Changes for version 0.03

  • backport to 5.00503 (hadn't tested before this point)

Changes for version 0.0300 - 2009-06-26

  • Adapted the README to File-Find-Object-Rule.
  • Added POD tests and got to full POD coverage.
  • Converted many direct $self->{$field} accesses to Class::XSAccessor accessors.
  • Now ->start() and ->match() are iteration-enabled.
    • ->start() no longer calls ->in() but the other way around, making use of File::Find::Object's power.
  • Added resources and keywords information to the Build.PL
  • Updated lib/File/Find/Object/Rule/Extending.pod for File-Find-Object-Rule .


the mini-guide to extending File::Find::Object::Rule
File::Find::Object::Rule's procedural interface
command line wrapper to File::Find::Object::Rule


Alternative interface to File::Find::Object