COPS::Client - COPS Protocol - Packet Cable Client


Version 0.03


This module provides a simple COPS client for managing Packet Cable Multi
Media sessions for CMTS. It should provide all the neccessary functionality to
enable a service provider to deploy, manage and control service flows within
their network. This does not maintain a connection to the CMTS but issue the
configured command, get the response and then close the TCP connection. I am
working on a stateful Client however this is not yet available.

As basic initial use of the module is as follows

my $cops_client = new COPS::Client (
    ServerIP => '',
    ServerPort => '3918',
    Timeout => 2,
    DataHandler => \&display_data


    Direction       => 'Downstream',
    DSCPToSMark     => 0,
    Priority        => 0,
    PreEmption      => 0,
    Gate_Flags      => 0,
    Gate_TOSField   => 0,
    Gate_TOSMask    => 0,
    Gate_Class      => 0,
    Gate_T1         => 0,
    Gate_T2         => 0,
    Gate_T3         => 0,
    Gate_T4         => 0

    Classifier_Type         => 'Classifier',
    Classifier_Priority => 64,
    Classifier_SourceIP => "",

$cops_client->envelope_add (
    Envelope_Type           => "authorize,reserve,commit",
    Service_Type            => 'DOCSIS Service Class Name',
    ServiceClassName 	=> 'S_down'


This will connect to a CMTS on IP and apply a PCMM gate to 
the subscriber with IP address and apply the service class S_down.

It should be noted not all CMTS support all the functions available, so
if the COPS request is failing for you remove opaque_set, timebase_set or
volume_set and try again.

You may also get a very cryptic error if an envelope or classifier is
incorrectly configured.


There are no exports.




The new function initialises the module and sets the CMTS IP, Port and
the data handling function which gets called if a RTP message is received.

The parameters are

    ServerIP    -  The IP address of the CMTS to connect to

    ServerPort  -  The port that the Packet Cable service is running
                   on. There is no default value however most server
                   implementations use port 3918, so this should be
                   set to that

    Timeout     -  This is a timeout parameter for the connection to the
                   CMTS. It has a default of 5 so can be omitted.

    DataHandler -  This should be set to point to a local function to
                   handle any data returned by a COPS message sent.

                   The function will accept 2 variables as input the
                   first is the module point, the second is a point to
                   a hash containing any data returned.

An example of use would be.

my $cops_client = new COPS::Client (
    ServerIP => '',
    ServerPort => '3918',
    Timeout => 2,
    DataHandler => \&display_data

sub display_data
    my ( $self ) = shift;
    my ( $data ) = shift;
    print "Report Datagram sent.\n\n";
    foreach my $name ( sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$data} )
        print "Attribute Name  is '$name' value is '${$data}{$name}'\n";


This command sets the type of command to be sent in the connection. It
can be one of 4 types as follows

        set        -    Meaning GateSet
        delete     -    Meaning GateDelete
        info       -    Meaning GateInfo
        synch      -    Meaning Synch Request

An example of use is

    $cops_client->set_command ( "set" );

The command specified must match *Exactly* otherwise it will be ignored. It
appears Cisco CMTS do NOT respond to Synch requests. Cisco have been asked
to respond to this query but no information has been forthcoming.


This function sets the subscriber ID to be used. The subcriber ID can be
either an IPV4 or IPV6 address. If you use an IPV6 address it *MUST* be
fully qualified.

The function takes two parameters the first specifies which IPVx to use,
the second is the IPVx value.

An example of use is


The subscriber ID is required for 99% of all COPS messages.


   This function builds a gate with the attributes specified. Possible
   attributes are

       Direction      -  This can be 'Upstream' or 'Downstream' only.
                         If specified this overrides Gate_Flags as
                         direction is one bit of the Gate_Flags 

       Priority       -  This is a value of 0 to 7. If specified this
                         overrides Gate_Class as Priority is 3 bits
                         of that parameter.

       PreEmption     -  This has a value of 0 or 1. This allows this
                         gate to take bandwidth from any other gates
                         already set against this subscriber. If
                         specified this overrides Gate_Class as this is
                         1 bit of that parameter.

       DSCPToSMark    -  This has a value of 0 or 1

       Priority       -  This has a value between 0 and 255 and should
                         determine the priority of the gate.

       Gate_Flags     -  This field is broken down into 2 used bits and
                         6 unused bits.

                         Bit 0    -  Direction. 
                                     0 is Downstream
                                     1 is Upstream

                                     If you use the Direction parameter
                                     this is set for you.

                         Bit 1    -  DSCP/TOS Field
                                     0 is enable
                                     1 is overwrite

       GateTOSField    - IP TOS and Precedence value.

       GateTOSMask     - IP TOS Mask settings

       GateClass       - This field is broken down into 8 bits as follows
                         Bit 0-2   - Priority of 0-7
                         Bit 3     - PreEmption bit
                         Bit 4-7   - Configurable but should default 0

       Gate_T1         - Gate T1 timer

       Gate_T2         - Gate T2 timer

       Gate_T3         - Gate T3 timer

       Gate_T4         - Gate T4 timer

   An example of use would be

       Direction       => 'Downstream',
       DSCPToSMark     => 0,
       Priority        => 0,
       PreEmption      => 0,
       Gate_Flags      => 0,
       Gate_TOSField   => 0,
       Gate_TOSMask    => 0,
       Gate_Class      => 0,
       Gate_T1         => 0,
       Gate_T2         => 0,
       Gate_T3         => 0,
       Gate_T4         => 0


This function adds a classifier to the COPS request being sent and
supports normal and extended classifiers.

The function requires two types of parameters depending on the type
of classifier specified.

To specify the correct classifier the attribute Classifier_Type
can be used as follows

    Classifier_Type   -  This should be 'Classifier' or 'Extended'

Classifier_Type 'Classifier' attributes are as follows

    Classifier_IPProtocolId      - This is a standard IP protocol
                                   number. You can set this to 0
                                   or omit this and a default of 0
                                   will be used.

    Classifier_TOSField          - The TOSField of the IP packets
                                   to match. You can set this to 0
                                   or omit this and a default of 0
                                   will be used.

    Classifier_TOSMask           - The TOSMask of the IP packets 
                                   to match. you can set this to 0
                                   or omit this and a default of 0
                                   will be used.

    Classifier_SourceIP          - This should be set to the source
                                   IP address of the associated flow.
                                   If you have a device attached to
                                   the cable modem such as a PC, then
                                   you should use the IP of that
                                   device, not that of the cable modem.

    Classifier_DestinationIP     - This is the destination IP of the 
                                   flow. It can be a wildcard of 0.
                                   If you omit this then a default 0
                                   will be used.

    Classifier_SourcePort        - The source port of the flow. If
                                   you omit this then a default of 0
                                   will be used.

    Classifier_DestinationPort   - This is the destination port of the
                                   flow. If you omit this then a default
                                   if 0 will be used.

    Classifier_Priority          - The priority of this Classifier. If
                                   you have multiple Classifiers then
                                   this determines the order they are

An example of use would be

    Classifier_Type         => 'Classifier',
    Classifier_Priority => 64,
    Classifier_SourceIP => "",

This sets up a Standard classifier with a priority of 64, Source IP of,any port and a wildcard destination address any port.

Classifier_Type 'Extended' attributes are as follows

    EClassifier_IPProtocolId     - This is a standard IP protocol
                                   number. You can set this to 0
                                   or omit this and a default of 0
                                   will be used.

    EClassifier_TOSField         - The TOSField of the IP packets
                                   to match. You can set this to 0
                                   or omit this and a default of 0
                                   will be used.

    EClassifier_TOSMask          - The TOSMask of the IP packets
                                   to match. you can set this to 0
                                   or omit this and a default of 0
                                   will be used.

    EClassifier_SourceIP         - This should be set to the source
                                   IP address of the associated flow.
                                   If you have a device attached to
                                   the cable modem such as a PC, then
                                   you should use the IP of that
                                   device, not that of the cable modem.
                                   With an extended classifier you can
                                   also specify a network address.

    EClassifier_SourceMask       - This is the associated netmask for
                                   the SourceIP specified.

    EClassifier_DestinationIP    - This is the destination IP of the
                                   flow. It can be a wildcard of 0.
                                   If you omit this then a default 0
                                   will be used.
                                   With an extended classifier you can
                                   also specify a network address.

    EClassifier_DestinationMask  - This is the associated netmask for
                                   the DestinationIP specified.

    EClassifier_SourcePortStart  - The start source port of the flow.
                                   If you omit this then a default of 0
                                   will be used.

    EClassifier_SourcePortEnd    - The end source port of the flow. If
                                   both the start and end ports are 0
                                   then all ports are matched.

    EClassifier_DestinationPortStart - The start destination port of the
                                   flow. If you omit this then a default
                                   of 0 will be used.

    EClassifier_DestinationPortEnd - The end destination port of the flow.
                                   If both the start and end ports are 0
                                   then all ports are matched.

    EClassifier_ClassifierID     - An extended classifier must have numerical
                                   ID and it should unique per classifier per
                                   gate. It can range from 1 to 65535 (16bit)

    EClassifier_Priority         - The priority of this Classifier. If
                                   you have multiple Classifiers then
                                   this determines the order they are

    EClassifier_State            - This determines if this classifier is
                                   Inactive or Active, values 0 and 1

    EClassifier_Action           - This has 4 possible values

                                   0 - Means Add - This is the default if not
                                   1 - Replace
                                   2 - Delete
                                   3 - No Change

An example of use would be

    Classifier_Type         => 'Extended',
    EClassifier_Priority => 64,
    EClassifier_SourceIP => "",
    EClassifier_ClassifierID => 100,
    EClassifier_State => 1

This sets up an Extended classifier with a priority of 64, Source IP of,any port and a wildcard destination address any port. The ID is set
to 100 and it is set to State 1 which is Active.


    This function adds the correct envelope type to the gate. All the possible parameters
    can not be detailed here as it would this man page *VERY* long. I may add them in the

    The Attributes that are *ALWAYS* required at

        Envelope_Type                - This specifies the type of request and is managed
                                       by three bits (LSB first), lowest value 1 highest
                                       value 7

                                       0 - Authorize    - Value 1
                                       1 - Reserve      - Value 2
                                       2 - Commit       - Value 4

				       This is a string and should be one/more of the following

				       authorize reserve commit

        Service_Type                 - This determines the type of service that the gate
                                       will apply. By specifying the Service_Type and
                                       Envelope_Type this determines the additional
                                       parameters required.

                                       The following values are valid for Service_Type

                                       Flow Spec
                                       DOCSIS Service Class Name
                                       Best Effort Service
                                       Non-Real-Time Polling Service
                                       Real-Time Polling Service
                                       Unsolicited Grant Service
                                       Unsolicited Grant Service with Activity Detection

                                       There is an example of each one in the examples
                                       directory examples/profiles/
    An example of use would be

    $cops_client->envelope_add (
        Envelope_Type           => "authorize reserve commit",
        Service_Type            => 'DOCSIS Service Class Name',
        ServiceClassName 	=> 'S_down'

    This sets up the Envelope to be authorized, reserved and committed. It contains a Service
    Class Name (this should be configured on the CMTS already) and it has been named as
    S_down. If the specified ServiceClassName is incorrect or does not correspond to the
    direction specified an error will be returned.


   This function add a Reporting server to the COPS request. You can have a primary and
   secondary Reporting server and events, such as volume quota reached, time reached should
   be report to the Reporting server configured. All Reporting server messages are via 
   the RADIUS protocol. This rks_set only supports IPV4 addressing.

   As part of a RKS request you can also specify unique indentifiers that will be sent in
   the Reporting request for each specific gate created. The Gate ID is not sent in the 
   reporting request so some external management system will need to track these.

   The variables you can set in an RKS configuration are as follows

   PRKS_IPAddress                 - This is the PRIMARY (PRKS) reporting server IP address.
                                    It should be specified as an IP, hostnames are not
                                    supported and only IPV4 is available.

   PRKS_Port                      - This is the Port that reporting messages are sent to.
                                    The protocol used is RADIUS so the standard 1813 port
                                    should be used if a default RADIUS server configuration
                                    is to be used.

   PRKS_Flags                     - Ignore, further work is required, however if you
                                    understand this usage it is available to be set.

   SRKS_IPAddress                 - This is the SECONDARY (SRKS) reporting server IP address.
                                    This is ONLY used if the primary is considered down.
                                    It should be specified as an IP, hostnames are not
                                    supported and only IPV4 is available.

   SRKS_Port                      - This is the Port that reporting messages are sent to
                                    for the SECONDARY reporting server.

   SRKS_Flags                     - Ignore, further work is required, however if you
                                    understand this usage it is available to be set.

   Billing Correlation Identification

   BCID_TimeStamp                 - This is a 32bit number and EPOCH is a good use here.
   BCID_ElementID                 - This is an eight (8) character entry and should be
                                    alphanumeric only to be supported by all vendors.

   BCID_TimeZone                  - This is an eight(8) character entry and specifies
                                    the timezone of the entry. 

   BCID_EventCounter              - This is a 32bit number and can be anything within that
                                    range. This could be an auto-increment in a table, so
                                    allowing GateID to be linked back later.

   An example of use would be

       my $timer=time();

       $cops_client->rks_set (
                       PRKS_IPAddress          => '',
                       PRKS_Port               => 2000,
                       PRKS_Flags              => 0,
                       SRKS_IPAddress          => 0,
                       SRKS_Port               => 0,
                       SRKS_Flags              => 0,
                       BCID_TimeStamp          => $timer,
                       BCID_ElementID          => '99999999',
                       BCID_TimeZone           => '00000000',
                       BCID_EventCounter       => 12347890

   You can omit fields which are not used and they will default to 0, but for completeness
   are included above.


This function takes the output from FreeRadius 2.1.9 and expands it where possible. The
supported attributes are


When called this function returns the converted attribute into a hash of the attributes
found and decoded.

An example of use would be

my %return_data;


Note the 0x is required at the beginning so validity checking will pass.

The %return_data has should then contain the following keys with values.

    EventMessageVersionID        -  3
    TimeZone                     -  1+000000
    Status                       -  0
    AttributeCount               -  4
    SequenceNumber               -  43
    BCID_TimeZone                -  00000000
    EventObject                  -  0
    ElementType                  -  2
    EventMessageType             -  7
    BCID_Timestamp               -  1276525447
    BCID_ElementID               -  99999999
    BCID_EventCounter            -  12347890
    EventMessageTypeName         -  QoS_Reserve
    Priority                     -  128
    ElementID                    -  '   2222'
    EventTime                    -  20100614151238.023


 This functions adds a volume limit to the gate being sent. You should be aware the CMTS
 may not stop traffic flowing through the gate when the limit is reached, implementation
 dependent, however should send a RKS notification.

 The only attribute for this function is

     VolumeLimit                  - This is a 64bit number and is the number of bytes
                                    allowed through the gate.

 An example of use would be

     VolumeLimit => 3000000000

 This would set the volume to 3Gigabytes.


This function add a time limit to the gate being sent. You should be aware the CMTS may
not stop traffifc flowing through the gate when the limit is reached, implementation
dependent, however should sent a RKS notification.

The only attribute for this function is
    TimeLimit                    - This is a 32bit number and is the number of seconds
                                   the gate should remain active.

An example of use would be

    TimeLimit => 60

This would set the time limit to 60 seconds.


This function allows you to add arbitary data to the COPS message sent which *may* be
recorded against the gate by the remote CMTS.

The only attribute for this function is

    OpaqueData                   - This be any data, although keeping it to something
                                   humanly readable is probably a good idea.

An example of use would be

    OpaqueData => 'a test string'

This would add 'a test string' as Opaque data to the gate.


This is very much a 'work in progress'. 

AUTHOR, <shamrock at>


- Sync messages to Cisco CMTS do not seem to work. I have tried alternative formats, headers, etc but to no avail. They do work to Motorola and Aris. I have raised this with Cisco but do not expect a response any time soon. If anyone has a packet trace with a working Synch using a Cisco CMTS that would be useful.

- The different traffic profiles need work, see examples/profiles. The following examples produce an 'Unspecified error' and may be down to the values being used. If any one can help with the values that should be used, packet trace, then I can look at improving their use.

Flow Spec                       
Non-Real-Time Polling Service  
Real-Time Polling Service  
Unsolicited Grant Service  

Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-cops-cmts at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


Please do email me if you have any issues so they can be looked at as soon as possible.

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc COPS::Client

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2010, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 3270:

=cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block.