use 5.010;
use strict;
use Log::Any '$log';
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(get_args_from_array);
our $VERSION = '0.04'; # VERSION
our %SPEC;
sub _parse_schema {
$SPEC{get_args_from_array} = {
summary => 'Get subroutine arguments (%args) from array',
description_fmt => 'org',
description => <<'_',
Using information in sub spec's ~args~ clause (particularly the ~arg_pos~ and
~arg_greedy~ arg type clauses), extract arguments from an array into a hash
\%args, suitable for passing into subs.
: my $spec = {
: summary => 'Multiply 2 numbers (a & b)',
: args => {
: a => ['num*' => {arg_pos=>0}],
: b => ['num*' => {arg_pos=>1}],
: }
: }
then ~get_args_from_array(array=>[2, 3], spec=>$spec)~ will produce:
: [200, "OK", {a=>2, b=>3}]
args => {
array => ['array*' => {
spec => ['hash*' => {
allow_extra_elems => ['bool' => {
default => 0,
summary => 'Allow extra/unassigned elements in array',
description_fmt => 'org',
description => <<'_',
If set to 1, then if there are array elements unassigned to one of the arguments
(due to missing ~arg_pos~, for example), instead of generating an error, the
function will just ignore them.
sub get_args_from_array {
my %input_args = @_;
# don't assign this to $array, we have @array too, avoid error-prone
$input_args{array} or return [400, "Please specify array"];
my $sub_spec = $input_args{spec};
my $args_spec = $input_args{_args_spec};
if (!$args_spec) {
$args_spec = $sub_spec->{args} // {};
$args_spec = { map { $_ => _parse_schema($args_spec->{$_}) }
keys %$args_spec };
my $allow_extra_elems = $input_args{allow_extra_elems} // 0;
return [400, "Please specify spec"] if !$sub_spec && !$args_spec;
#$log->tracef("-> get_args_from_array(), array=%s", $array);
my @array = @{$input_args{array}};
my $args = {};
for my $i (reverse 0..$#array) {
while (my ($name, $schema) = each %$args_spec) {
my $schema = $args_spec->{$name};
my $ah0 = $schema->{clause_sets}[0];
my $o = $ah0->{arg_pos};
if (defined($o) && $o == $i) {
if ($ah0->{arg_greedy}) {
my $type = $schema->{type};
my @elems = splice(@array, $i);
if ($type eq 'array') {
$args->{$name} = \@elems;
} else {
$args->{$name} = join " ", @elems;
#$log->tracef("assign %s to arg->{$name}", $args->{$name});
} else {
$args->{$name} = splice(@array, $i, 1);
#$log->tracef("assign %s to arg->{$name}", $args->{$name});
return [400, "There are extra, unassigned elements in array: [".
join(", ", @array)."]"] if @array && !$allow_extra_elems;
[200, "OK", $args];
#ABSTRACT: Get subroutine arguments from array
=head1 NAME
Sub::Spec::GetArgs::Array - Get subroutine arguments from array
=head1 VERSION
version 0.04
use Sub::Spec::GetArgs::Array;
my $res = get_args_from_array(array=>\@ary, spec=>$spec, ...);
This module provides get_args_from_array() (and gencode_get_args_from_array(),
upcoming). This module is used by, among others, L<Sub::Spec::GetArgs::Argv> and
This module uses L<Log::Any> for logging framework.
This module's functions has L<Sub::Spec> specs.
None are exported by default, but they are exportable.
=head2 get_args_from_array(%args) -> [STATUS_CODE, ERR_MSG, RESULT]
Get subroutine arguments (%args) from array.
Using information in sub spec's ~args~ clause (particularly the ~arg_pos~ and
~arg_greedy~ arg type clauses), extract arguments from an array into a hash
\%args, suitable for passing into subs.
: my $spec = {
: summary => 'Multiply 2 numbers (a & b)',
: args => {
: a => ['num*' => {arg_pos=>0}],
: b => ['num*' => {arg_pos=>1}],
: }
: }
then ~get_args_from_array(array=>[2, 3], spec=>$spec)~ will produce:
: [200, "OK", {a=>2, b=>3}]
Returns a 3-element arrayref. STATUS_CODE is 200 on success, or an error code
between 3xx-5xx (just like in HTTP). ERR_MSG is a string containing error
message, RESULT is the actual result.
Arguments (C<*> denotes required arguments):
=over 4
=item * B<allow_extra_elems> => I<bool> (default C<0>)
Allow extra/unassigned elements in array.
If set to 1, then if there are array elements unassigned to one of the arguments
(due to missing ~arg_pos~, for example), instead of generating an error, the
function will just ignore them.
=item * B<array>* => I<array>
=item * B<spec>* => I<hash>
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Steven Haryanto <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Steven Haryanto.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.