package Perinci::Util;
use SHARYANTO::Package::Util qw(package_exists);
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
our $VERSION = '0.26'; # VERSION
sub declare_property {
my %args = @_;
my $name = $args{name} or die "Please specify property's name";
my $schema = $args{schema} or die "Please specify property's schema";
my $type = $args{type};
my $bs; # base schema (Rinci::metadata)
my $ts; # per-type schema (Rinci::metadata::TYPE)
my $bpp;
my $tpp;
require Rinci::Schema;
$bs = $Rinci::Schema::base;
$bpp = $bs->[1]{"keys"}
or die "BUG: Schema structure changed (1)";
and die "Property '$name' is already declared in base schema";
if ($type) {
if ($type eq 'function') {
$ts = $Rinci::Schema::function;
} elsif ($type eq 'variable') {
$ts = $Rinci::Schema::variable;
} elsif ($type eq 'package') {
$ts = $Rinci::Schema::package;
} else {
die "Unknown/unsupported property type: $type";
$tpp = $ts->[1]{"[merge+]keys"}
or die "BUG: Schema structure changed (1)";
and die "Property '$name' is already declared in $type schema";
($bpp // $tpp)->{$name} = $schema;
no strict 'refs';
if ($args{wrapper}) {
*{"Perinci::Sub::Wrapper::handlemeta_$name"} =
sub { $args{wrapper}{meta} };
*{"Perinci::Sub::Wrapper::handle_$name"} =
} else {
*{"Perinci::Sub::Wrapper::handlemeta_$name"} =
sub { {} };
sub declare_function_feature {
my %args = @_;
my $name = $args{name} or die "Please specify feature's name";
my $schema = $args{schema} or die "Please specify feature's schema";
$name =~ /\A\w+\z/
or die "Invalid syntax on feature's name, please use alphanums only";
require Rinci::Schema;
# XXX merge first or use Perinci::Object, less fragile
my $ff = $Rinci::Schema::function->[1]{"[merge+]keys"}{features}
or die "BUG: Schema structure changed (1)";
or die "BUG: Schema structure changed (2)";
and die "Feature '$name' is already declared";
$ff->[1]{keys}{$name} = $args{schema};
sub declare_function_dep {
my %args = @_;
my $name = $args{name} or die "Please specify dep's name";
my $schema = $args{schema} or die "Please specify dep's schema";
my $check = $args{check};
$name =~ /\A\w+\z/
or die "Invalid syntax on dep's name, please use alphanums only";
require Rinci::Schema;
# XXX merge first or use Perinci::Object, less fragile
my $dd = $Rinci::Schema::function->[1]{"[merge+]keys"}{deps}
or die "BUG: Schema structure changed (1)";
or die "BUG: Schema structure changed (2)";
and die "Dependency type '$name' is already declared";
$dd->[1]{keys}{$name} = $args{schema};
if ($check) {
no strict 'refs';
*{"Perinci::Sub::DepChecker::checkdep_$name"} = $check;
sub get_package_meta_accessor {
my %args = @_;
my $pkg = $args{package};
my $def = $args{default_class} // 'Perinci::MetaAccessor::Default';
no strict 'refs';
my $ma = ${ "$pkg\::PERINCI_META_ACCESSOR" } // $def;
my $ma_p = $ma;
$ma_p =~ s!::!/!g;
$ma_p .= ".pm";
eval { require $ma_p };
my $req_err = $@;
if ($req_err) {
if (!package_exists($ma)) {
return [500, "Can't load meta accessor module $ma (probably ".
"mistyped or missing module): $req_err"];
} elsif ($req_err !~ m!Can't locate!) {
return [500, "Can't load meta accessor module $ma (probably ".
"compile error): $req_err"];
# require error of "Can't locate ..." can be ignored. it
# might mean package is already defined by other code. we'll
# try and access it anyway.
} elsif (!package_exists($ma)) {
# shouldn't happen
return [500, "Meta accessor module loaded OK, but no $ma package ".
"found, something's wrong"];
[200, "OK", $ma];
# ABSTRACT: Utility routines
=head1 NAME
Perinci::Util - Utility routines
=head1 VERSION
version 0.26
This is a temporary module containing utility routines.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Steven Haryanto <>
This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Steven Haryanto.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.