Changes for version 0.2000 - 2019-04-04
- Add lib/Games/Solitaire/Verify/ .
a command-line tool for expanding multi-card moves.
A command-line tool for verifying solitaire solutions.
A command-line tool for converting patsolve solutions to Freecell Solver's.
verify solutions for solitaire games.
a module implementing a standalone command line app for verifying the solutions of Solitaire games.
a modulino for expanding multi-card moves.
a modulino for converting from patsolve solutions to fc-solve ones.
a base class.
a class wrapper for an individual Solitaire card.
a class wrapper for Solitaire columns that are composed of a sequence of cards.
provides various exception classes for G::S::Verify.
a class for representing the foundations (or home-cells) in a Solitaire game.
a class for representing the Freecells in games such as Freecell, Baker's Game, or Seahaven Towers
a class for representing the talon of Klondike-like games.
a class wrapper for an individual Solitaire move.
verify an entire solution of Freecell Solver (or a similar solve)
common base class for all Games::Solitaire::Verify::Solution::* classes.
expand the moves in a solution from multi-card moves into individual single-card moves.
faster and laxer expansion.
a class for Solitaire states (or positions) of the entire board.
a class for Solitaire states (or positions) of the entire board.
a class for holding the parameters of the variant.
a mapping from the variants to their parameters.
in lib/Games/Solitaire/Verify/