Sub::Spec::Manual::Status - Status codes
version 0.15
This is a temporary place, will be moved somewhere else in the future.
Sub::Spec-following subroutines should return the following response: [STATUS, MESSAGE, RESULT] (unless when it declares a 'result_naked' clause in the spec, in which case it should just return RESULT and the wrapper will add STATUS and MESSAGE as necessary.
STATUS is modeled after HTTP response status code, a 3-digit integer, ranging from 100-599. This documentation contains a guide on what status codes to use on which occassions.
1xx code
Currently not used.
2xx code
200 should be used to mean success.
206 can be used to signal partial content, for example: a read_file() sub which accepts 'byte_start' and 'byte_end' arguments should return 206 when only partial file content is returned. But in general, use 200 as some clients will simply check for this exact code (instead of checking for range 200-299).
3xx code
301 (moved) can be used to redirect clients to alternate location, though I haven't used it yet.
304 (not modified, nothing done). Used for example by setup subroutines to indicate that nothing is being modified (see Setup::* modules in CPAN).
4xx code
400 (bad request, bad arguments) should be returned when the sub encountered invalid input (arguments). The wrapper code will return this code when arguments fail schema validation.
403 (forbidden, access denied).
404 not found. Can be used for example: a get_user() sub which accepts username/userid argument and when the user is not found.
Note: In general, a delete_object() sub should return 200 (or perhaps 304, but 200 is preferred) instead of 404 when the object specified by the user is not found, since the goal of the delete function is reached anyway.
408 (request timeout)
409 (conflict) can be used, for example: a create_user() function when receiving an already existing username.
412 (precondition failed).
5xx code
500 is the general code to use when a failure occurs during the execution of sub. For example, when a delete_file() sub fails to delete specified file (though it can return 403 which is more specific).
501 (not implemented)
503 (service unavailable)
507 (insufficient storage)
53x (bad spec) is used when there is something wrong with the spec.
Try not to use code above 555.
Steven Haryanto <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Steven Haryanto.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.