Changes for version 0.61 - 2012-08-08

    • Change how array of scalars is parsed, now not as JSON/YAML but using repeated options (--foo 1 --foo 2) a la traditional Getopt::Long.
    • Turn on per-argument explicit JSON and YAML parsing, using --ARGNAME-json and --ARGNAME-yaml, to make it possible to enter undefs, empty arrays, etc.


Run commands (from any Riap function) on the command-line
Strip result envelope (JSON version)
Strip result envelope (YAML version)
Create symlink, with undo/redo capability


Rinci/Riap-based command-line application framework
A simple interface to run a subroutine as command-line app
Project class for Perinci::CmdLine
English translation for Perinci::CmdLine
Indonesian translation for Perinci::CmdLine