GO::Handlers::godb - Stores parse XML in GO DB
my $handler = GO::Handler::godb->new;
my $apph = GO::AppHandle->new([-d=>"go_load"]);
my $parser = GO::Parser->new;
This module is for loading GO/OBO data into a GO Database; it handles ontologies AND associations
The input for this module is the XML events generated by one of the GO::Parser modules
This XML is transformed into "prestore" XML using GO::Handlers::godb_prestore which is part of the go_perl library - this prestore XML matches the GODB schema, which means a generic XML->DB mapping can be used.
the DBIx::DBStag module is used for storing the godb-prestore in the database
Usage - $handler->optimize_by_dtype('go_assoc', $append);
Returns -
Args - format str, bool [optional]
Optimizes DBIx::DBStag loading based on datatype
Certain tables will be cached by unique key
If $append is false, assumes you are loading some files for the first time, and there is no need to do a SELECT/UPDATE on certain tables - see code for details
If you are re-loading files, set $append=1