AI::MXNet::Module - FeedForward interface of MXNet. See AI::MXNet::Module::Base for the details.

Create a model from previously saved checkpoint.

prefix : str
    path prefix of saved model files. You should have
    "prefix-symbol.json", "prefix-xxxx.params", and
    optionally "prefix-xxxx.states", where xxxx is the
    epoch number.
epoch : int
    epoch to load.
load_optimizer_states : bool
    whether to load optimizer states. Checkpoint needs
    to have been made with save_optimizer_states=True.
data_names : array ref of str
    Default is ['data'] for a typical model used in image classification.
label_names : array ref of str
    Default is ['softmax_label'] for a typical model used in image
logger : Logger
    Default is AI::MXNet::Logging.
context : Context or list of Context
    Default is cpu(0).
work_load_list : array ref of number
    Default is undef, indicating an uniform workload.
fixed_param_names: array ref of str
    Default is undef, indicating no network parameters are fixed.


Save current progress to checkpoint. Use mx->callback->module_checkpoint as epoch_end_callback to save during training.

Parameters ---------- prefix : str The file prefix to checkpoint to epoch : int The current epoch number save_optimizer_states : bool Whether to save optimizer states for continue training


Checkpoint the model data into file.

prefix : str
    Prefix of model name.
epoch : int
    The epoch number of the model.
symbol : AI::MXNet::Symbol
    The input symbol
arg_params : hash ref of str to AI::MXNet::NDArray
    Model parameter, hash ref of name to AI::MXNet::NDArray of net's weights.
aux_params : hash ref of str to NDArray
    Model parameter, hash ref of name to AI::MXNet::NDArray of net's auxiliary states.
- prefix-symbol.json will be saved for symbol.
- prefix-epoch.params will be saved for parameters.


Bind the symbols to construct executors. This is necessary before one can perform computation with the module.

Parameters ---------- :$data_shapes : ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::DataDesc|NameShape] Typically is $data_iter->provide_data. :$label_shapes : Maybe[ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::DataDesc|NameShape]] Typically is $data_iter->provide_label. :$for_training : bool Default is 1. Whether the executors should be bind for training. :$inputs_need_grad : bool Default is 0. Whether the gradients to the input data need to be computed. Typically this is not needed. But this might be needed when implementing composition of modules. :$force_rebind : bool Default is 0. This function does nothing if the executors are already binded. But with this 1, the executors will be forced to rebind. :$shared_module : Module Default is undef. This is used in bucketing. When not undef, the shared module essentially corresponds to a different bucket -- a module with different symbol but with the same sets of parameters (e.g. unrolled RNNs with different lengths).


Reshape the module for new input shapes. Parameters ---------- :$data_shapes : ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::DataDesc] Typically is $data_iter->provide_data. :$label_shapes= : Maybe[ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::DataDesc]] Typically is $data_iter->provide_label.


Borrow optimizer from a shared module. Used in bucketing, where exactly the same optimizer (esp. kvstore) is used.

Parameters ---------- shared_module : AI::MXNet::Module


Synchronize parameters from devices to CPU. This function should be called after calling 'update' that updates the parameters on the devices, before one can read the latest parameters from $self->_arg_params and $self->_aux_params.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 226:

Unknown directive: =head