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Wily - Perl extension for interfacing with Wily


  use Wily;
  use Wily::Message;

  # opens a file in wily and exits when the window is destroyed

  my $wily = Wily->new();
  my $win = $wily->win('/tmp/file_to_edit', 1);
  $win->set_callback(Wily::Message::WEdestroy, sub {exit;});


Provides a reasonably high level OO interface to wily. A lower level interface is available via Wily::RPC, and an even lower level one through Wily::Message and Wily::Connect.

The actual windows in wily are represented by Wily::Win objects.

The Wily Objects

The following operations can be performed with a Wily object.

Creating a Wily object

        $wily = Wily->new();

Connects to wily and returns a Wily object.

The main event loop


The event_loop() method never returns (unless the Wily connection breaks somehow), incoming wily events will be dispatched to the appropriate Wily::Win objects.

Dispatching events


The event_non_block() method dispatches all pending events to the appropriate Wily::Win objects, it won't block (unless the event handlers block) as it will only dispatch events which have already been read from wily connection.

Dispatch an event


Dispatches a single event to the appropriate Wily::Win object. Will block if no events are pending.

Returns undef if the Wily connection breaks.

Bouncing events


The bounce() method bounces an event back to wily, events which are not handled should be sent back to wily so that the standard wily handling will be applied.

Listing windows

        @windows = $wily->list();

The list() method returns a list of the windows wily has open, each element of the list is an array reference. The first entry of which is the name of the window, and the second entry of which is a Wily::Win object representing the window.

Getting the supported wily features

        @features = $wily->features();

The features() method returns a list of all the features supported by the instance of wily that is connected to.

Create a window

        $win = $wily->win($name, $backup);

The win() method causes wily to open a window with the pathname set to $name and returns a Wily::Win object repesenting the window. If $backup is 1 then wily will keep backups for the window and enable the dirty indicator. If a window with the same name already exists then the value of $backup is ignored and a reference to the existing window is returned.

On failure undef is returned.

Get an existing window

        $win = $wily->win_from_id($id);

The win_from_id() method returns a Wily::Win object representing the wily window with an id of $id. Note, that the existance of the window is not actually checked, so method calls on the Wily::Win object may fail.

Wily socket handle

        $socket = $wily->socket();

The socket() method returns the socket that connects to wily. This can be used in order to check for the availablility of data when integrating with other data sources.

Read the wily socket


Performs a read on the wily socket. This will block unless there is data available, so usually you would call this after checking for the presence of data via something like select.

The Wily::Win Objects

The following operations can be performed with a Wily::Win object.

Creating Wily::Win objects

Wily::Win objects should be created through a Wily object (or as the result of the goto() method of an existing Wily::Win object. See the Wily documentation for details on how to do so.



The attach() method causes wily to send the requested events. $mask should be a bitwise or (or just a sum) of the WE* cnstants in the Wily::Message package. If the wily instance supports the 'detach' feature then attach() can be called multiple times to attach for additional events.

WEexec and WEgoto events are sent to the client vefore they are processed by wily, if you want wily to process them they need to be bounce()d back to wily.

To handle the events you will need to regster a function to be called for the event type with the set_callback() method.

Returns true on success and undef on failure.



The detach() mehod causes wily to stop sending the specified events. $mask should be a bitwise or (or just a sum) of the WE* cnstants in the Wily::Message package.

Note, that this is not part of the "standard" wily message set and hence you should make sure to handle a failure when dealing with wily instances that don't support this function.

Returns true on success and undef on failure.

Getting the name

        $name = $win->get_name();

The get_name() method returns the name of the window.

On failure undef is returned.

Getting the tools

        $tools = $win->get_tools();

he get_tools() method returns the text of the tools in the window tag.

On faiure undef is returned.


        ($win2, $r0, $r1) = $win->goto($p0, $p1, $search, $set_dot);

The goto() method causes wily to act as if the user had selected the text $search with B3 in the window. If this results in a search then the search starts from the position indicated by the range [$p0, $p1) - if $p0 > $p1 then the search starts from the current selection. If $set_dot is 1 then wily will select the resulting selection and warp the mouse cursor to it. Returns the window and the range in that window found by the search. This may be a different window (if the search text was a file name, for example).

$search can be plain text to search for or an address that wily understands, or a wily regular expression search - anything which works when B3ed.

On failure () is returned.

Reading text

        $text = $win->read($p0, $p1);

The read() method returns the text in the character range [$p0, $p1). Note, that the text includes the character at $p0 but does not include the character at $p1.

On failure undef is returned.

Replacing text

        $win->replace($p0, $p1, $text);

The replace() method replaces the text in the range [$p0, $p1) with $text. A true value is returned on success, or undef on failure.

Executing commands


The execute() method causes wily to act as if $cmd was selected with B2 in the window. A true value is returned on success, or undef on failure.

Setting the tools


The set_tools() method sets the tools in the tag of the window to $tools. A true value is returned on success, or undef on failure.

Setting the name


The set_name() method sets the name of the window to $name. A true value is returned on success, or undef on failure.

Setting event callbacks

        $win->set_callback($event_type, $function);

Sets the callback for events of type $event_type to be $function. Whenever an event of type $event_type is recieved it $function will be called with the event as the only argument.

Note, to actually begin recieve events attach() must be used.

Removing event callbacks


The callback for events of type $event_type will be removed.

Getting the window text

        $text = $win->get_body();

The get_body() method returns the text in the window body. This is just a wrapper around goto() and read(). Returns undef on failure.

Setting the window text


The set_body() method sets the text in the body of the window to be $text. This is just a wrapper around goto() and replace(). Returns undef on failure, true on success.




wily(1), Wily::Message, Wily::RPC, Wily::Connect


Sam Holden, <>


Copyright (C) 2004 by Sam Holden

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either:

a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version,


b) the "Artistic License" which comes with this module.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the Artistic License with this module, in the file ARTISTIC. If not, I'll be glad to provide one.

You should also have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file named "Copying". If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA or visit their web page on the internet at