use 5.010;
# add existing alien files to path etc
# not very elegant...
# disable for now - config tests fail
# might also be able to access via old hash via
my $have_alien_gdal = eval 'require Alien::gdal';
if (0 && $have_alien_gdal) {
my $ag_version = Alien::gdal->version;
say "Found existing gdal via alien ($ag_version) in " . Alien::gdal->dist_dir;
#say -e Alien::gdal->dist_dir . '/lib/pkgconfig/' . 'gdal.pc';
# append the relevant path
my $sep = ($^O =~ /mswin/i) ? ';' : ':';
= Alien::gdal->dist_dir . '/lib/pkgconfig/'
. $sep
. ($ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} // '');
$ENV{PATH} = Alien::gdal->dist_dir . '/bin' . $sep . $ENV{PATH};
use Cwd;
my $base_dir = getcwd();
my $patch_file = "$base_dir/patch_isnan_gcc.patch";
say "Patch file is $patch_file";
#say -r $patch_file or die $!;
my $min_target_version = '2.2.0';
plugin 'PkgConfig' => (
pkg_name => 'gdal',
minimum_version => $min_target_version,
# we need to probe for gdal v2
# Do we need this probe? PkgConfig seems to handle things?
#plugin 'Probe::CommandLine' => (
# command => 'gdalwarp',
# args => [ '--version' ],
# match => qr/GDAL 2\.[0-9\.]+/,
# version => qr/GDAL ([0-9\.]+)/,
# secondary => 1,
# #minimum_version => $min_target_version,
# some feedback
say '$ENV{PATH} is ' . $ENV{PATH};
#print 'gdalwarp version is ' . ($1 //'') ."\n";
share {
plugin Download => (
version => qr/^gdal-([0-9\.]+)\.tar\.gz$/,
plugin Extract => 'tar.gz';
if ($^O =~ /mswin/i) {
# fix known issue in 2.2.3, but need to make this more conditional
# as it should be fixed in 2.2.4
patch [
'%{patch} --verbose --backup port/cpl_port.h < ' . $patch_file,
plugin 'Build::Autoconf' => ();
my $build_static = ($^O =~ /mswin/i) ? '' : '--disable-shared';
# disable by default - we don't want huge binaries and likely don't need a static build
# but travis CI has a 4MB log limit which we otherwise hit
# ? '--disable-shared'
# : '';
$build_static = '' if $ENV{FORCE_DYNAMIC};
my $make_cmd = '%{make}';
# try not to fill up the cpan-testers disk space,
# but need to think more on the approach - the || will likely trap any fails,
# thus installation will proceed regardless
#if ($^O =~ /mswin/i) {
# $make_cmd .= q/ | perl -ne "BEGIN {$|=1; open our $log, q|>|, q|build.log|}; print qq|\n| if 0 == ($. %% 100); print q|.|; print {$log} $_;" || type build.log/;
#else {
# $make_cmd .= q/ | perl -ne 'BEGIN {$|=1; open our $log, ">", "build.log"}; print "\n" if 0 == ($. % 90); print "."; print {$log} $_;' || cat build.log/;
print "Running under automated testing\n";
$make_cmd .= q/ | perl -ne "BEGIN {$|=1; open our $log, q|>|, q|build.log|}; print qq|\n| if 0 == ($. %% 100); print q|.|; print {$log} $_;" || type build.log/;
if (not $^O =~ /mswin/) {
$make_cmd =~ s/%%/%/;
$make_cmd =~ s/type/cat/;
$make_cmd =~ s/"/'/g;
# the build step is only necessary if you need to customize the
# options passed to ./configure. The default set by the
# Build::Autoconf plugin is frequently sufficient.
build [
'%{configure} ' . $build_static,
'%{make} install',
sub patch_pkgconfig {
#my $gdal_config_file = 'bin/gdal-config';
#my $pkg_config_file = 'lib/pkgconfig/gdal.pc';
my @gdal_configs
= File::Find::Rule->file()
->name( 'gdal-config' )
->in( '.' );
my @pkg_configs
= File::Find::Rule->file()
->name( 'gdal.pc' )
->in( '.' );
say 'gdal-configs: ' . join ' ', @gdal_configs;
say 'pkg-configs: ' . join ' ', @pkg_configs;
return if !@gdal_configs || !@pkg_configs;
open my $gc_fh, '<', $gdal_configs[0] or die $!;
my $dep_libs = '';
while (defined (my $line = <$gc_fh>)) {
if ($line =~ /CONFIG_DEP_LIBS=(.+)$/) {
$dep_libs = $1;
close $gc_fh;
# trim quotes (could do in prev check, but...)
$dep_libs =~ s/^\"//;
$dep_libs =~ s/\"$//;
open my $pk_fh, '<', $pkg_configs[0] or die $!;
my @pkg_conf;
while (defined (my $line = <$pk_fh>)) {
push @pkg_conf, $line;
close $pk_fh;
# change all (we should be more nuanced and do only the one that matters)
foreach my $pkg_config_file (@pkg_configs) {
say "Adding gdal dep_libs to $pkg_config_file";
# now add the dep libs to the pkg_conf file
open $pk_fh, '>', $pkg_config_file or die $!;
foreach my $line (@pkg_conf) {
if ($line =~ /^CONFIG_INST_LIBS/) {
chomp $line;
$line .= ' ' . $dep_libs . "\n";
print {$pk_fh} $line;
close $pk_fh;