Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Argv - Get subroutine arguments from command line arguments (@ARGV)


version 0.29


use Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Argv;

my $res = get_args_from_argv(argv=>\@ARGV, meta=>$meta, ...);


This module provides get_args_from_argv(), which parses command line arguments (@ARGV) into subroutine arguments (%args). This module is used by Perinci::CmdLine. For explanation on how command-line options are processed, see Perinci::CmdLine's documentation.

This module uses Log::Any for logging framework.

This module has Rinci metadata.


None are exported by default, but they are exportable.

get_args_from_argv(%args) -> [status, msg, result, meta]

Using information in function metadata's 'args' property, parse command line arguments '@argv' into hash '%args', suitable for passing into subs.

Currently uses Getopt::Long's GetOptions to do the parsing.

As with GetOptions, this function modifies its 'argv' argument.

Why would one use this function instead of using Getopt::Long directly? Among other reasons, we want to be able to parse complex types.

This function exists mostly to support command-line options parsing for Perinci::CmdLine. See its documentation, on the section of command-line options/argument parsing.

Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

  • allow_extra_elems => bool (default: 0)

    Allow extra/unassigned elements in argv.

    If set to 1, then if there are array elements unassigned to one of the arguments, instead of generating an error, the function will just ignore them.

    This option will be passed to Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Array's allowextraelems.

  • argv => array

    If not specified, defaults to @ARGV

  • check_required_args => bool (default: 1)

    Whether to check required arguments.

    If set to true, will check that required arguments (those with req=>1) have been specified. Normally you want this, but Perinci::CmdLine turns this off so users can run --help even when arguments are incomplete.

  • extra_getopts_after => array

    Specify extra Getopt::Long specification.

    Just like extra_getopts_before, but the extra specification is put after function arguments specification so extra options can override function arguments.

  • extra_getopts_before => array

    Specify extra Getopt::Long specification.

    If specified, insert extra Getopt::Long specification. This is used, for example, by Perinci::CmdLine::run() to add general options --help, --version, --list, etc so it can mixed with spec arg options, for convenience.

    Since the extra specification is put at the front (before function arguments specification), the extra options will not be able to override function arguments (this is how Getopt::Long works). For example, if extra specification contains --help, and one of function arguments happens to be 'help', the extra specification won't have any effect.

  • meta* => hash

  • on_missing_required_args => code

    Execute code when there is missing required args.

    This can be used to give a chance to supply argument value from other sources if not specified by command-line options. Perinci::CmdLine, for example, uses this hook to supply value from STDIN or file contents (if argument has cmdline_src specification key set).

    This hook will be called for each missing argument. It will be supplied hash arguments: (arg => $themissingargumentname, args = $the>resultingargssofar, spec = $the>arg_spec).

  • per_arg_json => bool (default: 0)

    Whether to recognize --ARGNAME-json.

    This is useful for example if you want to specify a value which is not expressible from the command-line, like 'undef'.

    % --name-json 'null'

    But every other string will need to be quoted:

    % --name-json '"foo"'

    See also: perargyaml. You should enable just one instead of turning on both.

  • per_arg_yaml => bool (default: 0)

    Whether to recognize --ARGNAME-yaml.

    This is useful for example if you want to specify a value which is not expressible from the command-line, like 'undef'.

    % --name-yaml '~'

    See also: perargjson. You should enable just one instead of turning on both.

  • strict => bool (default: 1)

    Strict mode.

    If set to 0, will still return parsed argv even if there are parsing errors. If set to 1 (the default), will die upon error.

    Normally you would want to use strict mode, for more error checking. Setting off strict is used by, for example, Perinci::Sub::Complete.

Return value:

Returns an enveloped result (an array). First element (status) is an integer containing HTTP status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element (msg) is a string containing error message, or 'OK' if status is 200. Third element (result) is optional, the actual result. Fourth element (meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information.





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Steven Haryanto <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Steven Haryanto.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.