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=head1 NAME
Chronicle::Plugin::Archived - Generate dated-posts.
This module is disabled by default, but if it is enabled your generated
blog will contain links to dated posts.
For example by default a blog entry might be generated with a URL such
as C<http://example.com/my_first_post.html>. With this module enabled
B<NOTE> If you enable or disable this plugin you will need to regenerate
your SQLite database.
See also C<Chronicle::Plugin::InPlacePosts>.
=head1 METHODS
Now follows documentation on the available methods.
use strict;
our $VERSION = "5.1.3";
=head2 on_insert
The C<on_insert> method is automatically invoked when a new blog post
must be inserted into the SQLite database, that might be because a post
is new, or because it has been updated.
The method is designed to return an updated blog-post structure,
after performing any massaging required. If the method returns undef
then the post is not inserted.
In this method we rewrite the link of the pending-post such that it
is prefixed with the year and month - turning the link into a dated
sub on_insert
my ( $self, %args ) = (@_);
my $dbh = $args{ 'dbh' };
my $config = $args{ 'config' };
my $data = $args{ 'data' };
# Convert the date of the post to a seconds past epoch.
my $date = str2time( $data->{ 'date' } );
# Now build up a new prefix for the file
$date = time2str( "%Y/%m/", $date );
# And prepend that to the link.
$data->{ 'link' }->path_prepend($date);
return ($data);
=head1 LICENSE
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either:
a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version,
b) the Perl "Artistic License".
=head1 AUTHOR
Steve Kemp <steve@steve.org.uk>