Changes for version 5.0.8
- Use Sys::Hostname rather than /bin/hostname for reading the hostname.
- Added `date_format` and `time_format` to the configuration file.
- Updated the `getBlog` function, available to plugins, to allow configuration variables to be read.
A static blog-compiler.
Simple configuration file reader.
Generate dated-posts.
Speedup the import process
Filter individual blog entries.
Generate archive pages.
Generate the blog-index.
Generate each blog page.
Generate a RSS feed for the blog.
Generate a sitemap automatically
Generate tags pages.
Support markdown-formatted input.
Support Multimarkdown-formatted input.
Execute commands after building the blog
Autopost entries in the future.
Execute commands before building the blog
Ignore draft posts.
Generate a list of tags.
Generate archives.
Make meta information available to templates
Generate recent posts.
Generate a list of recent tags.
Support textile-formatted input.
Attempt to fix malformed HTML.
Allow Youtube videos to be embedded.