Changes for version 0.0104 - 2007-02-23

  • Added an empty PL_FILES key to the Makefile.PL to please old ExtUtils::MakeMaker's that try to invoke "Build.PL Build".
  • Fixed the skip to skip 7 tests instead of 8 - it broke the build in perl-5.6.2.


simple assert
Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
Base class for outputting messages to the user in a test harmess.
detailed analysis of test results


in lib/Test/Run/
in lib/Test/Run/
in lib/Test/Run/
in lib/Test/Run/Obj/
in lib/Test/Run/Obj/
in lib/Test/Run/Obj/
in lib/Test/Run/Obj/
in lib/Test/Run/Obj/
in lib/Test/Run/Obj/
in lib/Test/Run/Obj/
in lib/Test/Run/Obj/
in lib/Test/Run/Obj/
in lib/Test/Run/Obj/
in lib/Test/Run/Plugin/CmdLine/
in lib/Test/Run/Obj/
in lib/Test/Run/Obj/