version::Restrict - Control permitted versions that can be use'd


version 0.01


In your module (you don't want users using version v where 0.0.0 <= v < 1.0.0 or 2.2.4 <= v < 2.3.1):

package YourModule;
use version::Restrict (
    "[0.0.0,1.0.0)" => "constructor syntax has changed",
    "[2.2.4,2.3.1)" => "frobniz method croaks without second argument",

Now your module users will die when they write:

use YourModule;       # no version specified
use YourModule 0.0.1; # contructor syntax has changed
use YourModule 2.2.5; # frobniz method croaks without second argument

But any of these are OK:

use YourModule 1.0.0;
use YourModule 2.4.1;


Status: experimental/proof-of-concept.

This module is like version::Limit, but with a different interface (you specify restricted versions in the use statement) and a different behavior (if v0.0.0 is in one of the restricted versions, your module user must specify desired version of your module explicitly, otherwise they will die).

This module works by installing a VERSION() method to your module. This method will be called by Perl when your module user use's your module with specified version, e.g. use YourModule 0.123;.

Additionally, this module will also install (or wrap) an import() method to your module. The task of this method is to check whether VERSION() has been called via checking a flag variable. We require VERSION() to be run if one of the restricted versions is v0.0.0, meaning that you don't want your module users to just say use YourModule; (without specifying explicit version). After that, the installed import() method just passes control to the original import method.




Steven Haryanto <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Steven Haryanto.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.