CGI-Session - persistent storage of complex data in CGI applications


# Object initialization:
# api 2 syntax
use CGI::Session::File;
my $session = new CGI::Session::File(undef, {Directory=>'/tmp'});

# or using api 3 syntax
use CGI::Session qw/-api3/;
my $session = new CGI::Session("driver:File", undef, {Directory=>'/tmp'});

# getting the effective session id:
my $CGISESSID = $session->id();
# storing data in the session
$session->param('f_name', 'Sherzod');
# or
$session->param(-name=>'l_name', -value=>'Ruzmetov');

# retrieving data
my $f_name = $session->param('f_name');
# or
my $l_name = $session->param(-name=>'l_name');

# clearing a certain session parameter

# expire '_IS_LOGGED_IN' flag after 10 idle minutes:
$session->expire(_IS_LOGGED_IN => '+10m')

# expire the session itself after 1 idle hour

# delete the session for good


This is the alpha - test release


CGI-Session is a Perl5 library that provides an easy, reliable and modular session management system across HTTP requests. Persistency is a key feature for such applications as shopping carts, login/authentication routines, and application that need to carry data accross HTTP requests. CGI::Session does that and many more


If you want to learn more about the usage of the library and its application in the production environment, we can suggest you several resources you can take advantage of:

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In other words, CGI::Session cook book to get solutions for most of your daily problems and challenges. Being developed constantly.

Home of CGI::Session hosted by The web site was under construction as of Fri, Nov 22, 2002.


Since HTTP is a stateless protocol, each subsequent click to a web site is treated as brand new by the web server, and the server does not relate them with previous visits, and all the state information from the previous requests are lost. This will make creating such applications as shopping carts, login/authentication routines, secure restricted services in the web impossible. So people had to do something against this despair situation HTTP was putting us in.

For our rescue come such technologies as HTTP Cookies and QUERY_STRINGs that help us save the users' session for a certain period. Since cookies and query_strings alone cannot take us too deep into our fantasies [RFC 2965, Section 5, "Implementation Limitations"], several other libraries/technologies have been developed to extend their capabilities and promise a more reliable and a more persistent system. CGI::Session is one of them.


Cookie is a piece of text-information that a web server is entitled to place in the user's hard disk, assuming a user agent (i.e.. Web Browser) is compatible with the specification. After the cookie being placed, user agents are required to send these cookies back to the server as part of the HTTP request. This way the server application ( CGI ) will have a way of relating previous requests by the same user agent, thus overcoming statelessness of HTTP.

Although cookies seem to be promising solutions for the statelessness of HTTP, they do carry certain limitations, such as limited number of cookies per domain and per user agent and limited size on each cookie. User Agents are required to store at least 300 cookies at a time, 20 cookies per domain and allow 4096 bytes of storage for each cookie. They also arise several Privacy and Security concerns, the lists of which can be found on the sections 6-"Privacy" and 7-"Security Considerations" of RFC 2965 respectively.


QUERY_STRING is a string appended to URL following a question mark (?) such as:;password=topSecret

As you probably guessed already, it can also help you to pass state information from a click to another, but how secure is it do you think? Considering these URLs tend to get cached by most of the user agents and also logged in the servers access log, to which everyone can have access to, it is not secure.


Hidden field is another alternative to using QUERY_STRINGs and they come in two flavors: hidden fields used in POST methods and the ones in GET methods. The ones used in GET methods will turn into a true QUERY_STRING once submitted, so all the disadvantages of QUERY_STRINGs do apply. Although POST requests do not have limitations of its sister-GET, they become unwieldily when one has oodles of state information to keep track of ( for instance, a shopping cart ). Hidden fields also get lost once the user agent closes the session or when the user chooses to click on the "Back" button of the browser. Considering the information being sent back and forth between the server and the user, the probability of bad guys intercepting the request hence a private data is higher.


This technique is built upon the aforementioned technologies plus a server-side storage, which saves the state data for a particular session. Each session has a unique id associated with the data in the server. This id is also associated with the user agent in either the form of a cookie, a query_string parameter, a hidden field or all at the same time.


  • We no longer need to depend on the User Agent constraints in cookie amounts and sizes

  • Sensitive data like user's username, email address, preferences and such no longer need to be traveling across the network at each request ( which is the case with QUERY_STRINGs, cookies and hidden_fields ). Only thing that travels across the network is the unique id generated for the session ("ID-1234"), which should make no sense to bad guys whatsoever.

  • User will not have sensitive data stored in his computer in an unsecured plain text format ( which is a cookie file ).

That's what CGI::Session is all about.


Server side session management system might be seeming awfully convoluted if you have never dealt with it. Fortunately, with CGI::Session this cumbersome task can be achieved in much elegent way and handled by the library transparently. This section of the manual can be treated as an introductory tutorial to both logic behind session management, and to CGI::Session programming style as well.


The syntax of the CGI::Session 3.x has changed from previous releases. But we at the same time keep supporting the old syntax for backward compatibility. To help us do this, you will always need to "use" CGI::Session with "-api3" switch:

use CGI::Session qw/-api3/;

It tells the library that you will be using the new syntax. Please don't ask us anything about the old syntax if you have never used it. We won't tell you anyway :-).

But before you start using the library, you will need to decide where and how you want the session data to be stored in disk. In other words, you will need to tell what driver to use. You can choose either of "File", "DB_File" and "MySQL" drivers, which are shipped with the distribution by default. Examples in this document will be using "File" driver exclusively to make sure the examples are accessible in all machines with the least requirements. To do this, we create the session object like so:

use CGI::Session qw/-api3/;

$session = new CGI::Session("driver:File", undef, {Directory=>'/tmp'});

The first argument is called Data Source Name (DSN in short). If it's undef, the library will use the default driver, which is "File". So instead of being explicit about the driver as in the above example, we could simply say:

$session = new CGI::Session(undef, undef, {Directory=>'/tmp'});

and we're guaranteed it will fall back to default driver.

The second argument is session id to be initialized. If it's undef, it will force CGI::Session to create new session.

The third argument should be in the form of hashref. This will be used by specific CGI::Session driver only. For the list of all the available attributes, consult respective CGI::Session driver. Following drivers come with the distribution by default:

Note: You can also write your own driver for the library. Consult respective section of this manual for details.


To generate a brand new session for a user, just pass an undefined value as the second argument to the constructor - new():

$session = new CGI::Session("driver:File", undef, {Directory=>"/tmp"});

Directory refers to a place where the session files and their locks will be stored in the form of separate files. When you generate the session object, as we did above, you will have:

  1. Session ID generated for you and

  2. Storage file associated with that file in the directory you specified.

From now on, in case you want to access the newly generated session id just do:

$sid = $session->id();

It returns a string something similar to bcd22cb2111125fdffaad97d809647e5 which you can now send as a cookie. Using standard CGI class we can send the session id as a cookie to the user's browser like so:

$cookie = $cgi->cookie(CGISESSID => $session->id);
print $cgi->header( -cookie=>$cookie );

If anything in the above example doesn't make sense, please consult CGI for the details.


When a user clicks another link or re-visits the site after a short while should we be creating a new session again? Absolutely not. This would defeat the whole purpose of state maintenance. Since we already send the id as a cookie, all we need is to pass that id as the first argument while creating a session object:

$sid = $cgi->cookie("CGISESSID") || undef;
$session    = new CGI::Session(undef, $sid, {Directory=>'/tmp'});

The above syntax will first try to initialize an existing session data, if it fails ( if the session doesn't exist ) creates a new session: just what we want.

You can also achieve the functionality of the above two lines with the following syntax. This is new to CGI::Session 3.x:

$session = new CGI::Session(undef, $cgi, {Directory=>"/tmp"});

This will try to get the session id either from the cookie or from the query_string parameter. If it succeeds, initializes the old session from the disk or creates a new session. Name of the cookie and query_string parameter the library looks for is CGISESSID. If you'd rather assign a different name update the value of $CGI::Session::COOKIENAME variable before creating the object:

$CGI::Session::COOKIENAME = "SID";
$session = new CGI::Session(undef, $cgi, {Directory=>"/tmp"});


To store a single variable in the object use param() method:

$session->param("my_name", $name);

You can use param() method to store complex data such as arrays, hashes, objects and so forth. While storing arrays and hashes, make sure to pass them as a reference:

@my_array = ("apple", "grapes", "melon", "casaba");
$session->param("fruits", \@my_array);

You can store objects as well, and retrieve them later

$session->param("cgi", $cgi);   # stores object

Note: default serializer does not support storing objects. You will need to configure the serializer to either "FreezeThaw" or "Storable":

$session = new CGI::Session("serializer:Storable", undef,             
                                        { Directory=>'/tmp' } );

$session->param("cgi", $cgi);

Sometimes you wish there was a way of storing all the CGI parameters in the session object. You would start dreaming of this feature after having to save dozens of query parameters from each form element to your session object. Consider the following syntax:

$session->save_param($cgi, ["keyword", "category", "author", "orderby"]);

The above syntax make sure that all the above CGI parameters get saved in the session object. It's the same as saying

$session->param("keyword",  $cgi->param("keyword"));
$session->param("category", $cgi->param("category"));
# etc...

In case you want to save all the CGI parameters. Just omit the second argument to save_param():


The above syntax saves all the available/accessible CGI parameters


There's no point of storing data if you cannot access it. You can access stored session data by using the same param() method you once used to store them:

$name = $session->param("my_name");

The above syntax retrieves session parameter previously stored as "my_name". To retrieve previously stored @my_array:

$my_array = $session->param("fruits");

It will return a reference to the array, and can be dereferenced as @{$my_array}.

Frequently, especially when you find yourself creating drop down menus, scrolling lists and checkboxes, you tend to use for its sticky behavior that pre-selects default values. To have it preselect the values those selections must be present in the CGI object. load_param() method does just that:

$session->load_param($cgi, ["checkboxes"]);

The above code loads mentioned parameters to the CGI object so that they also become available via

@selected = $cgi->param("checkboxes");

syntax. This allows automatic selection behavior of if checkbox and scrolling lists are being generated using If you'd rather load all the session parameters to just omit the second parameter to load_param():


This makes sure that all the available and accessible session parameters will also be available via CGI object.

If you're making use of HTML::Template to separate the code from the skins, you can as well associate CGI::Session object with HTML::Template and access all the parameters from within HTML files. We love this trick!

$template = new HTML::Template(filename=>"some.tmpl", associate=>$session);
print $template->output();

Assuming the session object stored "first_name" and "email" parameters while being associated with HTML::Template, you can access those values from within your "some.tmpl" file:

Hello <a href="mailto:<TMPL_VAR email>"> <TMPL_VAR first_name> </a>!

For more tricks with HTML::Template, please refer to the library's manual (HTML::Template) and CGI Session CookBook that comes with the library distribution.


Normally you don't have to close the session explicitly. It gets closed when your program terminates or session object goes out of scope. However in some few instances you might want to close the session explicitly by calling CGI::Session's close() method. What is closing all about - you'd ask. While session is active, updates to session object doesn't get stored in the disk right away. It stores them in the memory until you either choose to flush the buffer by calling flush() method or destroy the session object by either terminating the program or calling close() method explicitly.

In some circumstances you might want to close the session but at the same time don't want to terminate the process for a while. Might be the case in GUI and in daemon applications. In this case close() is what you want.

If you want to keep the session object but for any reason want to synchronize the data in the buffer with the one in the disk, flush() method is what you need.

Note: close() calls flush() as well. So there's no need to call flush() before calling close()


You store data in the session, you access the data in the session and at some point you will want to clear certain data from the session, if not all. For this reason CGI::Session provides clear() method which optionally takes one argument as an arrayref indicating which session parameters should be deleted from the session object:

$session->clear(["~logged-in", "email"]);

Above line deletes "~logged-in" and "email" session parameters from the session. And next time you say:

$email = $session->param("email");

it returns undef. If you omit the argument to clear(), be warned that all the session parameters you ever stored in the session object will get deleted. Note that it does not delete the session itself, for session stays open and accessible. It's just the parameters you stored in it gets deleted


If there's a start there's an end. If session could be created, it should be possible to delete it from the disk for good:


The above call to delete() deletes the session from the disk for good. Do not confuse it with clear(), which only clears certain session parameters but keeps the session open.


This is a question of beliefs and style. After playing around with sessions for a while you'll figure out what you want. If you insist on our standing on this rather a controversial issue, don't hesitate to drop us an email.


CGI::Session makes use of the following configurable variables which you can optionally set values to before creating a session object:


Denotes a name of the cookie that holds the session ID of the user. This variable is used only if you pass CGI object to new() instead of passing a session id. Default is "CGISESSID".


Should the library try to match IP address of the user while retrieving an old session? Defaults to "0", which denotes "no". You can optionaly enable this with the "-ip_match" switch while "use"ing the library:

use CGI::Session qw/-api3 -ip_match/;otes "no".

This read-only variable holds the last error message.


Following is the overview of all the available methods accessible via CGI::Session object.


Requires three arguments. First is the Data Source Name, second should be the session id to be initialized or an object which provides either of 'param()' or 'cookie()' mehods. If Data Source Name is undef, it will fall back to default values, which are "driver:File;serializer:Default;id:MD5".

If session id is missing, it will force the library to generate a new session id, which will be accessible through id() method.


$session = new CGI::Session(undef, undef, {Directory=>'/tmp'});
$session = new CGI::Session("driver:File;serializer:Storable", undef,  {Directory=>'/tmp'})
$session = new CGI::Session("driver:MySQL;id:Incr", undef, {Handle=>$dbh});

Following data source variables are supported:

  • driver - CGI::Session driver. Available drivers are "File", "DB_File" and "MySQL". Default is "File".

  • serializer - serializer to be used to encode the data structure before saving in the disk. Available serializers are "Storable", "FreezeThaw" and "Default". Default is "Default", which uses standard Data::Dumper

  • id - ID generator to use when new session is to be created. Available ID generators are "MD5" and "Incr". Default is "MD5".


Returns effective ID for a session. Since effective ID and claimed ID can differ, valid session id should always be retrieved using this method. Return value: string denoting the session id.


this method used in either of the above syntax returns a session parameter set to $name or undef on failure.

param( $name, $value)
param(-name=>$name, -value=>$value)

method used in either of the above syntax assigns a new value to $name parameter, which can later be retrieved with previously introduced param() syntax.


returns all the session parameters as a reference to a hash

save_param($cgi, $arrayref)

Saves CGI parameters to session object. In otherwords, it's calling param($name, $value) for every single CGI parameter. The first argument should be either CGI object or any object which can provide param() method. If second argument is present and is a reference to an array, only those CGI parameters found in the array will be stored in the session

load_param($cgi, $arrayref)

loads session parameters to CGI object. The first argument is required to be either object, or any other object which can provide param() method. If second argument is present and is a reference to an array, only the parameters found in that array will be loaded to CGI object.


clears parameters from the session object. If passed an argument as an arrayref, clears only those parameters found in the list.


synchronizes data in the buffer with its copy in disk. Normally it will be called for you just before the program terminates, session object goes out of scope or close() is called.


closes the session temporarily until new() is called on the same session next time. In other words, it's a call to flush() and DESTROY()


returns the last access time of the session in the form of seconds from epoch. Is used while expiring sessions.


returns the time of the session data in the form of seconds from epoch, denoting the date when session was created for the first time.

expires($param, $time)

Sets expiration date relative to atime(). If used with no arguments, returns the expiration date if it was ever set for a whole object. If no expiration was ever set, returns undef.

Second form sets an expiration date for a whole session. This value is checked when previously stored session is asked to be retrieved, and if its expiration date has passed will be expunged from the disk immediately and new session is created accordingly. Passing 0 would cancel expiration date

By using the third syntax you can also set an expiration date for a particular session parameter, say "~logged-in". This would cause the library call clear() on the parameter when its time is up.

All the time values should be given in the form of seconds. Following time aliases are also supported for your convenience:

|   alias   |   meaning     |
|     s     |   Second      |
|     m     |   Minute      |
|     h     |   Hour        |
|     w     |   Week        |
|     M     |   Month       |
|     y     |   Year        |


$session->expires("+1y");   # expires in one year
$session->expires(0);       # cancel expiration
$session->expires("~logged-in", "+10m");# expires ~logged-in flag in 10 mins

Note: all the expiration times are relative to session's last access time, not to its creation time. To expire a session immediately, call delete(). To expire a specific session parameter immediately, call clear()


Returns the remote address of the user who created the session for the first time. Returns undef if variable REMOTE_ADDR wasn't present in the environment when the session was created


deletes the session from the disk. In other words, it calls for immediate expiration after which the session will not be accessible


returns the last error message from the library. It's the same as the value of $CGI::Session::errstr. Example:

$session->flush() or die $session->error();

creates a dump of the session object. Argument, if passed, will be interpreted as the name of the file object should be dumped in. Used mostly for debugging.


"How secure is using CGI::Session?", "Can others hack down people's sessions using another browser if they can get the session id of the user?", "Are the session ids guessable?" are the questions I find myself answering over and over again.


Security of the library does in many aspects depend on the implementation. After making use of this library, you no longer have to send all the information to the user's cookie except for the session id. But, you still have to store the data in the server side. So another set of questions arise, can an evil person have access to session data in your server, even if they do, can they make sense out of the data in the session file, and even if they can, can they reuse the information against a person who created that session. As you see, the answer depends on yourself who is implementing it.

First rule of thumb, do not save the users' passwords or other sensitive data in the session. If you can persuade yourself that this is necessary, make sure that evil eyes don't have access to session files in your server. If you're using RDBMS driver such as MySQL, the database will be protected with a username/password pair. But if it will be storing in the file system in the form of plain files, make sure no one except you can have access to those files.

Default configuration of the driver makes use of Data::Dumper class to serialize data to make it possible to save it in the disk. Data::Dumper's result is a human readable data structure, which if opened, can be interpreted against you. If you configure your session object to use either Storable or FreezeThaw as a serializer, this would make more difficult for bad guys to make sense out of the data. But don't use this as the only precaution for security. Since evil fingers can type a quick program using Storable or FreezeThaw which deciphers that session file very easily.

Also, do not allow sick minds to update the contents of session files. Of course CGI::Session makes sure it doesn't happen, but your cautiousness does no harm either.


Session ids are not easily guessable. Default configuration of CGI::Session uses Digest::MD5 which takes process id, time in seconds since epoch and a random number and generates a 32 character long string. Although this string cannot be guessable by others, if they find it out somehow, can they use this identifier against the other person?

Consider the case, where you just give someone either via email or an instant messaging a link to your online-account profile, where you're currently logged in. The URL you give to that person contains a session id as part of a query_string. If your application was initializing the id solely using query_string parameter, after clicking on that link that person now appears to that site as you, and might have access to all of your private data instantly. How scary and how unwise implementation and what a poor kid who didn't know that pasting URLs with session ids was an accident waiting to happen

Even if you're solely using cookies as the session id transporters, it's not that difficult to plant a cookie in the cookie file with the same id and trick the application this way. So key for security is to check if the person who's asking us to retrieve a session data is indeed the person who initially created the session data. CGI::Session helps you to watch out for such cases by enabling "-ip_match" switch while "use"ing the library:

use CGI::Session qw/-ip-match -api3/;

or alternatively, setting $CGI::Session::IP_MATCH to a true value, say to 1. This makes sure that before initializing a previously stored session, it checks if the ip address stored in the session matches the ip address of the user sking for that session. In which case the library returns the session, otherwise it dies with a proper error message. You can also set


This section is for driver authors who want to implement their own storing mechanism for the library. Those who enjoy sub-classing stuff should find this section useful as well. Here we discuss the architecture of CGI::Session and its drivers.


Library provides all the base methods listed in the METHODS section. The only methods CGI::Session doesn't bother providing are the ones that need to deal with writing the session data in the disk, retrieving the data from the disk, and deleting the data. These are the methods specific to the driver, so that's where they should be provided.

In other words, driver is just another Perl library which uses CGI::Session as a base class, and provides several additional methods that deal with disk-access and storage


Before getting to driver specs, let's talk about how the data should be stored. When flush() is called, or the program terminates, CGI::Session asks a driver to store the data somewhere in the disk, and passes the data in the form of a hash reference. Then it's the driver's obligation to serialize the data so that it can be stored in the disk.

CGI::Session distribution comes with several libraries you can inherit from and call freeze() method on the object to serialize the data and store it. Those libraries are:


Refer to their respective manuals for more details


# $data is a hashref that needs to be stored
my $storable_data = $self->freeze($data)

$storable_data can now be saved in the disk.

When the driver is asked to retrieve the data from the disk, that serialized data should be accordingly de-serialized. The aforementioned serializer also provides thaw() method, which takes serialized data as the first argument, and returns Perl data structure, as it was before saved. Example:

return $self->thaw($stored_data);


Driver is just another Perl library, which uses CGI::Session as a base class and is required to provide the following methods:

retrieve($self, $sid, $options)

this methods is called by CGI::Session with the above 3 arguments when it's asked to retrieve the session data from the disk. $self is the session object, $sid is the session id, and $options is the list of the arguments passed to new() in the form of a hashref. Method should return un-serialized session data, or undef indicating the failure. If an error occurs, instead of calling die() or croak(), we suggest setting the error message to error() and returning undef:

unless ( sysopen(FH, $options->{FileName}, O_RDONLY) ) {
    $self->error("Couldn't read from $options->{FileName}: $!");
    return undef;
store($self, $sid, $options, $data)

this method is called by CGI::Session when session data needs to be stored. Data to be stored is passed as the third argument to the method, and is a reference to a hash. Should return any true value indicating success, undef otherwise. Error message should be passed to error().

remove($self, $sid, $options)

called when CGI::Session is asked to remove the session data from the disk via delete() method. Should return true indicating success, undef otherwise, setting the error message to error()

teardown($self, $sid, $options)

called when session object is about to get destroyed, either via close() or implicitly when the program terminates


CGI::Session also requires the driver to provide a generate_id() method, which returns an id for a new session. So CGI::Session distribution comes with libraries that provide you with generate_id() and you can simply inherit from them. Following libraries are available:


Refer to their respective manuals for more details.

In case you want to have your own style of ids, you can define a generate_id() method explicitly without inheriting from the above libraries. Or write your own CGI::Session::ID::YourID library, that simply defines "generate_id()" method, which returns a session id, then give the name to the constructor:

$session = new CGI::Session("id:YourID", undef, {Neccessary=>Attrs});


Your CGI::Session distribution comes with a Session/ file which can be used as a starting point for your drive. Or consider the following blueprint:

package CGI::Session::MyDriver;

# inherit missing methods from the following classes
use base qw(

use vars qw($VERSION);

$VERSION = '1.1';

sub retrieve {
    my ($self, $sid, $options) = @_;


sub store {
    my ($self, $sid, $data, $options) = @_;
    my $storable_data = $self->freeze($data);


sub remove {
    my ($self, $sid, $options) = @_;


sub teardown {
    my ($self, $sid, $options) = @_;




After filling in the above blanks, you can do:

$session = new CGI::Session::MyDriver($sid, {Option=>"Value"});

and use the library according to this manual.


This library is free software. You can modify and or distribute it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Sherzod Ruzmetov <>.

Using this library? Find it useful in any way? Just drop me an email and make my day :-)


CGI::Session Drivers

CGI::Session::File, CGI::Session::DB_File, CGI::Session::MySQL, CGI::Session::BerkelyDB

CGI Session Cook Book

cgisesscook - Cook Book which is a part of the library distribution

Perl's Simple Common Gateway Interface class by Lincoln Stein


Another fine session library by Jeffrey Baker <>

RFC 2965

"HTTP State Management Mechanism" found at