CPAN::Mirror::Tiny - create partial CPAN mirror (a.k.a. DarkPAN)


use CPAN::Mirror::Tiny;

my $cpan = CPAN::Mirror::Tiny->new(base => "./repository");

$cpan->write_index(compress => 1);

# $ find repository -type f
# repository/authors/id/V/VE/VENDOR/App-cpm-0.112.tar.gz
# repository/authors/id/V/VE/VENDOR/Carl-ff194fe.tar.gz
# repository/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz


CPAN::Mirror::Tiny helps you create partial CPAN mirror (also known as DarkPAN).


Yes, we already have great CPAN modules which create CPAN mirror.

CPAN::Mini, OrePAN2, WorePAN ...

I want to use such modules in CPAN clients. Actually I used OrePAN2 in Carl, which can install modules in or any servers.

Then minimal dependency and no dependency on XS modules is critical. Unfortunately existing CPAN mirror modules depend on XS modules.

This is why I made CPAN::Mirror::Tiny.


my $cpan = CPAN::Mirror::Tiny->new(%option)

Constructor. %option may be:

  • base

    Base directory for cpan mirror. This is required.

  • tempdir

    Temp directory. Default File::Temp::tempdir(CLEANUP => 1).

$cpan->inject($source, \%option)

Inject $source to our cpan mirror directory. $source is one of

  • local tar.gz path

    $cpan->inject('/path/to/Module.tar.gz', { author => "SKAJI" });
  • http url of tar.gz

    $cpan->inject('', { author => "DUMMY" });
  • git url (with optional commitish)

    $cpan->inject('git://', { author => "SKAJI" });

As seeing from the above examples, you can specify author in \%option. If you omit author, default VENDOR is used.

my $index_string = $cpan->index

Get the index (a.k.a. 02packages.details.txt) of our cpan mirror.

$cpan->write_index( compress => bool )

Write the index to $base/modules/02packages.details.txt or base/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz .


Copyright 2016 Shoichi Kaji <>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.