Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

use strict;
use Carp;
use File::Spec::Functions qw(rel2abs);
use File::stat;
my $magic = File::MMagic->new();
=head1 NAME
Plucene::SearchEngine::Index::File - File reader for filesystem files
This frontend module takes a filesystem file, extracts its metadata and
passes the file onto a backend. The frontend registers the following
Plucene fields:
=over 3
=item mimetype
The MIME type of the file.
=item filename
The basename of the file's filename.
=item id
The URL of the file (C<file://...>)
=item modified
A Plucene date field representing the last modified date of the file
=head2 METHODS
Plucene::SearchEngine::Index::File->examine($filename [, $encoding])
This examines a file on the filesystem for the above metadata, before
handling it to a backend. If an encoding is given, the text will be
flagged as originally being that encoding, and then converted to UTF-8.
sub examine {
my ($class, $filename, $encoding) = @_;
return unless -r $filename;
my $mime = $magic->checktype_filename($filename);
my $self = $class->handler_for($filename, $mime)->new();
$self->add_data("mimetype", "Text", $mime);
$self->add_data("filename", "Text", basename($filename));
$self->add_data("id", "Keyword", "file://".rel2abs($filename));
$self->add_data("modified", "Date", Time::Piece->new(stat($filename)->mtime));
if ($encoding) { $self->add_data("encoding", "Text", $encoding); }
my @docs = $self->gather_data_from_file($filename);
if (wantarray) { if (@docs > 1) { return @docs } else { return $self } }
else {
carp "Using ->examine in scalar context is deprecated";
return $self;