use strict;
use MooX 'late';
has "_curr_line_idx" => (isa => "Int", is => "rw", reader => "line_idx",);
has "_lines" => (isa => "ArrayRef", is => "rw");
our $VERSION = '0.12.1';
sub setup_text
my ($self, $text) = @_;
# We include the lines trailing newlines for safety.
$self->_lines([split(/^/, $text)]);
${$self->curr_line_ref()} =~ m{\A}g;
sub curr_line_ref
my $self = shift;
return \($self->_lines()->[$self->_curr_line_idx()]);
sub curr_pos
my $self = shift;
return pos(${$self->curr_line_ref()});
sub at_line_start
my $self = shift;
return ($self->curr_pos == 0);
sub curr_line_and_pos
my $self = shift;
return ($self->curr_line_ref(), $self->curr_pos());
sub curr_line_copy
my $self = shift;
my $l = ${$self->curr_line_ref()} . "";
pos($l) = $self->curr_pos();
return \$l;
sub next_line_ref
my $self = shift;
pos(${$self->curr_line_ref()}) = 0;
return $self->curr_line_ref();
# Skip the whitespace.
sub skip_space
my $self = shift;
$self->consume(qr{[ \t]});
sub skip_multiline_space
my $self = shift;
if (${$self->curr_line_ref()} =~ m{\G.*?\S})
sub curr_line_continues_with
my ($self, $re) = @_;
my $l = $self->curr_line_ref();
return $$l =~ m{\G$re}cg;
sub line_num
my $self = shift;
return $self->_curr_line_idx()+1;
sub _next_line_ref_wo_leading_space
my $self = shift;
my $l = $self->next_line_ref();
if (defined($$l))
return $l;
sub consume
my ($self, $match_regex) = @_;
my $return_value = "";
my $l = $self->curr_line_ref();
while (defined($$l) && ($$l =~ m[\G(${match_regex}*)\z]cgms))
$return_value .= $$l;
$l = $self->_next_line_ref_wo_leading_space();
if (defined($$l) && ($$l =~ m[\G(${match_regex}*)]cg))
$return_value .= $1;
return $return_value;
# TODO : copied and pasted from _consume - abstract
sub consume_up_to
my ($self, $match_regex) = @_;
my $return_value = "";
my $l = $self->curr_line_ref();
while (defined($$l))
# We assign to a scalar for scalar context, but we're not making
# use of the variable.
my $verdict = ($$l =~ m[\G(.*?)((?:${match_regex})|\z)]cgms);
$return_value .= $1;
# Find if it matched the regex.
if (length($2) > 0)
$l = $self->_next_line_ref_wo_leading_space();
return $return_value;
sub throw_text_error
my ($self, $error_class, $text) = @_;
return $error_class->throw(
error => $text,
line => $self->line_num(),
sub _check_if_line_starts_with_whitespace
my $self = shift;
if (${$self->curr_line_ref()} =~ m{\A[ \t]})
"Leading space detected in the text.",
sub eof
my $self = shift;
return (!defined( ${ $self->curr_line_ref() } ));
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
XML::Grammar::FictionBase::FromProto::Parser::LineIterator - line iterator base
class for the parser.
B<For internal use only>.
=head1 VERSION
version 0.12.1
B<TODO:> write one.
This is a line iterator that is useful to handle text (e.g: out of a file)
and process it incrementally.
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.12.1
=head1 METHODS
=head2 $self->setup_text($multi_line_text)
Use $multi_line_text as the text to process, populate the lines array
with it and reset the other variables.
=head2 $line_ref = $self->curr_line_ref()
Returns a reference to the current line (a string).
For example:
my $l_ref = $self->curr_line_ref();
if ($$l_ref !~ m{\G<tag>}g)
die "Could not match tag.";
=head2 my $pos = $self->curr_pos()
Returns the current position (using pos($$l)) of the current line.
=head2 $self->at_line_start()
Returns if at start of line (curr_pos == 0).
=head2 my ($line_ref, $pos) = $self->curr_line_and_pos();
Convenience method to return the line reference and the position.
For example:
# Check for a tag.
my ($l_ref, $p) = $self->curr_line_and_pos();
my $is_tag_cond = ($$l_ref =~ m{\G<}cg);
my $is_close = $is_tag_cond && ($$l_ref =~ m{\G/}cg);
pos($$l) = $p;
return ($is_tag_cond, $is_close);
=head2 my $line_copy_ref = $self->curr_line_copy()
Returns a reference to a copy of the current line that is allowed to be
tempered with (by assigning to pos() or in a different way.). The line is
returned as a reference so to avoid destroying its pos() value.
For example:
sub _look_ahead_for_tag
my $self = shift;
my $l = $self->curr_line_copy();
my $is_tag_cond = ($$l =~ m{\G<}cg);
my $is_close = $is_tag_cond && ($$l =~ m{\G/}cg);
return ($is_tag_cond, $is_close);
=head2 my $line_ref = $self->next_line_ref()
Advance the line pointer and return the next line.
=head2 $self->skip_space()
Skip whitespace (spaces and tabs) from the current position onwards.
=head2 $self->skip_multiline_space()
Skip multiline space.
=head2 $self->curr_line_continues_with($regex)
Matches the current line with $regex starting from the current position and
returns the result. The position remains at the original position if the
regular expression does not match (using C< qr//cg >).
=head2 my $line_number = $self->line_idx()
Returns the line index as an integer. It starts from 0 for the
first line (like in Perl lines.)
=head2 my $line_number = $self->line_num()
Returns the line number as an integer. It starts from 1 for the
first line (like in file lines.)
=head2 $self->consume($regex)
Consume as much text as $regex matches.
=head2 $self->consume_up_to($regex)
Consume up to the point where $regex matches.
=head2 $self->throw_text_error($exception_class, $text)
Throws the Error class $exception_class with the text $text (and the current
line number.
=head2 eof()
Returns if the parser reached the end of the file.
=head2 $self->meta()
Leftover from Moo.
=head1 AUTHOR
Shlomi Fish <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2007 by Shlomi Fish.
This is free software, licensed under:
The MIT (X11) License
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired
=for :stopwords cpan testmatrix url annocpan anno bugtracker rt cpants kwalitee diff irc mailto metadata placeholders metacpan
=head1 SUPPORT
=head2 Perldoc
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc XML::Grammar::Fiction
=head2 Websites
The following websites have more information about this module, and may be of help to you. As always,
in addition to those websites please use your favorite search engine to discover more resources.
=over 4
=item *
A modern, open-source CPAN search engine, useful to view POD in HTML format.
=item *
Search CPAN
The default CPAN search engine, useful to view POD in HTML format.
=item *
RT: CPAN's Bug Tracker
The RT ( Request Tracker ) website is the default bug/issue tracking system for CPAN.
=item *
The AnnoCPAN is a website that allows community annotations of Perl module documentation.
=item *
CPAN Ratings
The CPAN Ratings is a website that allows community ratings and reviews of Perl modules.
=item *
CPAN Forum
The CPAN Forum is a web forum for discussing Perl modules.
=item *
The CPANTS is a website that analyzes the Kwalitee ( code metrics ) of a distribution.
=item *
CPAN Testers
The CPAN Testers is a network of smokers who run automated tests on uploaded CPAN distributions.
=item *
CPAN Testers Matrix
The CPAN Testers Matrix is a website that provides a visual overview of the test results for a distribution on various Perls/platforms.
=item *
CPAN Testers Dependencies
The CPAN Testers Dependencies is a website that shows a chart of the test results of all dependencies for a distribution.
=head2 Bugs / Feature Requests
Please report any bugs or feature requests by email to C<bug-xml-grammar-fiction at>, or through
the web interface at L<>. You will be automatically notified of any
progress on the request by the system.
=head2 Source Code
The code is open to the world, and available for you to hack on. Please feel free to browse it and play
with it, or whatever. If you want to contribute patches, please send me a diff or prod me to pull
from your repository :)