Changes for version 1.1.8 - 2012-02-28

    • function: Replace (back) 'alias_for' argument spec with 'cmdline_aliases'. I first used 'alias_for' so I can list each alias as a key in 'args' property. The goal is so I can get all argument names (+ aliases) simply by doing a keys() on 'args' hash. And the goal of that is to add a 'complete_arg_name' Riap action which is more lightweight than a full 'meta' just to get argument names. Turns out that I don't need 'alias_for' just to support 'complete_arg_name', and also turns out that completing argument name needs more than just all argument names + aliases. You also need 'pos' information. So a full 'meta' is currently used. The reason I now revert to 'cmdline_aliases' style is because I don't want command-line aliases to become full/first-class argument.


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