Changes for version 2.55_001 - 2014-02-12

  • Shawn Laffan
  • Add Geo::ShapeFile::Shape::Index as a simple 2-d block based index.
  • Geo::Shape::ShapeFile now uses a spatial index for the segments. This speeds up the contains_point routines by about 50-70% when used. The index is opt-in at the moment, so will have no effect on existing code.
  • Geo::ShapeFile::get_part now returns an array ref in scalar context.
  • Geo::ShapeFile::Point::angle_to now works.
  • Many of the undocumented methods have been renamed to use a leading underscore, as they are private methods. This avoids a number of POD test warnings.
  • Add parent, POSIX and autovovofication to the list of dependencies in the makefile.


Perl extension for handling ESRI GIS Shapefiles.
Geo::ShapeFile utility class.
Geo::ShapeFile utility class.
Geo::ShapeFile utility class.
