Changes for version 0.1.9 - 2008-03-14
- Removed a {{{ use lib "./lib"; }}} declaration from t/01-output-basic.t.
- I don't know what it was doing there in the first place.
- Added t/pod.t and t/pod-coverage.t (for better Kwalitee.)
- made sure we have full POD coverage.
- Added an example at examples/ (Kwalitee)
- Changed the license declaration in Build.PL from "bsd" to "mit".
- Added more modules to "requires" and "build_requires".
A Latemp Utility Module.
in lib/HTML/Latemp/
in lib/HTML/Latemp/
in lib/HTML/Latemp/
in lib/HTML/Latemp/