$Sub::Spec::Pod::VERSION = '0.10';
# ABSTRACT: Generate POD documentation for subs
use 5.010;
use strict;
use Log::Any '$log';
use Sub::Spec::CmdLine; #tmp, for _parse_schema
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(gen_pod);
# currently we cheat by only parsing a limited subset of schema. this is because
# Data::Sah is not available yet.
sub _parse_schema {
sub _gen_sub_pod($;$) {
require Data::Dump;
require List::MoreUtils;
my ($sub_spec, $opts) = @_;
$opts //= {};
my $pod = "";
die "No name in spec" unless $sub_spec->{name};
$log->trace("Generating POD for $sub_spec->{name} ...");
$pod .= "=head2 $sub_spec->{name}(\%args) -> ".
if ($sub_spec->{summary}) {
$pod .= "$sub_spec->{summary}.\n\n";
my $desc = $sub_spec->{description};
if ($desc) {
$desc =~ s/^\n+//; $desc =~ s/\n+$//;
$pod .= "$desc\n\n";
$pod .= <<'_';
Returns a 3-element arrayref. STATUSCODE is 200 on success, or an error code
between 3xx-5xx (just like in HTTP). ERRMSG is a string containing error
message, RESULT is the actual result.
my $args = $sub_spec->{args} // {};
$args = { map {$_ => _parse_schema($args->{$_})} keys %$args };
my $has_cat = grep { $_->{attr_hashes}[0]{arg_category} }
values %$args;
if (scalar keys %$args) {
my $noted_star_req;
my $prev_cat;
for my $name (sort {
(($args->{$a}{attr_hashes}[0]{arg_category} // "") cmp
($args->{$b}{attr_hashes}[0]{arg_category} // "")) ||
(($args->{$a}{attr_hashes}[0]{arg_pos} // 9999) <=>
($args->{$b}{attr_hashes}[0]{arg_pos} // 9999)) ||
($a cmp $b) } keys %$args) {
my $arg = $args->{$name};
my $ah0 = $arg->{attr_hashes}[0];
my $cat = $ah0->{arg_category} // "";
if (!defined($prev_cat) || $prev_cat ne $cat) {
$pod .= "=back\n\n" if defined($prev_cat);
$pod .= ($cat ? ucfirst("$cat arguments") :
($has_cat ? "General arguments":"Arguments"));
$pod .= " (C<*> denotes required arguments)"
unless $noted_star_req++;
$pod .= ":\n\n=over 4\n\n";
$prev_cat = $cat;
$pod .= "=item * B<$name>".($ah0->{required} ? "*" : "")." => ";
my $type;
if ($arg->{type} eq 'any') {
my @schemas = map {_parse_schema($_)} @{$ah0->{of}};
my @types = map {$_->{type}} @schemas;
@types = sort List::MoreUtils::uniq(@types);
$type = join("|", @types);
} else {
$type = $arg->{type};
$pod .= "I<$type>";
$pod .= " (default ".
(defined($ah0->{default}) ?
: "none").
if defined($ah0->{default});
$pod .= "\n\n";
my $aliases = $ah0->{arg_aliases};
if ($aliases && keys %$aliases) {
$pod .= "Aliases: ";
my $i = 0;
for my $al (sort keys %$aliases) {
$pod .= ", " if $i++;
my $alinfo = $aliases->{$al};
$pod .= "B<$al>".
($alinfo->{summary} ? " ($alinfo->{summary})" : "");
$pod .= "\n\n";
$pod .= "Value must be one of:\n\n".
join("", map {" $_\n"} split /\n/,
if defined($ah0->{in});
#my $o = $ah0->{arg_pos};
#my $g = $ah0->{arg_greedy};
$pod .= "$ah0->{summary}.\n\n" if $ah0->{summary};
my $desc = $ah0->{description};
if ($desc) {
$desc =~ s/^\n+//; $desc =~ s/\n+$//;
# XXX format/rewrap
$pod .= "$desc\n\n";
$pod .= "=back\n\n";
} else {
$pod .= "No known arguments at this time.\n\n";
sub gen_pod {
my %args = @_;
my $module = $args{module};
# require module and get specs
my $modulep = $args{path};
if (!defined($modulep)) {
$modulep = $module;
$modulep =~ s!::!/!g; $modulep .= ".pm";
if ($args{require} // 1) {
$log->trace("Attempting to require $modulep ...");
eval { require $modulep };
die $@ if $@;
no strict 'refs';
my $specs = \%{$module."::SUBS"};
die "Can't find \%SUBS in package $module\n" unless $specs;
for (keys %$specs) {
$specs->{$_}{_package} = $module;
$specs->{$_}{name} = $_;
join("", map { _gen_sub_pod($specs->{$_}) } sort keys %$specs);
=head1 NAME
Sub::Spec::Pod - Generate POD documentation for subs
=head1 VERSION
version 0.10
% perl -MSub::Spec::Pod=gen_pod -e'print gen_pod(module=>"MyModule")'
This module generates API POD documentation for all subs in specified module.
Example output:
=head2 sub1(%args) -> [STATUSCODE, ERRORMSG, RESULT]
Summary of sub1.
Description of sub1...
Arguments (* denotes required arguments):
=over 4
=item * arg1* => INT (default 0)
Blah ...
=item * arg2 => STR (default none)
Blah blah ...
=head2 sub2(%args) -> [STATUSCODE, ERRMSG, RESULT]
None of the functions are exported by default, but they are exportable.
=head2 gen_pod(%args) -> POD
Generate POD documentation.
=over 4
=item * module => STR
Module name to use. The module will be required if not already so.
=item * path => STR
Instruct the function to require the specified path instead of guessing from
module name. Useful when you want to from a specific location (e.g. when
building) and do not want to modify @INC.
=item * require => BOOL (default 1)
If set to 0, will not attempt to require the module.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Steven Haryanto <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Steven Haryanto.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.