=head1 NAME
Blog::Spam::Plugin::surbl - Discard comments with surbl-listed URLs.
=head1 ABOUT
This plugin is designed to discard comments which contain URLS which
are listed in the surbl database.
For more details of the surbl service please consult:
=over 8
=head1 AUTHOR
=over 4
=item Steve Kemp
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 by Steve Kemp. All rights reserved.
This module is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
The LICENSE file contains the full text of the license.
use strict;
=begin doc
Constructor. Called when this plugin is instantiated.
=end doc
sub new
my ( $proto, %supplied ) = (@_);
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = {};
# verbose?
$self->{ 'verbose' } = $supplied{ 'verbose' } || 0;
bless( $self, $class );
return $self;
=begin doc
Lookup each URL in the body of the comment and test against surbl.org
=end doc
sub testComment
my ( $self, %params ) = (@_);
# Get the body content, which will always be present.
my $body = $params{ 'comment' };
# The URLs in the body, if any.
my %URLS;
# Create the helper
my $finder = URI::Find->new(
sub {
my ( $uri, $orig_uri ) = @_;
$URLS{ $uri } += 1;
return $orig_uri;
} );
# Populate the hash of URLs with anything in the body.
my $count_found = $finder->find( \$body );
# No URLS? No further testing then.
return "OK" if ( $count_found < 1 );
# Create the DNS helper
my $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver;
# Now test each URL
foreach my $url ( keys %URLS )
# Only HTTP sites.
if ( $url =~ /http:\/\/([^\/]+)\// )
$url = $1;
# First attempt
my $packet = $res->query( "$url.multi.surbl.org", "A" );
if ( ( defined($packet) ) &&
( defined( $packet->answer() ) ) )
return ("SPAM:$url in surbl.org");
# Second attempt
if ( $url =~ /^([^\.]+)\.(.*)$/ )
$url = $2;
$packet = $res->query( "$url.multi.surbl.org", "A" );
if ( ( defined($packet) ) &&
( defined( $packet->answer() ) ) )
return ("SPAM:$url in surbl.org");
# Should be clean.
return ("OK");