use 5.010;
use strict;
use Log::Any '$log';
our $VERSION = '0.11'; # VERSION
our %SPEC;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(add_logging_to_package);
my $cleanser = Data::Clean::JSON->new(-ref => ['stringify']);
# XXX copied from SHARYANTO::Package::Util
sub package_exists {
no strict 'refs';
my $pkg = shift;
return unless $pkg =~ /\A\w+(::\w+)*\z/;
if ($pkg =~ s/::(\w+)\z//) {
return !!${$pkg . "::"}{$1 . "::"};
} else {
return !!$::{$pkg . "::"};
my $nest_level = 0;
my $default_indent = 1;
sub _default_precall_logger {
my $args = shift;
if ($log->is_trace) {
my $cargs = $cleanser->clone_and_clean($args->{args});
my $largs = $args->{logger_args} // {};
my $indent = " " x ($nest_level * ($args->{logger_args}{indent} //
$log->tracef("%s---> %s(%s)", $indent, $args->{name}, $cargs);
sub _default_postcall_logger {
my $args = shift;
if ($log->is_trace) {
my $largs = $args->{logger_args} // {};
my $indent = " " x ($nest_level * ($args->{logger_args}{indent} //
if (@{$args->{result}}) {
my $cres = $cleanser->clone_and_clean($args->{result});
$log->tracef("%s<--- %s() = %s", $indent, $args->{name}, $cres);
} else {
$log->tracef("%s<--- %s()", $indent, $args->{name});
$SPEC{add_logging_to_package} = {
v => 1.1,
summary => 'Add logging to package',
description => <<'_',
Logging will be done using Log::Any.
Currently this function adds logging around function calls, e.g.:
-> Package::func(...)
<- Package::func() = RESULT
args => {
packages => {
summary => 'Packages to add logging to',
schema => ['array*' => {of=>'str*'}],
req => 1,
pos => 0,
precall_logger => {
summary => 'Supply custom precall logger',
schema => 'code*',
description => <<'_',
Code will be called when logging method call. Code will be given a hashref
argument \%args containing these keys: `args` (arrayref, the original @_),
`orig` (coderef, the original method), `name` (string, the fully-qualified
method name), `logger_args` (arguments given when adding logging).
You can use this mechanism to customize logging.
The default logger accepts this arguments (in `logger_args`):
* indent => INT (default: 0)
Indent according to nesting level.
postcall_logger => {
summary => 'Supply custom postcall logger',
schema => 'code*',
description => <<'_',
Just like precall_logger, but code will be called after method is call. Code
will be given a hashref argument \%args containing these keys: `args` (arrayref,
the original @_), `orig` (coderef, the original method), `name` (string, the
fully-qualified method name), `result` (arrayref, the method result),
`logger_args` (arguments given when adding logging).
You can use this mechanism to customize logging.
logger_args => {
summary => 'Pass arguments to logger',
schema => 'any*',
description => <<'_',
This allows passing arguments to logger routine (see `logger_args`).
filter_subs => {
summary => 'Filter subroutines to add logging to',
schema => ['any*' => {of=>['regex*', 'code*']}],
description => <<'_',
The default is to add logging to all non-private subroutines. Private
subroutines are those prefixed by `_`.
result_naked => 1,
sub add_logging_to_package {
my %args = @_;
my $packages = $args{packages} or die "Please specify 'packages'";
$packages = [$packages] unless ref($packages) eq 'ARRAY';
my $filter = $args{filter_subs} // qr/[^_]/;
for my $package (@$packages) {
die "Invalid package name $package"
unless $package =~ /\A\w+(::\w+)*\z/;
# require module
unless (package_exists($package)) {
eval "use $package; 1" or die "Can't load $package: $@";
my $src;
# get the calling package symbol table name
no strict 'refs';
$src = \%{ $package . '::' };
# loop through all symbols in calling package, looking for subs
for my $symbol (keys %$src) {
# get all code references, make sure they're valid
my $sub = *{ $src->{$symbol} }{CODE};
next unless defined $sub and defined &$sub;
my $name = "${package}::$symbol";
if (ref($filter) eq 'CODE') {
next unless $filter->($name);
} else {
next unless $name =~ $filter;
# save all other slots of the typeglob
my @slots;
for my $slot (qw( SCALAR ARRAY HASH IO FORMAT )) {
my $elem = *{ $src->{$symbol} }{$slot};
next unless defined $elem;
push @slots, $elem;
# clear out the source glob
undef $src->{$symbol};
# replace the sub in the source
$src->{$symbol} = sub {
my $logger;
my %largs = (
orig => $sub,
name => $name,
args => \@_,
logger_args => $args{logger_args},
$logger = $args{precall_logger} // \&_default_precall_logger;
my $wa = wantarray;
my @res;
if ($wa) {
@res = uplevel 1, $sub, @_;
} elsif (defined $wa) {
$res[0] = uplevel 1, $sub, @_;
} else {
uplevel 1, $sub, @_;
$logger = $args{postcall_logger} // \&_default_postcall_logger;
$largs{result} = \@res;
if ($wa) {
return @res;
} elsif (defined $wa) {
return $res[0];
} else {
# replace the other slot elements
for my $elem (@slots) {
$src->{$symbol} = $elem;
} # for $symbol
} # for $package
# ABSTRACT: Add logging to package
=head1 NAME
Log::Any::For::Package - Add logging to package
=head1 VERSION
version 0.11
use Log::Any::For::Package qw(add_logging_to_package);
add_logging_to_package(packages => [qw/My::Module My::Other::Module/]);
# now calls to your module functions are logged, by default at level 'trace'
=head1 CREDITS
Some code portion taken from L<Devel::TraceMethods>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
This module has L<Rinci> metadata.
None are exported by default, but they are exportable.
=head2 add_logging_to_package(%args) -> any
Add logging to package.
Logging will be done using Log::Any.
Currently this function adds logging around function calls, e.g.:
-> Package::func(...)
<- Package::func() = RESULT
Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):
=over 4
=item * B<filter_subs> => I<code|regex>
Filter subroutines to add logging to.
The default is to add logging to all non-private subroutines. Private
subroutines are those prefixed by C<_>.
=item * B<logger_args> => I<any>
Pass arguments to logger.
This allows passing arguments to logger routine (see C<logger_args>).
=item * B<packages>* => I<array>
Packages to add logging to.
=item * B<postcall_logger> => I<code>
Supply custom postcall logger.
Just like precallI<logger, but code will be called after method is call. Code
will be given a hashref argument \%args containing these keys: C<args> (arrayref,
the original @>), C<orig> (coderef, the original method), C<name> (string, the
fully-qualified method name), C<result> (arrayref, the method result),
C<logger_args> (arguments given when adding logging).
You can use this mechanism to customize logging.
=item * B<precall_logger> => I<code>
Supply custom precall logger.
Code will be called when logging method call. Code will be given a hashref
argument \%args containing these keys: C<args> (arrayref, the original @_),
C<orig> (coderef, the original method), C<name> (string, the fully-qualified
method name), C<logger_args> (arguments given when adding logging).
You can use this mechanism to customize logging.
The default logger accepts this arguments (in C<logger_args>):
=item *
indent => INT (default: 0)
Indent according to nesting level.
Return value:
=head1 AUTHOR
Steven Haryanto <>
This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Steven Haryanto.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.