glacier jobs - list Glacier jobs


glacier jobs [-cl] [--cached] [--long] [--time-style=default|full-iso|long-iso|iso|locale|+FORMAT] [VAULT...]


Verifies and lists pending and completed glacier jobs. By default, all jobs are listed. If one or more VAULT arguments are given, only jobs for the listed vaults are displayed.

Verification consists in querying the Glacier for the status of the current job and updating cached data accordingly. Failed and expired jobst are removed.


-c, --cached

Displays cached results without querying Glacier.

-l, --long

List jobs in long format. Long format includes Glaciar job identifier.


List timestamps in style STYLE. The STYLE should be one of the following:


List timestamps using FORMAT, which is interpreted as the format argument to strftime(3) function.


Default format. For timestamps not older than 6 month: month, day, hour and minute, e.g.: "May 23 15:00". For older timestamps: month, day, and year, e.g.: "May 23 2017".


List timestamps in full using ISO 8601 date, time, and time zone format with nanosecond precision, e.g., "2017-05-23 15:53:10.633308971 +0000". This style is equivalent to "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N %z".


List ISO 8601 date and time in minutes, e.g., "2017-05-23 15:53". Equivalent to "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M".


GNU ls-compatible "iso": ISO 8601 dates for non-recent timestamps (e.g., "2017-05-23"), and ISO 8601 month, day, hour, and minute for recent timestamps (e.g., "03-30 23:45"). Timestamp is considered "recent", if it is not older than 6 months ago.


List timestamps in a locale-dependent form. This is equivalent to +%c.


glacier(1), strftime(3).