#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Convert an input file containing a Graph::Easy description to
# graphviz output that can be feed to dot etc.
# Example usage:
# examples/as_graphviz t/in/2nodes.txt | dot -Tpng >test.png
# echo "[ A ] -> [ B ]" | examples/as_graphviz | dot -Tpng >test.png
BEGIN { $|++; }
use strict;
use lib 'lib';
my $file = shift;
my $parser = Graph::Easy::Parser->new( debug => 0 );
if (!defined $file)
$file = \*STDIN;
binmode STDIN, ':utf8' or die ("binmode STDIN, ':utf8' failed: $!");
my $graph = $parser->from_file( $file );
die ($parser->error()) unless defined $graph;
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8' or die ("binmode STDOUT, ':utf8' failed: $!");
print $graph->as_graphviz();