WWW::betfair - interact with the betfair API using OO Perl
Version 0.01
This version of the WWW::betfair is beta - it has not been thoroughly tested nor is type checking performed on the arguments passed to betfair. Therefore be cautious and check all argument types and values before using the methods in this library. Ensure that you adequately test any method of WWW::betfair before using the method. As per the software license it is provided AS IS and no liability is accepted for any costs or penalties caused by using WWW::betfair.
To understand how to use the betfair API it is essential to read the 'betfair documentation' before using WWW::betfair. The betfair documentation is an excellent reference which also explains some of the quirks and bugs with the current betfair API.
WWW::betfair provides an object oriented Perl interface for the betfair v6 API. This library communicates via HTTPS to the betfair servers using XML. To use the API you must have an active and funded account with betfair, and be accessing the API from a location where betfair permits use (e.g. USA based connections are refused, but UK connections are allowed).
Add argument type checking to all methods
Enable use of Australian exchange server - currently this is not supported
Add remaining 'betfair API methods'
Add more helper methods that enable easier use of the betfair API
Returns a new WWW::betfair object. Does not require any parameters.
Example my $betfair = WWW::betfair->new;
Authenticates the user and starts a session with betfair. This is required before any other methods can be used. Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. If login fails and you are sure that you are using the correct the credentials, check the $betfair->{error} attribute. A common reason for failure on login is not having a funded betfair account. To resolve this, simply make a deposit into your betfair account and the login should work. See for details. Required arguments:
username: string of your betfair username
password: string of your betfair password
productID: integer that indicates the API product to be used (optional). This defaults to 82 (the free personal API). Provide this argument if using a commercial version of the betfair API.
Example $betfair->login({ username => 'sillymoos', password => 'password123', });
Refreshes the current session with betfair. Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. See for details. Does not require any parameters. This method is not normally required as a session expires after 24 hours of inactivity.
Example $betfair->keepAlive;
Closes the current session with betfair. Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. See for details. Does not require any parameters.
Example $betfair->logout;
Returns an array of hashes of active event types or 0 on failure. See for details. Does not require any parameters.
Example my $activeEventTypes = $betfair->getActiveEventTypes;
Returns an array of hashes of all event types or 0 on failure. See for details. Does not require any parameters.
Example my $allEventTypes = $betfair->getAllEventTypes;
Returns an array of hashes of all markets or 0 on failure. See for details. Does not require any parameters.
Example my $allMarkets = $betfair->getAllMarkets;
Returns an array of hashrefs of current bets or 0 on failure. See for details. Requires a hashref with the following parameters:
betStatus : string of a valid BetStatusEnum type as defined by betfair (see
detailed : string of either true or false
orderBy : string of a valid BetsOrderByEnum types as defined by betfair (see
recordCount : integer of the maximum number of records to return
startRecord : integer of the index of the first record to retrieve. The index is zero-based so 0 would indicate the first record in the resultset
noTotalRecordCount : string of either true or false
marketId : integer of the betfair market id for which current bets are required (optional)
Example my $bets = $betfair->getCurrentBets({ betStatus => 'M', detailed => 'false', orderBy => 'PLACED_DATE', recordCount => 100, startRecord => 0, noTotalRecordCount => 'true', });
Returns an array of hashes of events / markets or 0 on failure. See for details. Requires:
eventParentId : an integer which is the betfair event id of the parent event
Example # betfair event id of tennis is 14 my $tennisEvents = $betfair->getEvents({eventParentId => 14});
Returns a hash of market data or 0 on failure. See for details. Requires:
marketId : integer which is the betfair id of the market
Example my $marketData = $betfair->getMarket({marketId => 108690258});
Returns a hashref of market data including an arrayhashref of individual runners prices or 0 on failure. See for details. Note that this method de-serializes the compressed string returned by the betfair method into a Perl data structure. Requires:
marketId : integer of the betfair market id,
currencyCode : string of the three letter ISO 4217 currency code (optional). If this is not provided, the users home currency is used
Example my $marketPriceData = $betfair->getCompleteMarketPrices({marketId => 123456789, currencyCode => 'GBP'});
Returns an arrayref of hashes of bets or 0 on failure. See for details. Requires:
betStatus : string of betfair betStatusEnum type, must be either matched, unmatched or both (M, U, MU). See
orderBy : string of a valid BetsOrderByEnum types as defined by betfair. see
recordCount : integer of the maximum number of records to return
startRecord : integer of the index of the first record to retrieve. The index is zero-based so 0 would indicate the first record in the resultset
noTotalRecordCount : string of either true or false
marketId : integer of the betfair market id for which current bets are required (optional)
betId : an array of betIds (optional). If included, betStatus must be 'MU'.
Example my $muBets = $betfair->getMUBets({ betStatus => 'MU', recordCount => 1000, startRecord => 0, noTotalRecordCount => 'true', marketId => 123456789, });
Cancels up to 40 unmatched and active bets on betfair. Returns an arrayref of hashes of cancelled bets. See for details. Requires:
betIds : an arrayref of integers of betIds that should be cancelled, up to 40 betIds are permitted by betfair.
Example my $cancelledBetsResults = $betfair->cancelBets({betIds => [123456789, 987654321]});
Places up to 60 bets on betfair and returns an array of results or zero on failure. See for details. Requires:
bets : an arrayref of hashes of bets. Up to 60 hashes are permitted by betfair. Every bet hash should contain:
asianLineId : integer of the ID of the asian handicap market, usually 0 unless betting on an asian handicap market
betCategoryType : a string of the betCategoryTypeEnum, usually 'E' for exchange, see for details.
betPersistenceType : a string of the betPersistenceTypeEnum, usually 'NONE' for standard exchange bets. See for details.
betType : a string of the betTypeEnum. Either 'B' to back or 'L' to lay.
bspLiability : a number of the maximum amount to risk for a bsp bet. For a back / lay bet this is equivalent to the whole stake amount.
marketId : integer of the marketId for which the bet should be placed.
price : number of the decimal odds for the bet.
selectionId : integer of the betfair id of the runner (selection option) that the bet should be placed on.
size : number for the stake amount for this bet.
Example # place one bet to back selection 99 on market 123456789 at 5-to-1 for £10 $myBetPlacedResults = $betfair->placeBets({ bets => [{ asianLineId => 0, betCategoryType => 'E', betPersistenceType => 'NONE', betType => 'B', bspliability => 2, marketId => 123456789, price => 5, selectionId => 99, size => 10, }, ], });
Updates existing unmatched bets on betfair: the size, price and persistence can be updated. Note that only the size or the price can be updated in one request, if both parameters are provided betfair ignores the new size value. Returns an arrayref of hashes of updated bet results. See for details. Requires:
bets : an arrayref of hashes of bets to be updated. Each hash represents one bet and must contain the following key / value pairs:
betId : integer of the betId to be updated
newBetPersistenceType : string of the betfair betPersistenceTypeEnum to be updated to see for more details.
newPrice : number for the new price of the bet
newSize : number for the new size of the bet
oldBetPersistenceType : string of the current bet's betfair betPersistenceTypeEnum see for more details.
oldPrice : number for the old price of the bet
oldSize : number for the old size of the bet
Example my $updateBetDetails = $betfair->updateBets({ bets => [{ betId => 12345, newBetPersistenceType => 'NONE', newPrice => 5, newSize => 10, oldBetPersistenceType => 'NONE', oldPrice => 2, oldSize => 10, }], });
Adds a payment card to your betfair account. Returns an arrayref of hashes of payment card responses or 0 on failure. See Requires:
cardNumber : string of the card number
cardType : string of a valid betfair cardTypeEnum (e.g. 'VISA'). See
cardStatus : string of a valid betfair paymentCardStatusEnum, either 'LOCKED' or 'UNLOCKED'
startDate : string of the card start date, optional depending on type of card
expiryDate : string of the card expiry date
issueNumber : string of the issue number or NULL if the cardType is not Solo or Switch
billingName : name of person on the billing account for the card
nickName : string of the card nickname must be less than 9 characters
password : string of the betfair account password
address1 : string of the first line of the address for the payment card
address2 : string of the second line of the address for the payment card
address3 : string of the third line of the address for the payment card (optional)
address4 : string of the fourth line of the address for the payment card (optional)
town : string of the town for the payment card
county : string of the county for the payment card
zipCode : string of the zip / postal code for the payment card
country : string of the country for the payment card
Example my $addPaymentCardResponse = $betfair->addPaymentCard({ cardNumber => '1234123412341234', cardType => 'VISA', cardStatus => 'UNLOCKED', startDate => '0113', expiryDate => '0116', issueNumber => 'NULL', billingName => 'The Sillymoose', nickName => 'democard', password => 'password123', address1 => 'Mountain Plains', town => 'Hoofton', zipCode => 'MO13FR', country => 'UK', });
Deposits money in your betfair account using a payment card. See for further details. Returns the betfair response as a hashref or 0 on failure. Requires:
amount : number which represents the amount of money to deposit
cardIdentifier : string of the nickname for the payment card
cv2 : string of the CV2 digits from the payment card (also known as the security digits)
password : string of the betfair account password
Example # deposit £10 in my account my $depositResponse = $betfair->depositFromPaymentCard({ amount => 10, cardIdentifier => 'checking', cv2 => '999', password => 'password123', });
Returns a hashref of the account funds betfair response. See for details. No parameters are required.
Example my $funds = $betfair->getAccountFunds;
Returns an arrayref of hashes of account statement entries or 0 on failure. See for further details. Requires:
startRecord : integer indicating the first record number to return. Record indexes are zero-based, hence 0 is the first record
recordCount : integer of the maximum number of records to return
startDate : date for which to return records on or after this date (a string in the XML datetime format see example)
endDate : date for which to return records on or before this date (a string in the XML datetime format see example)
itemsIncluded : string of the betfair AccountStatementIncludeEnum see l<> for details
Example # return an account statement for all activity starting at record 1 up to 1000 records between 1st January 2013 and 16th June 2013 my $statement = $betfair->getAccountStatement({ startRecord => 0, recordCount => 1000, startDate => '2013-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', endDate => '2013-06-16T00:00:00.000Z', itemsIncluded => 'ALL', });
Returns an arrayref of hashes of payment card or 0 on failure. See for details. Does not require any parameters.
Example my $cardDetails = $betfair->getPaymentCard;
Returns an arrayref of hashes of subscription or 0 on failure. Does not require any parameters. See for details. Note that if you are using the personal free betfair API, this service will return no data.
Example my $subscriptionData = $betfair->getSubscriptionInfo;
Withdraws money from your betfair account to the payment card specified. Returns a hashref of the withdraw response from betfair or 0 on failure. See for details. Requires:
amount : number representing the amount of money to withdraw
cardIdentifier : string of the nickname of the payment card
password : string of your betfair password
Example my $withdrawalResult = $betfair->withdrawToPaymentCard({ amount => 10, cardIdentifier => 'checking', password => 'password123', });
This is a helper method not provided by the betfair API. It returns a combined structure of the results of getMarket and getCompleteMarketPrices so that detailed runner and market information is combined with the complete betfair price data. Requires:
marketId : integer of the betfair market id
Example # call getMarket and getCompleteMarketPrices and combine them into a single structure my $completeMarketData = $betfair->getMarketPricesCombined({marketId => 123456789});
Processes requests to and from the betfair API.
Returns a sorted arrayref based on price.
Pushes a hashref of payment card key / value pairs into an arrayref and returns the result.
Receives a reference variable and if the data is not an array, returns a single-element arrayref. Else returns the data as received.
David Farrell, <davidnmfarrell at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-www-betfair at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc WWW::betfair
You can also look for information at:
RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)
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Copyright 2013 David Farrell.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 710:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '£10'. Assuming UTF-8