Revision history for XML-Grammar-Screenplay

0.0500  Fri Feb 27 17:48:52 IST 2009
        - Converted to use a RelaxNG schema.
            - Now using it in ::ToHTML instead of the DTD.
        - Added a sanity check for no inner desc inside the addressing part.
        - Changed the 'license' field in Build.PL from 'bsd' to 'mit'
        which is more accurate.

0.0402  Fri Apr 25 13:27:16 IDT 2008
        - Fixed a thinko with the wrong path to the DTD:
        "products-syndication.dtd" instead of "screenplay-xml.dtd".
        Possibly a copy-and-paste bug.

0.0401  Sat Jul 14 10:43:57 IDT 2007
        - Converted the "Screeplay" strings that were a leftover from
        the wrong module-starter invocation into "Screenplay".

0.04    Mon Jun 11 21:26:48 IDT 2007
        - Added the Quick-and-Dirty FromProto parser, which is slightly faster,
        than the Parse::RecDescent one and with much better diagnostics. 
        - More parsers can be added later.
        - Broke some compatibility - now require "use"-ing the parser class.

0.03    Tue May 22 07:46:18 IDT 2007
        - Added the <br /> tag.
        - Added a description of the proto-text format in the POD and
        other POD.
        - Fixed the space being part of the saying issue in the generated

0.02    Mon May 21 00:26:35 IDT 2007
        - Added the title="" attribute to the scene tag.
        - Added support for SGML-like entities
        - Added the direct ScreenplayXML -> HTML processor.
0.0101  Thu May 17 19:14:01 IDT 2007
        - BUG FIX: Changed to open the filename in 
        XML::Grammar::Screenplay::FromProto in ":utf8" mode. 
        - BUG FIX: added more dependencies to the Build.PL.

        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.