Changes for version 0.2000 - 2010-07-28
- Changed the API method mapping scheme to match with other language bindings (miyagawa, matkins)
- Auto generating POD documents using the mapping-methods.json (miyagawa)
- Support PUT and DELETE methods for properties (miyagawa)
- You can now specify TypePad API endpoint hostnames, for internal development (miyagawa)
- Added missing upload_media_asset function (paololim)
- Forces anonymous requests to use HTTP (paololim)
Client for the TypePad Platform
ApiKeys API methods
Applications API methods
Assets API methods
AuthTokens API methods
Badges API methods
Blogs API methods
Events API methods
ExternalFeedSubscriptions API methods
Favorites API methods
Groups API methods
Nouns API methods
ObjectTypes API methods
Relationships API methods
Users API methods
in lib/WWW/
in lib/WWW/TypePad/
in lib/WWW/TypePad/
in lib/WWW/TypePad/
in lib/WWW/TypePad/