Changes for version 0.35 - 2013-12-20

  • For security, default Riap client used changed from Perinci::Access to Perinci::Access::Schemeless so the Riap server cannot be used to fetch remote URI's.
  • bin/peri-htserve: Set 'allow_paths' of Riap client so users don't see paths of other modules not specified in cmdline argument.
  • Add example scripts: perl-any.psgi and perl-some.psgi.


Serve Perl modules over HTTP(S) using the Riap::HTTP protocol


Patch for Perinci::Access::Base
PSGI application to implement Riap::HTTP
Deny access based on some criteria
Parse Riap request from HTTP request
Send Riap request to Riap server and send the response to client
Utility routines