InlineX::C2XS - Convert from Inline C code to XS.


#c2xs($module_name, $package_name [, $build_dir] [, $config_opts])

 use InlineX::C2XS qw(c2xs);

 my $module_name = 'MY::XS_MOD';
 my $package_name = 'MY::XS_MOD';

 # $build_dir is an optional third arg.
 # If omitted it defaults to '.' (the cwd).
 my $build_dir = '/some/where/else';

 # $config_opts is an optional fourth arg (hash reference)
 # See the "Recognised Hash Keys" section below.
 my $config_opts = {'WRITE_PM' => 1,
                    'WRITE_MAKEFILE_PL' => 1,
                    'VERSION' => 0.42,

 # Create /some/where/else/XS_MOD.xs from ./src/XS_MOD.c
 c2xs($module_name, $package_name, $build_dir);

 # Alternatively create XS_MOD.xs in the cwd:
 c2xs($module_name, $package_name);

 # Or Create /some/where/else/XS_MOD.xs from $code
 $code = 'void foo() {printf("Hello World\n");}' . "\n\n";
 c2xs($module_name, $package_name, $build_dir, {CODE => $code});

 # Or Create /some/where/else/XS_MOD.xs from the C code that's in
 # ./otherplace/otherfile.ext
 $loc = './otherplace/otherfile.ext';
 c2xs($module_name, $package_name, $build_dir, {SRC_LOCATION => $loc});

 The optional final arg (a reference to a hash) is to enable the
 passing of additional information and configuration options that
 Inline may need - and also to enable the creation of the
 Makefile.PL and .pm file (if desired).
 See the "Recognised Hash Keys" section below for a list of the
 accepted keys (and explanation of their usage).

 # Create XS_MOD.xs in the cwd, and also generate the Makefile.PL
 # and
 c2xs($module_name, $package_name, $config_opts);

 NOTE: If you wish to supply the $config_opts argument, but not the
 $build_dir argument then you simply omit the $build_dir argument.
 That is, the following are equivalent:
  c2xs($module_name, $package_name, '.', $config_opts);
  c2xs($module_name, $package_name, $config_opts);
 If a third argument is given, it's deemed to be the build directory
 unless it's a hash reference (in which case it's deemed to be the
 hash reference containing the additional config options).


Don't feed an actual Inline::C script to this module - it won't
be able to parse it. It is capable of parsing correctly only
that C code that is suitable for inclusion in an Inline::C

For example, here is a simple Inline::C script:

 use warnings;
 use Inline C => Config =>
     BUILD_NOISY => 1,
 use Inline C => <<'EOC';
 #include <stdio.h>

 void greet() {
     printf("Hello world\n");


The C code that InlineX::C2XS needs to find would contain only that code
that's between the opening 'EOC' and the closing 'EOC' - namely:

 #include <stdio.h>

 void greet() {
     printf("Hello world\n");

If the C code is not provided by either the CODE or SRC_LOCATION keys,
InlineX::C2XS looks for the C source file in ./src directory - expecting
that the filename will be the same as what appears after the final '::'
in the module name (with a '.c' extension). ie if your module is
called My::Next::Mod the c2xs() function looks for a file ./src/Mod.c, 
and creates a file named Mod.xs. Also created by the c2xs function, is
the file 'INLINE.h' - but only if that file is needed. The generated 
xs file (and any other generated files will be written to the cwd unless
the third argument supplied to c2xs() is a string specifying a valid 
directory - in which case the generated files(s) will be written to that

The created XS file, when packaged with the '.pm' file (which can be 
auto-generated by setting the WRITE_PM configuration key), an
appropriate 'Makefile.PL' (which can also be auto-generated by setting
the WRITE_MAKEFILE_PL hash key), and 'INLINE.h' (if it's needed), can be 
used to build the module in the usual way - without any dependence
upon the Inline::C module.

Recognised Hash Keys

As regards the optional fourth argument to c2xs(), the following hash
keys/values are recognised:

  The value specified is automatically inserted into the generated XS
  file. (Also, the specified include will be parsed and used iff 
  AUTOWRAP is set to a true value.) eg:

   AUTO_INCLUDE => '#include <my_header.h>',

  Set this to a true value to enable Inline::C's AUTOWRAP capability.

   AUTOWRAP => 1,

  Specifies C code to be executed in the XS BOOT section. Corresponds
  to the XS parameter. eg:

   BOOT => 'printf("Hello .. from bootstrap\n");',

  Is set to a true value, by default. Setting to a false value will
  mean that progress messages generated by Inline::C are suppressed. eg:

   BUILD_NOISY => 0,

  Specify the compiler you want to use. It makes sense to assign this
  key only when WRITE_MAKEFILE_PL is set to a true value. eg:

   CC => 'g++',

  Specify which compiler flags to use. (Existing value gets clobbered, so
  you'll probably want to re-specify it.) It makes sense to assign this
  key only when WRITE_MAKEFILE_PL is set to a true value. eg:

   CCFLAGS => '-DMY_DEFINE ' . $Config{ccflags},

  A string containing the C code. eg:

   CODE => 'void foo() {printf("Hello World\n";}' . "\n\n",

  Makes no sense to use this unless WRITE_PM has been set.
  Places all XSubs except those beginning with a *single* underscore (but not
  multiple underscores) in @EXPORT in the generated .pm file. eg:

   EXPORT_ALL => 1,

  Makes no sense to use this unless WRITE_PM has been set.
  Places all XSubs except those beginning with a *single* underscore (but not
  multiple underscores) in @EXPORT_OK in the generated .pm file. eg:

   EXPORT_OK_ALL => 1,

  Makes no sense to use this unless WRITE_PM has been set.
  In the generated .pm file, creates an EXPORT_TAGS tag named 'name'
  (where 'name' is whatever you have specified), and places all XSubs except
  those beginning with a *single* underscore (but not multiple underscores)
  in 'name'. eg, the following creates and fills a tag named 'all':

   EXPORT_TAGS_ALL => 'all',

  The value specified is added to the includes search path. It makes
  sense to assign this key only when AUTOWRAP and/or WRITE_MAKEFILE_PL
  are set to a true value. eg:

   INC => '-I/my/includes/dir -I/other/includes/dir',
   INC => ['-I/my/includes/dir', '-I/other/includes/dir'],

  Specify the linker you want to use.It makes sense to assign this
  key only when WRITE_MAKEFILE_PL is set to a true value. eg:

   LD => 'g++',

  Specify which linker flags to use. (Existing value gets clobbered, so
  you'll probably want to re-specify it.) It makes sense to assign this
  key only when WRITE_MAKEFILE_PL is set to a true value. eg:

   LDDLFLAGS => "$my_ldopts " . $Config{lddlflags},

  The value(s) specified become the LIBS search path. It makes sense
  to assign this key only if WRITE_MAKEFILE_PL is set to a true value.

   LIBS => '-L/somewhere -lsomelib -L/elsewhere -lotherlib',
   LIBS => ['-L/somewhere -lsomelib', '-L/elsewhere -lotherlib'],

  Specify the make utility you want to use. It makes sense to assign this
  key only when WRITE_MAKEFILE_PL is set to a true value. eg:

   MAKE => 'pmake', # I have no idea whether that will work :-)

  Specifies a user compiled object that should be linked in. 
  Corresponds to the MakeMaker parameter. It makes sense to assign this
  key only when WRITE_MAKEFILE_PL is set to a true value. eg:

   MYEXTLIB => '/your/path/',

  This controls the MakeMaker OPTIMIZE setting.It makes sense to assign
  this key only when WRITE_MAKEFILE_PL is set to a true value. eg:

   OPTIMIZE => '-g',

  Specifies a prefix that will be automatically stripped from C 
  functions when they are bound to Perl. eg:

   PREFIX => 'FOO_',

  Specifies a C file that contains the C source code. eg:

   SRC_LOCATION => '/home/me/source.ext',

  The value(s) specified are added to the list of typemaps.

   TYPEMAPS =>'my_typemap my_other_typemap',
   TYPEMAPS =>['my_typemap', 'my_other_typemap'],

  Must be an array reference, listing the modules that the autogenerated
  pm file needs to load (use). Makes no sense to assign this key if
  WRITE_PM is not set to a true value. eg:

   USE => ['Digest::MD5', 'LWP::Simple'];

  If you want Inline to use instead of for 
  the parsing, then specify either:

   USING => ['ParseRegExp'],
   USING => 'ParseRegExp',

  Set this to the version number of the module. It makes sense to assign
  this key only if WRITE_MAKEFILE_PL and/or WRITE_PM is set to a true
  value. eg:

   VERSION => 0.42,

  Set this to to a true value if you want the Makefile.PL to be
  generated. (You should also assign the 'VERSION' key to the
  correct value when WRITE_MAKEFILE_PL is set.) eg:


  Set this to a true value if you want a .pm file to be generated.
  You'll also need to assign the 'VERSION' key appropriately. 
  Note that it's a fairly simplistic .pm file - no POD, no perl 
  subroutines, no exported subs (unless EXPORT_ALL or EXPORT_OK_ALL
  has been set), no warnings - but it will allow the utilisation of all of
  the XSubs in the XS file. eg:

   WRITE_PM => 1,


Improve the t_makefile_pl test script. It currently provides strong 
indication that everything is working fine ... but is not conclusive.
(This might take forever.)  


None known - patches/rewrites/enhancements welcome.
Send to sisyphus at cpan dot org


This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or 
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Copyright 2006-2009, 2010,Sisyphus


Sisyphus <sisyphus at(@) cpan dot (.) org>