Perinci::Sub::Wrapper - A multi-purpose subroutine wrapping framework


version 0.31


use Perinci::Sub::Wrapper qw(wrap_sub);
my $res = wrap_sub(sub => sub {die "test\n"}, meta=>{...});
my ($wrapped, $meta) = ($res->[2]{sub}, $res->[2]{meta});
$wrapped->(); # call the wrapped function


Perinci::Sub::Wrapper is an extensible subroutine wrapping framework. It works by creating a single "large" wrapper function from a composite bits of code, instead of using multiple small wrappers (a la Python's decorator). The single-wrapper approach has the benefit of smaller function call overhead. You can still wrap multiple times if needed.

This module is used to enforce Rinci properties, e.g. args (by performing schema validation before calling the function), timeout (by doing function call inside an eval() and using alarm() to limit the execution), or retry (by wrapping function call inside a simple retry loop).

It can also be used to convert argument passing style, e.g. from args_as array to args_as hash, so you can call function using named arguments even though the function accepts positional arguments.

There are many other possible uses.

This module uses Log::Any for logging.


The framework is simple and extensible. Please delve directly into the source code for now. Some notes:

The internal uses OO.

The main wrapper building mechanism is in the wrap() method.

For each Rinci property, it will call handle_NAME() wrapper handler method. The handlemeta_NAME() methods are called first, to determine order of processing. You can supply these methods either by subclassing the class or, more simply, monkeypatching the method in the Perinci::Sub::Wrapper package.

The wrapper handler method will be called with a hash argument, containing these keys: value (property value), new (this key will exist if convert argument of wrap() exists, to convert a property to a new value).

For properties that have name in the form of NAME1.NAME2.NAME3 (i.e., dotted) only the first part of the name will be used (i.e., handle_NAME1()).


$Log_Perinci_Wrapper_Code (BOOL)

Whether to log wrapper result. Default is from environment variable LOG_PERINCI_WRAPPER_CODE, or false. Logging is done with Log::Any at trace level.


The OO interface is only used internally or when you want to extend the wrapper.




caller() doesn't work from inside my wrapped code!

Wrapping adds at least one or two levels of calls: one for the wrapper subroutine itself, the other is for the eval trap loop which can be disabled but is enabled by default. The 'goto &NAME' special form, which can replace subroutine and avoid adding another call level, cannot be used because wrapping also needs to postprocess function result.

This poses a problem if you need to call caller() from within your wrapped code; it will be off by at least one or two also.

The solution is for your function to use the caller() replacement, provided by this module.

But that is not transparent!

True. The wrapped function needs to load and use this module's wrapper deliberately.

An alternative is for Perinci::Sub::Wrapper to use Sub::Uplevel. This module does not use it because, as explained in its manpage, Sub::Uplevel is rather slow. If you don't use caller(), your subroutine actually doesn't need to care if it is wrapped nor it needs "uplevel-ing".




This module has Rinci metadata.


None are exported by default, but they are exportable.

caller(@args) -> bool

Wrapper-aware caller().

Just like Perl's builtin caller(), except that this one will ignore wrapper code in the call stack. You should use this if your code is potentially wrapped.

Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

  • n => any

Return value:

wrap_all_subs(%args) -> [status, msg, result, meta]

Wrap all subroutines in a package and replace them with the wrapped version.

This function will search all subroutines in a package which have metadata, wrap them, then replace the original subroutines and metadata with the wrapped version.

One common use case is to put something like this at the bottom of your module:


to wrap ("protect") all your module's subroutines and discard the original unwrapped version.

Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

  • package => str

    Package to search subroutines in.

    Default is caller package.

  • wrap_args => hash

    Arguments to pass to wrap_sub().

    Each subroutine will be wrapped by wrapsub(). This argument specifies what arguments to pass to wrapsub().

    Note: If you need different arguments for different subroutine, perhaps this function is not for you. You can perform your own loop and wrap_sub().

Return value:

Returns an enveloped result (an array). First element (status) is an integer containing HTTP status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element (msg) is a string containing error message, or 'OK' if status is 200. Third element (result) is optional, the actual result. Fourth element (meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information.

wrap_sub(%args) -> [status, msg, result, meta]

Wrap subroutine to do various things, like enforcing Rinci properties.

Will wrap subroutine and bless the generated wrapped subroutine (by default into 'Perinci::Sub::Wrapped') as a way of marking that the subroutine is a wrapped one.

Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments):

  • compile => bool (default: 1)

    Whether to compile the generated wrapper.

    Can be set to 0 to not actually wrap but just return the generated wrapper source code.

  • convert => hash

    Properties to convert to new value.

    Not all properties can be converted, but these are a partial list of those that can: v (usually do not need to be specified when converting from 1.0 to 1.1, will be done automatically), argsas, resultnaked, default_lang.

  • debug => bool (default: 0)

    Generate code with debugging.

    If turned on, will produce various debugging in the generated code. Currently what this does:

    • add more comments (e.g. for each property handler)

  • forbid_tags => array

    Forbid properties which have certain wrapping tags.

    Some property wrapper, like diesonerror (see Perinci::Sub::Property::diesonerror) has tags 'die', to signify that it can cause wrapping code to die.

    Sometimes such properties are not desirable, e.g. in daemon environment. The use of such properties can be forbidden using this setting.

  • meta* => hash

    The function metadata.

  • normalize_schema => bool (default: 1)

    Whether to normalize schemas in metadata.

    By default, wrapper normalize Sah schemas in metadata, like in 'args' or 'result' property, for convenience so that it does not need to be normalized again prior to use. If you want to turn off this behaviour, set to false.

  • remove_internal_properties => bool (default: 1)

    Whether to remove properties prefixed with _.

    By default, wrapper removes internal properties (properties which start with underscore) in the new metadata. Set this to false to keep them.

  • sub* => code

    The code to wrap.

  • sub_name => str

    The name of the code, e.g. Foo::func.

    It is a good idea to supply this so that wrapper code can display this information when they need to (e.g. see Perinci::Sub::Property::diesonerror).

  • trap => bool (default: 1)

    Whether to trap exception using an eval block.

    If set to true, will wrap call using an eval {} block and return 500 /undef if function dies. Note that if some other properties requires an eval block (like 'timeout') an eval block will be added regardless of this parameter.

Return value:

Returns an enveloped result (an array). First element (status) is an integer containing HTTP status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element (msg) is a string containing error message, or 'OK' if status is 200. Third element (result) is optional, the actual result. Fourth element (meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information.

wrapped() -> bool

Check whether we are wrapped.

This function is to be run inside a subroutine to check if that subroutine is wrapped by Perinci::Sub::Wrapper. For example:

sub some_sub {
    print "I'm wrapped" if wrapped();

See also this package's caller(), a wrapper-aware replacement for Perl's builtin caller().

No arguments.

Return value:


Steven Haryanto <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Steven Haryanto.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


Version 0.31 (2012-08-16)

  • No functional changes. Some logging changes:

  • Remove sub entry/exit log. Users should now use Log::Any::For::Package for this.

  • Wrapper code is only logged if $Log_Perinci_Wrapper_Code is true. You can set via environment variable LOG_PERINCI_WRAPPER_CODE.

Version 0.30 (2012-08-09)

  • [INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES] Now looks for property handler in Perinci::Sub::Property::* instead of Perinci::Sub::property::* (fix casing).

Version 0.29 (2012-08-08)

  • Add caller() function.

Version 0.28 (2012-08-04)

  • Add wrapped() function.

Version 0.27 (2012-08-02)

  • No functional changes. Update to new Perinci::Role::MetaAccessor

  • interface (0.26).

Version 0.26 (2012-08-01)

  • [ENHANCEMENTS] Add wrap_all_subs().

Version 0.25 (2012-07-31)

  • [ENHANCEMENTS] Add argument: sub_name (also so that 'dies_on_error' property can display proper die message showing subroutine name).

  • [ENHANCEMENTS] Add argument: forbid_tags.

  • [FIXES] Change handling of 'result_naked' property so that 'dies_on_error' property can get result status + message properly.

Version 0.24 (2012-07-31)

  • [ENHANCEMENTS] Introduce section: 'before_return_res'.

  • [INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES] Introduce protocol version which must be specified by all property handlers (assumed to be 1 if unspecified). This is bumped whenever an incompatible change at the basic structure of wrapper code is introduced. Bumping the protocol version will force all existing property handlers to be updated.

  • [INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES] Bump protocol version from 1 to 2: to return result immediately, handler must now say 'goto RETURN_RES' instead of 'return $res' directly. This is so that some handlers get the last chance to do something to $res before it is returned.

Version 0.23 (2012-07-29)

  • [ENHANCEMENTS] When encountering an unknown property, automatically try to require Perinci::Sub::property::PROP first. So you don't have to manually use() the property modules.

  • [ENHANCEMENTS] Add wrap_sub() argument 'debug' to show debugging in generated code. Currently show the handler from which each line comes from.

  • [ENHANCEMENTS] Check known arg spec key.

Version 0.22 (2012-06-21)

  • features: Require transaction ('-tx_manager' argument) if features->{tx}{req} is 1.

Version 0.21 (2012-06-07)

  • [FIXES] deps: '-undo_trash_dir' argument is not needed when '-tx_manager' argument is given.

Version 0.20 (2012-06-07)

  • Update to Rinci 1.1.18 (some new deps introduced: 'tmp_dir',

  • 'trash_dir', 'undo_trash_dir'; some removed: 'undo_storage').

Version 0.19 (2012-03-22)

  • [ENHANCEMENTS] 'default_lang' also converts language properties in tag metadata in 'tags'.

Version 0.18 (2012-03-21)

  • No functional changes. Rebuild with Perinci PodWeaver plugin enabled.

Version 0.17 (2012-03-21)

  • [ENHANCEMENTS] Convert 'default_lang' property.

  • [ENHANCEMENTS] 'remove_internal_properties' now also removes internal properties in 'result', 'examples', and 'links'.

Version 0.16 (2012-03-16)

  • [ENHANCEMENTS] Convert 1.0 - 1.1: Set argument spec's summary from argument schema.

Version 0.15 (2012-02-28)

  • [NEW FEATURES] Handle 'cmdline_aliases' (Rinci 1.1.8+)

  • [NEW FEATURES] Convert 1.0 'arg_aliases' to 'cmdline_aliases'

  • [NEW FEATURES] Add 'remove_internal_properties' wrap option.

Version 0.14 (2012-02-23)

  • [NEW FEATURES] Automatically convert metadata v1.0 to v1.1. Finally all the old Sub::Spec specs are now usable again.

Version 0.13 (2012-02-22)

  • [NEW FEATURES] Sah schemas in 'args' and 'result' are now normalized in the new metadata, this is to make it simpler for other code to use the schema (e.g. Perinci-Access when completing args). New metadata is now a deep clone of the old (instead of just a shallow copy), this might increase memory usage.

Version 0.12 (2012-02-15)

  • [REMOVED FEATURES] Remove 'force' argument. wrap_sub() still mark wrapping by blessing the generated wrapper, but will gladly double wrap. I believe caching should be done in the upper layers.

Version 0.11 (2012-02-13)

  • [ETC] Add tweak to work better with 'retry' property wrapper.

Version 0.10 (2012-02-13)

  • [NEW FEATURES] Add wrap option 'compile'.

Version 0.09 (2012-02-13)

  • [BUG FIXES] Fix indenting in generated code.

Version 0.08 (2012-02-12)

  • [BUG FIXES] Convert keys are now respected even though meta does not have that key.

Version 0.07 (2012-02-12)

  • Add (or re-enable) unshift_lines()

  • Extract test routine to Test::Perinci::Sub::Wrapper to make it usable from other Perinci-Sub-property-* distributions.

Version 0.06 (2012-02-12)

  • Rename distribution from Sub-Spec-Wrapper to Perinci-Sub-Wrapper.

Version 0.05 (2012-01-21)

  • No functional changes. Mark Sub-Spec-Wrapper deprecated.

Version 0.04 (2011-10-19)

  • No functional changes. Add missing dependency to

  • Sub::Spec::ConvertArgs::Array [thanks cpant & Andreas].

Version 0.03 (2011-09-22)

  • [ENHANCEMENTS] Support 'args_as' spec clause (hash/hashref/array/arrayref supported, but object not yet).

Version 0.02 (2011-08-31)

  • Build and POD fixes.

Version 0.01 (2011-08-31)

  • First release.