is available for quality, use a "." eg.:
1 1000 2000 4 4000 5000 .
=head3 Copy-Number Input Files (.spc)
Tab delimited columns
First line is header line:
#chr start end number quality
Example data entry line:
12 2000 3000 2 63
If no value is available for quality, use a "." eg.:
12 2000 3000 2 .
=head3 Loss of Heterozygozity Input Files (.spl)
Tab delimited columns
First line is header line:
#chr start end quality
Example data entry line:
12 2000 3000 63
If no value is available for quality, use a "." eg.:
12 2000 3000 .
=head3 Insertion Input Files (.vcf)
Additionally, ShatterProof accepts insertion calls in VCF files as input. See http://www.1000genomes.org/node/101 for details on the VCF file format.
ShatterProof analyzes the CHROM and POS fields of these files.
=head2 Configuring ShatterProof
See the config.pl file in the scripts directory for a sample ShatterProof configuration file.
$bin_size: number (integer) of base pairs to include in each bin of the sliding window analysis
$localization_window_size: number (integer) of bins to include in each window of the sliding window analysis
$expected_mutation_density: a reference value (double) used in determining if the concentration of translocation events on a particular chromosome is higher than expected.
flag variable
value 1: merge overlapping CNV regions that have the same copy number
value 0: do not merge overlapping CNV regions that have the same copy number. If such regions are found an error is thrown
$outlier_deviations: the number of standard deviations away from the mean a value has to be in order to be considered non-significant. Used to identify highly mutated regions.
$translocation_cut_off_count: the maximum number of translocation chromosomes to tolerate before the translocation score for a region is set to 0.
$genome_localization_weight: weight given to the localization of mutations to one chromosome hallmark
$chromosome_localization_weight: weight given to the localization of mutations to one area of a particular chromosome hallmark
$cnv_weight: weight given to the concentrated CNV hallmark
$translocation_weight: weight give to the concentrated translocations hallmark
$insertion_breakpoint_weight: weight given the the short breakpoint insertions hallmark
$loh_weight: weight given to the loss/retention of heterozygosity hallmark
$tp53_mutated_weight: weight given to the TP53 mutation hallmark
=head2 Running ShatterProof
From the scripts directory run execute the shatterproof.pl file using Perl.
Main Usage:
perl -w shatterproof.pl --cnv <dir> --trans <dir> [--insrt <dir>] [--loh <dir>] [--tp53] --config <path> --output <dir>
--cnv Define the path to the directory containing the CNV input files
--trans Define the path to the directory containing the Translocation input files
--insrt Define the path to the directory containing the insertion VCF input files
--loh Define the path to the directory containing the LOH input files
--tp53 Indicate that TP53 should be considered mutated, regardless of data
--config Define the path to the ShatterProof config file
--output Define the path to the directory where output should be placed
dir Path to a directory
path Path to a file
List::Util qw[min max];