Text::Context - Handle highlighting search result context snippets


use Text::Context;

my $snippet = Text::Context->new($text, @keywords);

$snippet->keywords("foo", "bar"); # In case you change your mind

print $snippet->as_html;
print $snippet->as_text;


Given a piece of text and some search terms, produces an object which locates the search terms in the message, extracts a reasonable-length string containing all the search terms, and optionally dumps the string out as HTML text with the search terms highlighted in bold.


Creates a new snippet object for holding and formatting context for search terms.


Accessor method to get/set keywords. As the context search is done case-insensitively, the keywords will be lower-cased.

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 64:

'=end' without a target? (Should be "=end maintainance")

Around line 96:

'=end' without a target? (Should be "=end maintainance")