Installation of CGI::Session follows standard Makefile.PL installation pattern:
% perl Makefile.PL
% make
% make test
% make install
If you don't have proper permission to perform system-wide installations you can install
CGI::Session to your private PERL5LIB folder:
% perl Makefile.PL LIB=~/perllib
% make
% make test
% make install
Above set of commands will install CGI::Session to your '~/perllib' folder.
If you are considering to use MySQL as the primary storage device for your session data
I recommend you running mysql tests. For MySQL tests to run properly DBI and DBD::mysql
Perl modules should be installed. CGI::Session should also have access to a mysql database.
Access details should be set in the following environmental variables:
example: "dbi:mysql:sessions". If missing defaults to "dbi:mysql:test"
example: sherzodr. If missing defaults to value of $ENV{USER}, or undef
example: marley. If missing defaults to undef
If your system doesn't support setting environmental variables (or you don't know how)
feel free to update %dsn hash at the top of all of the t/g4_mysql*.t files.
If you are considering to use PostgreSQL as the primary storage device for your session data
I recommend you running postgresql tests. For postgresql tests to run properly DBI and DBD::Pg Perl
modules should be installed. CGI::Session should also have access to a postgresql database.
Access details should be set in the following environmental variables:
example: "dbi:Pg:dbname=sessions". Defaults to "dbi:Pg:dbname=test"
example: "sherzodr". Defaults to $ENV{USER} or undef
example: marley. Defaults to undef
If your system doesn't support setting environmental variables (or you don't know how)
feel free to update %dsn hash at the top of all of the t/g4_postgresql*.t files.