Chronicle::Plugin::Generate::Pages - Generate each blog page.


This module will be invoked automatically when your site is built via the on_generate hook which Chronicle provides.

It is responsible for creating each distinct blog post page.


Now follows documentation on the available methods.


The on_generate method is automatically invoked to generate output pages. This particular plugin method is invoked after any on_initiate methods which might be present.

This method is responsible for generating each distinct blog-post for your site, via the theme-template entry.tmpl.

If pages have previously been generated, and exist on-disk already, then we skip regenerating them unless either:

The --force flag was used.
The post was written within the past ten days, and comments are enabled.

The latter point is designed to ensure that a rebuild will pick up any recent comments added to your posts without manual attention.


This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either:

a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version, or

b) the Perl "Artistic License".


Steve Kemp <>