Changes for version 0.0.2 - 2009-11-25

  • Various refactorings / code cleanup:
    • removed old methods.
    • got rid of the _with_curr_line() anti-abstrcation.
    • converted the parsing exceptions to Exception-Class ( see lib/XML/Grammar/Fiction/ )
    • Extract the Struct/ helper class.
    • extracted the lib/XML/Grammar/Fiction/ and lib/XML/Grammar/Fiction/ base classes.
    • Convert the proto-text parser (::Parser::QnD) to a non-procedurally recursive one and extracted many methods from it.


CPAN distribution implementing an XML grammar and a lightweight markup language for stories, novels and other fiction.
command line app-in-a-module to convert from a well-formed plaintext format to Fiction-XML.
command line app-in-a-module to convert a Fiction XML file to DocBook 5.
command line app-in-a-module to convert Fiction-XML file to HTML
base class for XML::Grammar::Fiction classes.
Exception::Class-based exceptions used by XML::Grammar::Fiction
module that converts well-formed text representing prose to an XML format.
contains several nodes for use in XML::Grammar::Fiction::FromProto.
base class for parsers of the Fiction-XML proto-text.
Quick and Dirty parser for the Fiction-XML proto-text.
base module for Fiction-XML-to-something renderers
information about an XML/SGML opening or closing tag.
module that converts the Fiction-XML to DocBook 5.
module that converts the Fiction-XML to HTML.
base class for parsers of the ScreenplayXML proto-text.


in lib/XML/Grammar/Fiction/FromProto/
in lib/XML/Grammar/Fiction/FromProto/
in lib/XML/Grammar/Fiction/FromProto/
in lib/XML/Grammar/Fiction/FromProto/
in lib/XML/Grammar/Fiction/FromProto/
in lib/XML/Grammar/Fiction/FromProto/
in lib/XML/Grammar/Fiction/FromProto/
in lib/XML/Grammar/Fiction/FromProto/
in lib/XML/Grammar/Fiction/FromProto/
in lib/XML/Grammar/Fiction/FromProto/
in lib/XML/Grammar/Fiction/
in lib/XML/Grammar/Fiction/Struct/