CGI::Application::Plugin::Throttle - Limit accesses to runmodes.


use CGI::Application::Plugin::Throttle;

# Your application
sub setup {

  # Create a redis handle
  my $redis = Redis->new();

  # Configure throttling
  $self->throttle()->configure( redis => $redis,
                                prefix => "REDIS:KEY:PREFIX",
                                limit => 100,
                                period => 60,
                                exceeded => "slow_down_champ" );


This module allows you to enforce a throttle on incoming requests to your application, based upon the remote IP address.

This module stores a count of accesses in a Redis key-store, and once hits from a particular source exceeed the specified threshold the user will be redirected to the run-mode you've specified.


Users who share IP addresses, because they are behind a common-gateway for example, will all suffer if the threshold is too low. We attempt to mitigate this by building the key using a combination of the remote IP address, and the remote user-agent.

This module will apply to all run-modes, because it seems likely that this is the most common case. If you have a preference for some modes to be excluded please do contact the author.



Force the throttle method into the caller's namespace, and configure the prerun hook which is used by CGI::Application.



This method is used internally, and not expected to be invoked externally.

The defaults are setup here, although they can be overridden in the </"configure"> method.


Gain access to the throttle object.


This method is invoked by CGI::Application, as a hook.

The method is responsible for determining whether the remote client which triggered the current request has exceeded their request threshold.

If the client has made too many requests their intended run-mode will be changed to to redirect them.


This method is what the user will invoke to configure the throttle-limits.

It is expected that within the users CGI::Application setup method there will be code similar to this:

sub setup {
    my $self = shift;

    my $r = Redis->new();

    $self->throttle()->configure( %args )

The arguments hash contains the following known keys:


A Redis handle object.


The maximum number of requests that the remote client may make, in the given period of time.


The period of time which requests are summed for. The period is specified in second and if more thant limit requests are sent then the client will be redirected.


This module uses Redis to store the counts of client requests. Redis is a key-value store, and each key used by this module is given a prefix to avoid collisions. You may specify your own prefix here.


The run_mode to redirect the client to, when their request-count has exceeded the specified limit.


Steve Kemp <>


Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Kemp <>.

This library is free software. You can modify and or distribute it under the same terms as Perl itself.