CPANPLUS::Dist::Fedora - a cpanplus backend to build Fedora/Red Hat rpms


cpan2dist --format=CPANPLUS::Dist::Fedora Some::Random::Package


CPANPLUS::Dist::Fedora is a distribution class to create FEdora packages from CPAN modules, and all its dependencies. This allows you to have the most recent copies of CPAN modules installed, using your package manager of choice, but without having to wait for central repositories to be updated.

You can either install them using the API provided in this package, or manually via rpm.

Note that these packages are built automatically from CPAN and are assumed to have the same license as perl and come without support. Please always refer to the original CPAN package if you have questions.


$bool = CPANPLUS::Dist::Fedora->format_available;

Return a boolean indicating whether or not you can use this package to create and install modules in your environment.

It will verify if you are on a mandriva system, and if you have all the necessary components avialable to build your own mandriva packages. You will need at least these dependencies installed: rpm, rpmbuild and gcc.


$bool = $fedora->init;

Sets up the CPANPLUS::Dist::Fedora object for use. Effectively creates all the needed status accessors.

Called automatically whenever you create a new CPANPLUS::Dist object.

$bool = $fedora->prepare;

Prepares a distribution for creation. This means it will create the rpm spec file needed to build the rpm and source rpm. This will also satisfy any prerequisites the module may have.

Note that the spec file will be as accurate as possible. However, some fields may wrong (especially the description, and maybe the summary) since it relies on pod parsing to find those information.

Returns true on success and false on failure.

You may then call $fedora->create on the object to create the rpm from the spec file, and then $fedora->install on the object to actually install it.

$bool = $fedora->create;

Builds the rpm file from the spec file created during the create() step.

Returns true on success and false on failure.

You may then call $fedora->install on the object to actually install it.

$bool = $fedora->install;

Installs the rpm using rpm -U.

/!\ Work in progress: not implemented.

Returns true on success and false on failure


There are no TODOs of a technical nature currently, merely of an administrative one;

o Scan for proper license

Right now we assume that the license of every module is the same as perl itself. Although correct in almost all cases, it should really be probed rather than assumed.

o Long description

Right now we provided the description as given by the module in it's meta data. However, not all modules provide this meta data and rather than scanning the files in the package for it, we simply default to the name of the module.


Please report any bugs or feature requests to < cpanplus-dist-fedora at>, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


CPANPLUS::Backend, CPANPLUS::Module, CPANPLUS::Dist, cpan2dist, rpm, yum

CPANPLUS::Dist::Fedora development takes place on - feel free to join us.

You can also look for information on this module at:


Originally based on CPANPLUS-Dist-Mdv by:

Jerome Quelin, <jquelin at>

Shlomi Fish ( ) changed it into CPANPLUS-Dist-Fedora.


Copyright (c) 2007 Jerome Quelin, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Modified by Shlomi Fish, 2008 - all ownership disclaimed.