Process::Govern - Run child process and govern its various aspects


version 0.01


Use command-line utility:

% govproc \
      --timeout 3600 \
      --log-stderr-dir        /var/log/myapp/ \
      --log-stderr-size       16M \
      --log-stderr-histories  12 \

Use directly as Perl module:

use Process::Govern qw(govern_process);
    name       => 'myapp',
    command    => '/path/to/myapp',
    timeout    => 3600,
    stderr_log => {
        dir       => '/var/log/myapp',
        size      => '16M',
        histories => 12,


Process::Govern is a process manager. It is designed in the spirit of Perinci::Sub::Wrapper, that is, a single wrapper (parent process) that manages various aspects of the "wrapee" (child process).

It comes with a command-line interface, govproc.

Background story: I first created this module to record STDERR output of scripts that I run from cron. The scripts already log debugging information using Log::Any to an autorotated log file (using Log::Dispatch::FileRotate, via Log::Any::Adapter::Log4perl, via Log::Any::App). However, when the scripts warn/die, or when the programs that the scripts execute emit messages to STDERR, they do not get recorded. Thus, every script is then run through govproc. From there, govproc naturally gets additional features.

Currently the following governing functionalities are available:

  • execution time limit

  • logging of STDERR output

  • prevent multiple instances from running simultaneously

In the future the following features are also planned or contemplated:

  • CPU time limit

  • memory limit

    With an option to autorestart if process' memory size grow out of limit.

  • other resource usage limit

  • fork/start multiple process

  • autorestart on die/failure

  • set (CPU) nice level

  • set I/O nice level (scheduling priority/class)

  • loadwatch (pause when system load is too high)

  • limit STDIN input, STDOUT output?

  • trap/handle some signals for the child process?

  • set UID/GID?

  • provide daemon functionality?

  • provide network server functionality?

    Inspiration: djb's tcpserver.

  • set/clean environment variables



Run child process and govern its various aspects. It basically uses IPC::Run and a loop to check various conditions during the lifetime of the child process. Known arguments (required argument is marked with *):

  • command* => STR | ARRAYREF | CODE

    Program to run. Passed to IPC::Run's start().

  • name => STRING

    Should match regex /\A\w+\z/. Used in several ways, e.g. passed as prefix in File::Write::Rotate's constructor as well as used as name of PID file.

    If not given, will be taken from command.

  • timeout => INT

    Apply execution time limit, in seconds. After this time is reached, process (and all its descendants) are first sent the TERM signal. If after 30 seconds pass some processes still survive, they are sent the KILL signal.

    The killing is implemented using IPC::Run's kill_kill().

    Upon timeout, exit code is set to 201.

  • log_stderr => HASH

    Specify logging for STDERR. Logging will be done using File::Write::Rotate. Known hash keys: dir (STR, defaults to /var/log, directory, preferably absolute, where the log file(s) will reside, should already exist and be writable, will be passed to File::Write::Rotate's constructor), size (INT, also passed to File::Write::Rotate's constructor), histories (INT, also passed to File::Write::Rotate's constructor), period (STR, also passed to File::Write::Rotate's constructor).

  • single => BOOL

    If set to true, will prevent running multiple instances simultaneously. Implemented using Proc::PID::File. You will also have to set pid_dir.

  • pid_dir => STR

    Directory to put PID file in. Relevant if single is set to true. Default to /var/log.



Not tested on Win32.


Process::Govern attempts (or will attempt, some day) to provide the functionality (or some of the functionality) of the builtins/modules/programs listed below:

  • Starting/autorestarting

    djb's supervise,

  • Pausing under high system load


    cPanel also include a program called cpuwatch.

  • Preventing multiple instances of program running simultaneously

    Proc::PID::File, Sys::RunAlone

  • Execution time limit

    alarm() (but alarm() cannot be used to timeout external programs started by system()/backtick).


  • Logging

    djb's multilog,


Steven Haryanto <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Steven Haryanto.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.