JPList::DB::Result - JPList DB Result
with 'JPList::DB::Result'
The JPList::DB::Result module allows you get the resultset from table/view
Params : $request_data
Returns: Resultset data from table/view based on the request params
Desc : Resultset data from table/view based on the request params
Params : $request_data
Returns: $where_clause
Desc : Builds where_clause based on JPList request "filter_data" and also custom "where_fields"
Params : $request_data
Returns: $order
Desc : Builds order data structure based on JPList request "sort_data"
Params : $request_data, $sql_query, $bind_vals
Returns: $sql_query, $bind_vals
Desc : Builds SQL updated with LIMIT and OFFEST based on JPList request "pagination_data"
Params : $table_source, $wheres
Returns: total count based on filter
Desc : total count based on filter
- select_hashref
Params : { sql => 'SQL Statement', bind_vals => ARRAYREF[optional], return_key => Column [optional], return_aoa => 1 [optional] }
Returns: ARRAYREF/HASHREF of data If return_key is undef : Returns rows as Array of Hash If return_key has a valid column: Returns rows as Hash of Hash with Column value as hash key If return_aoa is 1 : Returns rows as Array of Array
Desc : Using SQL get hashref of data
Copyright (C) 2017 Exceleron Software, LLC
Sheeju Alex, <>
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 43:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'