perlmv - Rename/move files using Perl code
version 0.45
# Show help
perlmv -h
# Execute a single scriptlet
perlmv [options] <scriptlet> <file...>
# Execute code from command line
perlmv [options] -e <code> <file...>
# Execute multiple scriptlets/command-line codes
perlmv [options] [ -x <scriptlet> | -e <code> ]+ <file...>
# Create a new scriptlet
perlmv -e <code> -w <name>
# List available scriptlets
perlmv -l
# Show source code of a scriptlet
perlmv -s <name>
# Delete scriptlet
perlmv -d <name>
Usage examples
$ ls -1
Rename files with prewritten scriptlet (remove-common-prefix) and show (-v) each file as it is being renamed.
$ perlmv -v remove-common-prefix file1.jpg files.txt
`file1.jpg` -> `1.jpg`
`` -> ``
`files.txt` -> `s.txt`
Specify script in command line (-e) but do not actually move files (-d, dry-run mode):
$ perlmv -de 's/\d+//g' *
DRYRUN: `B1` -> `B`
DRYRUN: `c2.txt` -> `c.txt`
DRYRUN: `` -> ``
DRYRUN: `` -> ``
Really rename the files this time:
$ perlmv -e 's/\d+//g' *
Execute multiple scriptlets and/or command-line code:
$ ls -1
$ perlmv -vx to-number-ext -e '"file$_"' *
`a.txt` -> `1.txt` -> `file1.txt`
`b.html` -> `2.html` -> `file2.html`
`c.ini` -> `3.ini` -> `file3.ini`
Save Perl code as scriptlet (in ~/.perlmv/scriptlets/):
$ perlmv -e 's/\d+//g' -w remove-digits
List all scriptlets (add -v to also show their contents):
$ perlmv -l
Show (-s) source code of scriptlet:
$ perlmv -s remove-digits
Remove (-D) scriptlet:
$ perlmv -D remove-digits
More examples
From my real-world usage.
Rename .flv partial files from my Firefox browser cache into ordered names (part01.flv, part02.flv, and so on):
$ ls --sort=t -r *01 | xargs perlmv -Tdx to-number-ext -e '"part$_.flv"'
DRYRUN: `15D9F85Ad01` -> `01` -> `part01.flv`
DRYRUN: `FF8EB240d01` -> `02` -> `part02.flv`
DRYRUN: `9031E9A8d01` -> `03` -> `part03.flv`
Perlmv lets you rename/move files using Perl code. All the Perl code needs to do is modify the filename in $_
(or just return a value) and perlmv will do the rest (actual renaming, recursive renaming, handling filename conflicts, dry-run mode, etc.).
New filename will be taken from the new value of $_ (if it is modified) or the last expression. So '$_ = lc' and 'lc' are equivalent.
The following variables are also available to the Perl code:
(arrayref)The list of items to be processed. The Perl code is not supposed to modify this value.
(string)The filename of item (without path). The Perl code is not supposed to modify this value.
(string)The directory of item (absolute path). The Perl code is not supposed to modify this value.
(string)The name of parent (containing) directory of the item (without path). The Perl code is not supposed to modify this value.
Perl code will first be run (eval-ed) once at the beginning for testing, with -TEST
as the filename in $_
will be set to true). Perl code is not run under strict/warnings. Perl code is run under App::perlmv::code
When using the App::perlmv library, there is also the the so-called cleaning phase (in which Perl code will be run with $CLEANING set to true) that can be used for cleaning purposes in between runs. This is however irrelevant to perlmv command as there is only a single run.
Perl code can be specified directly from the command line (using -e), or by name in ~/.perlmv/scriptlets/NAME
, or in /usr/share/perlmv/scriptlets/
, or in %scriptlets
in App::perlmv::scriptlets, or in %scriptlets
in App::perlmv::scriptlets::std.
-c (--compile) Only test compile code, do not run it on the arguments
-D <NAME> (--delete) Delete scriptlet
-d (--dry-run) Dry-run (implies -v)
-e <CODE> (--execute) Specify Perl code to rename file (\$_). Can be specified
multiple times.
-f (--files) Only process files, do not process directories
-h (--help) Show this help
-l (--list) list all scriptlets
-M <MODE> (--mode) Specify mode, default is 'rename' (or 'r'). Use 'copy' or
'c' to copy instead of rename, 'symlink' or 's' to create a symbolic link,
and 'link' or 'l' to create a (hard) link.
-o (--overwrite) Overwrite (by default, ".1", ".2", and so on will be appended
to avoid overwriting existing files)
-p (--parents) Create intermediate directories
-R (--recursive) Recursive
-r (--reverse) reverse order of processing (by default asciibetically)
-S (--no-symlinks) Do not process symlinks
-s <NAME> (--show) Show source code for scriptlet
-T (--no-sort) do not sort files (default is sort ascibetically)
-V (--version) Print version and exit
-v (--verbose) Verbose
-w <NAME> (--write) Write code specified in -e as scriptlet
-x <NAME> Execute a scriptlet. Can be specified multiple times. -x is optional
if there is only one scriptlet to execute, and scriptlet name is specified
as the first argument, and there is no -e specified.
Why should I use perlmv? There is prename (File::Rename) already?
Yes, there is a very similar script called prename (also accessible via rename in Debian) which comes with Perl. This script reinvents prename and offers more features, e.g.: automatic renaming in case of conflicts, recursive mode, and saving and loading scriptlets.
And there is also pmv (File::PerlMove)!
Okay, you got me. I didn't do my homework. The "rename files using Perl code/expression" is pretty obvious and has surely come up on other CPAN authors' minds. To be honest, this is a script which I wrote years ago (at least in 2003, or earlier) and have been using for years, personally. Admittedly I uploaded this script to CPAN without careful checking of existing solutions on CPAN. But then, lots of other CPAN modules are also overlapping in functionality with one another.
Anyway, I plan to improve perlmv as I see fit, mainly for my own needs. I plan to borrow some features from prename/pmv, and welcome them borrowing features from perlmv. I welcome patches. And I am willing to submit patches to prename/pmv after some discussions with the respective authors. And lastly, I am also open to the idea of merging perlmv to either pername/pmv, if I can get all the features I love in perlmv into those projects.
Patches for Windows welcome.
Scriptlet should be able to receive arguments.
Other binaries in this distribution: perlrename, perlcp, perlln, perlln_s.
Steven Haryanto <>
This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Steven Haryanto.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.