Changes for version 0.94 - 2013-10-04

    • Display src examples (Rinci 1.1.39).
  • ETC
    • Adjust to Perinci::Access::Perl 0.53+ (remove disk caching options).
    • Adjust to Perinci::Sub::Complete (replaces Perinci::BashComplete).


Display command-line usage of a Riap function
Run commands (from any Riap function) on the command-line
Strip result envelope (JSON version)
Strip result envelope (YAML version)


Rinci/Riap-based command-line application framework
A simple interface to run a subroutine as command-line app
Project class for Perinci::CmdLine
English translation for Perinci::CmdLine
French translation for Perinci::CmdLine
Indonesian translation for Perinci::CmdLine