Changes for version 1.03_009 - 2018-04-17
- Disable static build options to reduce build size (it was too big for many cpan testers). Total size should be ~1GB on most systems now.
Changes for version 1.03_008 - 2018-04-17
- disable cpp11 on freebsd to avoid CAD build failures
Changes for version 1.03_007 - 2018-04-16
- patch configure so we generate a shared build on freebsd
Changes for version 1.03_006 - 2018-04-16
- bsd variants use --with-local config arg to ensure /usr/local/include is used
Changes for version 1.03_005 - 2018-04-14
- try to add /usr/local/include to include path on bsd variants
Changes for version 1.03_004 - 2018-04-13
- use internal tiff library to avoid cpan testers fails
Changes for version 1.03_003 - 2018-04-11
- Use plugin for GNU make on bsd variants
Changes for version 1.03_002 - 2018-04-11
- Force use of gmake on freebsd
Changes for version 1.03_001 - 2018-04-10
- Use a dynamic build on all platforms by default
Compile gdal, the Geographic Data Abstraction Library