HTML::Tmpl - Perl extension handling simple HTML Templates in CGI Scripts


#!/usr/bin/perl -wT

#in CGI app.:
use HTML::Tmpl;

my $tmpl = new HTML::Tmpl(-filename=>"some-template.tmpl");
    title       => "New Document",
    time        => scalar( localtime() ),
    name        => "Sherzod B. Ruzmetov"

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print $tmpl->output();

in some-template.tmpl file:

<TITLE> <%var title%> </TITLE>

Today's date is <%var time %>

Copyright (c) 2002 <%var name%>



This documenation refers to Version 1.x of the library

HTML::Tmpl is the lighter version of L<HTML::Template> module by Sam Trager (
but with a lot less options. It uses JSP like styled tag sets (<% %>)

As of version 1.1 HTML::Tmpl does only variable replacement. IF you want loop and if/else
features to be available for your HTML templates, please go with L<HTML::Template>.
Of course all the features HTML::Template offers are in my TODO list, and hopefully
will appeare in the subsecquent versions of the library.



constructor new() takes a hash argument which denotes the name of the file to ber parsed as an HTML template. It returns HTML::Tmpl object if it succeeds, undef otherwise.

my $tmpl = new HTML::Tmpl(-filename=>"some-template.tmpl");

assigns parameters to special tags. It expects arguments in key/value pairs, so it's abolutely legal to give it already existing hash. As an alternative you can pass it a reference to a hash variable. It dereferences it for you. This feature is quite usefull when you want to pass it the result of $dbh-selectrow_hashref(qq|SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE id=?|, undef, $id)> to select a row from an SQL database. Example.,

# profile of the user with id 7 as saved in the 'profiles' table
$tmpl->param($dbh->selectrow_hashref(qq|SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE id=?|, undef, 7);

when take care of all of your parameter processing (by calling the above param() method), at sometime you decide to printout your final template. That's when you use the output() method. Example.,

print $tmpl->output();

But don't forget to take care of your own HTTP headers:

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print $tmpl->output();

As an alternative to output() you can as well call the print() method, which prints it for you to STDOUT.


similar to output(), but instead of returning the processed template, it prints it for you. So you can just say:


# instead of saying:
# print $tmpl->output();


Sherzod B. Ruzmetov <>


HTML::Template, DBI, perl