plstrace - Trace Perl function calls


This document describes version 0.01 of plstrace (from Perl distribution App-plstrace), released on 2014-06-23.



% plstrace [--help | -h]
% plstrace [--version | -v]

Basic example (the only required option is -e trace=... to specify which subroutines should be traced, the below example means all subroutines in the main package (*) and all subroutines in the Foo package (Foo::*)):

% plstrace -e trace=*,Foo::* --your --prog --options

Show time spent inside each subroutine:

% plstrace -e trace=... -T ...

More options:

% plstrace -h

Sample output (using --reltime -t options):

000.009660 > main::foo("some arg", "1")
000.020905 > main::bar()
000.020905 < main::bar()
000.009660 < main::foo("some arg", "1")
000.034183 > main::foo("some arg", "2")
000.041502 > main::bar()
000.041502 < main::bar()
000.034183 < main::foo("some arg", "2")
000.071704 > main::foo("some arg", "3")
000.088051 > main::bar()
000.088051 < main::bar()
000.071704 < main::foo("some arg", "3")

The main difference with strace output is that each sub is displayed twice, during entry and exit.


plstrace is "strace for your Perl functions". Its interface and output is similar to Unix utility strace. But only a few strace options are currently supported.

Some notes (caveats, limitations):

  • Currently implemented by wrapping Perl subroutines with Perl subroutines during INIT phase

    caller() has been adjusted so the wrapped subroutines does not see the trace wrappers (see Hook::LexWrap).

    There are other low-level approaches for tracing (that might be used), see "SEE ALSO".

  • Perl builtin functions are not traced, only user-defined subroutines

  • O/S system calls or external programs are not traced

  • Time spent in each subroutine (-T) is inclusive

    This means if A calls B and B calls C, A's time will include B and C.

  • Timing overhead currently has not been adjusted

    So for small time amounts (microseconds or smaller) you should understand that the times are not very accurate.


Unless specified otherwise, these options follow its strace counterpart. The long options are the ones that are added and different from strace.

-s SIZE(int)



-e trace=SUB_SPECS(str)

<SUB SPECS> is a comma-separated sub spec. Each sub spec is either /\w+/ (e.g. foo) to mean a named subroutine in the main package, * to mean all subroutines in the main package, /\w+(::\w+)+/ (e.g. Foo::func, Foo::Bar::blah) to mean a fully-qualified named subroutine, or /\w+(::\w+)*::\*/ (e.g. Foo::*) to mean all subroutines in a package.


When under -t, show relative time against program start (in seconds, down to microseconds). Program start is measured right before plstrace exec's perl with Debug::LTrace::plstrace and your program. So the overhead of exec, perl startup, module and program compilation are all counted.


strace, the inspiration for this program.

Debug::LTrace::plstrace which currently actually implements the tracing, and which in turn is based on Debug::LTrace.

Other subroutine tracing modules: Devel::TraceCalls, Runops::Trace, Devel::TraceSubs, Devel::STrace (and others).


Please visit the project's homepage at


Source repository is at


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


Steven Haryanto <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Steven Haryanto.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.