MXRtc object in mxnet.
This class allow you to write cuda kernel in perl
and call them with NDArray.
name : str
name of the kernel
inputs : tuple of (str, mxnet.ndarray)
list of input names and ndarray
outputs : tuple of (str, mxnet.ndarray)
list of output names and ndarray
kernel : str
the actual kernel code.
Note that this is only the body of the kernel, i.e.
after { and before }. Rtc will decorate the kernel.
For example, if name = "mykernel" and
inputs = [('x', mx.nd.zeros((10,)))]
outputs = [('y', mx.nd.zeros((10,)))]
kernel = "y[threadIdx.x] = x[threadIdx.x];",
the kernel that is compile will be:
extern "C" __global__ mykernel(float *x, float *y) {
const int x_ndim = 1;
const int x_dims = { 10 };
const int y_ndim = 1;
const int y_dims = { 10 };
y[threadIdx.x] = x[threadIdx.x];
run the kernel.
inputs : list of ndarray
list of input. Can be different ndarray then uses for constructor,
but must have the same shape and in the same order.
outputs : list of ndarray
list of out. Can be different ndarray then uses for constructor,
but must have the same shape and in the same order.
grid_dims : tuple of 3 uint
grid dimension for kernel launch
block_dims : tuple of 3 uint
block dimension for kernel launch
Module Install Instructions
To install AI::MXNet, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.